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Jan 14th - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $2,066.50335 Korea Republic of
12 like this post 2 people
14/01/2015 02:41
forget about ads, the real opportunity is in shares. 
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
20 like this post 1 people
14/01/2015 02:42
@lg1500, I'm not sure if you're complaining about the daily ad issue or not. However, based on your post, it means that there was a total of $2,409,000 worth of bulk ad purchases within that 5-day period that you posted. Here's the business model:

- $0.10 of purchases go to MTV portfolio
- $0.10 of purchases go to your upline.
- $0.10 are paid to the user over 10 days, a 1% value ad will be issued each day.
- $0.10 creates 10x1% ads that are issued to "super user upgraded users" at random
- $0.10 are added to the daily ad issue ($0.05 today, $0.05 tomorrow)
- $0.50 is invested at MTV to return 2.5x (via the FT250 plan, or buying & selling shares)

So only 10% is used for the daily ad issue (and is divided into 2 days) and the rest would come from the FT and shares.

Let's go back to that $ 2.409 Million bulk ad purchases made in the last 5 days. 10% of that value is $240,900. Check the daily ad issues for the last five days:

Today - $64146
Yesterday - $37325 
Jan 12th - $181788
Jan 11th - $143303 
Jan 10th - No daily ad issue although Jo sent a lot of small valued ads

Total - $426462

So the 10% was well used in the ad issues.
Traffic Value: $3,227.40257 Poland
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14/01/2015 02:42
yeah people bought much bulk ads, and money going to cover future debt i think.. We will be getting low ads, yes i telling low, becouse i compare money invested by users to ads issued.
Traffic Value: $866.95481 United States
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14/01/2015 02:42
Jo, when will ads become big like it was after the BAP swap? Seems like we are starting to water down like last year.

P.S. Not complaining just generally curious since I want to know what to tell my refferals.
Traffic Value: $890.84567 Canada
2 like this post 1 people
14/01/2015 02:48
Jo, have a safe trip, and make sure you have lots of warm clothes as it is very cold up in this neck of the woods.

P.S. I am happy with today's ads, thank you.
Traffic Value: $34.53077 Philippines
6 like this post 1 people
14/01/2015 02:49
Not really complaining about the Daily Ads Issued, but PV said they did the Swap to free PV from debt and for PV to issue bigger Ads this year? and isnt it suppose to be better than last year because some PV members are still not converting their Shares to BAP, meaning fewer members in each group compared to last year?

Im not looking for bashers, i just want to be enlightened with the truth.
Traffic Value: $2,592,904.1508 Spain
34 like this post 2 people
14/01/2015 02:53
I'm focusing on investing to buying back shares at the moment... and I think a few low days of ads will be good for people. As when the big issues return shortly, you might appreciate them a bit better.

Plus i'm kinda curious to see how long low ad issues take to noticably impact ad sales... what's the spillover time. (And whether that's balanced by liquidating shares; allowing people to buy more ads)

But ad issues will always go up and down, and we've definitely not seen the last of the big results.
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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14/01/2015 02:56
@Verloren, try to compare the number of participants from last week and this week. You'll see that the number of participants for each group has increased. In fact, there are even Groups that have doubled in size. The increase in the number of participants was brought upon by hitting the $0.07 share.

The spikes in earnings that we'll be getting from now on will be dependent on the FT plans of Paidverts that will be maturing and the revenue that will be generated from shares.
Traffic Value: $866.95481 United States
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14/01/2015 02:56

