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Traffic Value: $15,174.80528 Netherlands
20 like this post 4 people
14/01/2015 20:43
can all those people complaining about the low ads please shut the F..K up! Why don't you try to understand the PV system first: you don't lose BAP's as long as you don't get ads and you'll get ads as long as you have BAP's, so effectively it really doesn't matter if you have big ads or low ads, you'll receive them as long as you have BAP. It just takes a little longer to climb the BAP group but what do you expect: to get rich overnight?

What is the problem with these members!
Traffic Value: $1,028.50149 Spain
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14/01/2015 20:45
@forpXes is not like you only invest for cashout, you can invest a lot regarding to buy lots of shares, for example, or getting to higher group, and also the option of the three of them. And you can cashout by many ways, bank wire allows you 3000$ per day, so... I think that the limit is necessary, it's a better option to allow the big users to buy the capacity that small ones don't use.
Traffic Value: $866.95481 United States
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14/01/2015 20:46
I'm not whining, only curious as to when the ads will pick up like before. I was stoked with the 2 weeks of big ads but it kinda watered down.
Traffic Value: $1,079.62867 Hungary
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14/01/2015 20:51

Be happy. Better than nothing. smile
Traffic Value: $868.5955 Netherlands
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14/01/2015 20:51
The past few days a lot of people was complaining about the amount of ads/money received on the mini and mega upgrades.

For myself i did see a huge change on my mini upgrade, from getting 1.50$ in 5 days it moved to $6.55 the last 2 days after jo told us it was fixed.

I went on and bought my first mega upgrade as well and was happy to get about $8.50 n my first days with a total of 7 ads. Today my mega upgrade only gave me 4 ads with a total value slightly over 7$. 

 I am just wondering what everybody elses experience is with the mega upgrade the last few days. 
Is it normal i get in ads on my mega upgrade ?

Its my first time mega upgrade so i am not sure what to expect, but i have seen screenshots from members getting 10x10$ ads on it so i am kinda confused
Traffic Value: $2,211.17614 France
3 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 20:54
jo don't forget  work on poker BAP who is more useful  for our stability than work  on a chatroom or new interface of MTV  in my opinion 
 think First at products who generate of funds or   decrease the debt BAP
if not the next SWAP is in 6 month 

THANK YOU and good luck with lawers of N.Ywink
Traffic Value: $4,062.60474 United States
15 like this post 1 people
14/01/2015 21:05
It amazes me how people on here are whinning about low ad issue you are not gonna find a program that pays you as much as Jo does looking at a 30 second ad rather its a .50 or $1000.00  you got paid to do just about nothing so suck it up and keep on clicking or go back to the .01 clicks and you might get a dollar in 90 days from
Traffic Value: $196.63557 Kenya
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14/01/2015 21:08
while I have not received my ads today!
Traffic Value: $3,227.40257 Poland
6 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 21:11
yes man yes finally, you see how much plans 186 and 250 are waste of money !!, debt creator, pump this money into ads issue, plans are old and you dont need it anymore !
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
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14/01/2015 21:15

Sure kinda pisses ya' off some days doesn't it? I know it does me.

Gimme. Gimme. Gimme. That's all I seem to hear some days. Sounds like it's even
starting to grate on Jo a little. Two weeks ago people wanted to burn him at the stake
and now, when everything happened just the way he said, the system is healthier than
ever (may need some tweaking it sounds like), but it's still not good enough.
Traffic Value: $9,354.801 Slovenia
15 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 21:17
People still don't understand Jo is one step ahead of every single one of us. Every desision he makes gets a lot of hate at the moment but after few weeks everyone loves it. That just proofs that Jo outsmarts 99% of people here and he has everything planed in head before saying anything.
Traffic Value: $4,062.60474 United States
1 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 21:23

yep everything Jo told us has happened he has been active in the forum and overall a god sport considering all the bashing he got most of the whinning is from new people that don't have a clue about these kind of programs I trust in Jo and will follow his lead he hasn't done me wrong yet
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
8 like this post 1 people
14/01/2015 21:28
Looks like we just sold our first $500 250% upgrade.
Traffic Value: $3,785.18396 Germany
2 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 21:29
Oh f.. when changed the price for the 250% access? That is/maybe was my next goal currently -.-
Traffic Value: $976.46717 Venezuela
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14/01/2015 21:44
porque hubieron pocos anuncios hoy?
Traffic Value: $3,834.0699 United Kingdom
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14/01/2015 21:45
" We've increased the 250% plan access fee from $250 up to $500/year. And I'm looking into potentially restructuring our plans a bit to make everything more sustainable // reduce the burden on our portfolio. As 3.6x might be a bit high.
... I've got my eye on the "instant result contributions" money... I think that can be used in a more productive manner.

Jo  "

How much will you reduce plans?

Lately many big users put money into 250% plan and in 3 months it will be huge money back.

Share made people reach but will plan hold this if they put some of this money into 250% ?

This week will be over 1m I believe in plans.Which mean MTV will have to pay back 1.5M.

Will time increase from under 100 days till people get money back from plans?
Traffic Value: $32,122.18249 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
4 like this post 1 people
14/01/2015 21:45
looking forward for the new restructure of investment plans smile

The situation right now is that plans create debt AND revenue unlike other products which are pure revenue makers(except pv)
plans daily contributions have risen drastically over a last week or two in comparison to the other non-debt products which have not risen that much.

which means we have a situation where we need to start covering that debt(sooner the better) either by restructuring out plans and putting less strain on our portfolio as Jo said or we'll need more pure revenue making products to pick up the pace with the raising debt.
Traffic Value: $1,873.50137 Spain
5 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 21:46
I've just read now that you are thinking about selling ebooks in PV. I've suggested that a few weeks ago (I think it was on 17th december more or less). But I didn't suggested only that. I put here a part of the message that I wrote you on that day: 

"The second thing I want to talk about is that: you asked us some days ago to give you some ideas for your bussines. Well, as I've been ill during the last four days and my fever has been very high, I've had a lot of time, lying in bed, to think about all. And I've had one idea. Maybe it isn't a good one, as it's product of a high body temperature,  but I'll explain it to you. I think it could be a good idea for Paidverts to sell unloads of films or ebooks. As you can see, I'm from Spain. You know, crisis has beaten very hard this country. My salary is the only one in my home, and I have two small mouthes to fill everyday. As a result, going to the cinema is something that has completely dissapeared from my life (and also to buy books). And when I look to prices of unloads in Amazon and other sites, they are still too expensive for me. And the same with ebooks. Of course I have the solution to unloaded them illegaly. But, althouth I've used sometimes this option, I don't like it because I think everyone has the right to be paid for the work he's done. And now, let me put you an example. Let's suppose you sell in Paidverts,  Bambi for the same price as in Amazon (I've searched it right now in the web),that means 10 euros (about 12 $). Then I see the price and I decide to invest 12 $ in Paidverts. So I get 37,200 bonus ads. At the end of some days, these 37,200 bonus ads has been converted to me in 18.6$. If I reinvest this amount again,  I'll have 57,660 bonus ads wich will be converted in 28.83. It means a benefit of 28.83-12= 16.83. I can decide to recover, or not, my 12 $, But I can pay the film with the benefits, and still I have a profit of 4.83$.I don't know if it could be a good business for you or not, but maybe it is" 
Traffic Value: $1,654.17 Spain
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14/01/2015 22:09
ni idea @cam !!
Traffic Value: $3,785.18396 Germany
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14/01/2015 22:12
Well, 2nd $500 upgrade sold. Gave up some shares for it cwy

But 365 days should be more than enough to recover that $250 I missed due to waiting :>
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