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Traffic Value: $3,553.39286 India
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15/01/2015 17:17
@ loiezar u r D K BOSS
Traffic Value: $77.94675 India
2 like this post 0 people
15/01/2015 18:02
wow! I am here after a long time! Entered with 0 BAp, Now 49000 after 2 hours! I deposited all my BTC here
Traffic Value: $221.69598 Slovenia
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15/01/2015 18:14
Another bug on stock market:

Terkrub2 0 337
Traffic Value: $197.92733 United States
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15/01/2015 18:39
Did anyone do the 5 cent upgrade/recycles in the last hour or so?  Any decent ads? I need about 1700 to move to move up a group (to 180K+ group).  Would LOVE to do so before ad issue.

I do not have a balance to buy shares (to quickly sell for BAP) and have no balance in PayPal to quickly buy ads for BAP. (money has to be pulled from checking and it takes around 3 business days, judging from what happened last week). 

Soooo, I was hoping for a quick $1 or so from recycles. If not ... oh, well ... I'll move up tomorrow then.
hrjustinptc - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $8,376.82638 United States
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15/01/2015 18:51
You can use Paypal it will do an instant bank transfer to cover the purchase if you have no Paypal balance. 
Traffic Value: $197.92733 United States
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15/01/2015 18:56
No, it doesn't. This is what happened last week. I still had to wait 3 or so business days for the transaction to post to checking before it changed the PayPal transaction number which showed PV/MTV support that they received the money. It definitely was not instant by any means. It has only been instant for me IF there was funds in my PayPal account already.
Traffic Value: $593.70654 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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15/01/2015 19:02
this guy "gghuanhuan"  buys shares for 200 each!! support ticket is already sent by other member but I think that should be posted too, for everybody to see 
Traffic Value: $210.0078 Bulgaria
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15/01/2015 19:41
hi smile whats happen whit today ads ? 
Traffic Value: $32,122.18249 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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15/01/2015 19:46

how is my post pointless? well, only for the people that have already upgraded it is but eventually their upgrade will expire.

you do realize the upgrade fee you pay is not for lifetime but only 365 days?

after that you pay the fee again to access the plan OR you start thinking to yourself how much money you have left for investing and which one of the 2 plans is more profitable.

considering you don't have an upgrade
let's say you have only 700$ available to invest, you would be stupid to invest that in 250 plan,
or if you had 7000$, you would be stupid to invest that in 186% plan.

I hope you get what I'm trying to say
Traffic Value: $3,305.77178 Spain
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15/01/2015 19:51
Hello, what time will give the ads today ???

Traffic Value: $135.45321 Spain
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15/01/2015 19:58
iii: Angel:
Traffic Value: $2,427.3754 Belgium
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15/01/2015 19:59
Before end time serversmile
Traffic Value: $4,371.00849 Romania
2 like this post 0 people
15/01/2015 20:01
Of course, you u have 2 cents it's normal to put in 186%.

But let's take your example again
186% plan > 1953$*1.86 = 3632,58$
250% plan > (1953$-500$) = 1453$*2.5 = 3632,50$"

So, if I have less than 1953$, I must put in the 186% plan?
But, what I say is: who sais that I want to make (break even) from the first que the money what I make with 186% plan?
Eg From your POV if I have 1500$ is better if I put them in 186%.
But I choose 250%. Let me explain to you:
1500-500=1000 x 2.5 = 2500
2500 x 2.5 = 6250
6250 x 2.5 = 15625

In 186%
1500 x 1.86 = 2790
2790 x 1.86 = 5189
5189 x 1.86 = 9651

So? Am I clear now? 
U don't have to break even from the first que.
The key is reinvesting AND........patience.
Traffic Value: $101.12285 Peru
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15/01/2015 20:13
@beyre I've have gotten just 4 cents with the upgrade since i think is not a good day...
Traffic Value: $31.01948 Slovenia
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15/01/2015 20:40

i dont agree completely with you. I would that: First i will invest in to 186% plan and two other times i will put my profit into 250% plan smile.
Traffic Value: $4,371.00849 Romania
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15/01/2015 20:46
Ok, it's an option. Another option. But you'll make less profit after 3 que.

But we talk about something else.
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