That makes more sense. So can we expect ads to pick up in around a week or two? I'm thinking ad purchases have probably lowered since the price of shares are rising (which is awesome, wish I sold my 1000 shares now instead of when it was 160 BAP).
Traffic Value: $17,897.90531 United States
1 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 02:57
Jo, You have a bid to sell over 300k shares in just under 0.11 
Traffic Value: $3,227.40257 Poland
4 like this post 5 people
14/01/2015 02:57

are you mad ?, share prize depend from business model success.
share are pumped and this bubble will blow in some point.
there is much people who made 100x+ in last 9 months.
on the top 5-10 % people will make huge money on selling shares, and last people in line will loss most money.
example: user Brainy made 1 mln usd from 10k usd most on shares.
990.000 usd profit, this mean there is 990.000 usd from all other users money, if you dont understand how bubble work then try use imagination, or do you math

right now total share value is 38.000.000 usd, but try sell 10.000.000 shares for 1 mln usd without drop prize 5x under 0.02 usd
Traffic Value: $496.56049 United States
20 like this post 3 people
14/01/2015 02:58
@ all talking about "major advertisers--

Good luck with that.

With all due respect, no top flight company--like Bradford Exchange, Coca Cola, etc., will advertise on PV while it is the way it is now. We might be able to entice them to sponsor non-gambling games themed to their business--like a bottle cap shooting game for Coke, for instance. Or they might buy banners or buttons. But PTC ads, HERE? That will NEVER happen.

Why? Quite simply put--the advertising on PV isn't worth it. One of my clients just took delivery of his new ebook, with all the bells and whistles--splash pages, banners, buttons, and the 12 part strategy mailings to load on the auto responder he has, and 12 newsletters (with more to come, we're doing one every 2 weeks for this project). He has budgeted 500.00 per month for 3 months to get his new product decent exposure and standing in Clickbank--just as he does with every product I write for him, since we have found this gets him the best returns.

And as always, he went with Clixsense for advertising, and will continue to do so until I find something that works as good, or better. He asked me if I had anywhere "new" for him, out of curiosity--I never even mentioned PV, and I won't.

Between all of my clients, they probably spend 25-30 thousand dollars a year advertising on PTC sites I recommend to them, and traffic exchanges I recommend, and until/unless PV changes drastically, it will never be on my (very) short list of recommended advertising/traffic sites.

I'm sure a lot of you will be upset/p*ssed off by that--but that's the way it is. My clients pay me good money to make them VERY good money--and they pay me even more for solid advice. I won't tarnish my business reputation advising bad products/services. I will use them myself--but I won't recommend them to others.

My clients expect to be able to go to an active site, set up an ad campaign, and have it live within minutes to a few hours at most. Then, because I send them to the best places, they are usually receiving sales/signups within hours, and typically making a clear profit in a day, since I write very well.

Does that happen on PV? FORGET IT. I have ad campaigns that have been active for weeks, and I am far from the only person in that position.

My clients are used to getting a 5% or higher--usually closer to 8%--conversion rate when they advertise  new products/websites/newsletters at Clixsense and the other premier sites in this business, like Inbox Dollars, and Send Earnings. When they spring for the really expensive campaigns on Inboxdollars--paid signups there cost the client anywhere from 1-3.00 each--they get conversion rates over 20%, plus highly responsive additions to mailing lists and newsletters. One of my "penny pincher" newsletters a client commissioned regularly gets a 40% or higher conversion rate. 

I wrote a 24 issue newsletter series for a client on losing belly fat fast, and advertising when I recommended, he ended up with 30,000 subscribers by the 5th issue, and made thousands of dollars worth of Clickbank sales, Amazon sales, and other affiliate commissions during the life of the newsletter. He is continuing to make sales from those newsletters, the list he built off it, and the two websites connected with it--and in his case, we did almost 75% of the advertising on traffic exchanges--he spent less than 300.00 on advertising total in 3 months.  

He STILL gets signups for the newsletter--since it's sent through an autorepsonder, he'll be using those forever, with occasional updates in the form of mini ebooks showcasing the newest stuff twice a year.

If anyone here is getting a higher then .01% conversion rate for a program/product, I'd be very surprised.  I know that personally, I can count on the fingers of 2 hands the number of signups I have gotten to the programs I have advertised on PV--and most of those refs have done NOTHING in those programs.

As an example, I have been advertising Jill's Clicks corner on PV--and have gotten 2 signups I know of. The same program averages 6-8 signups a DAY when I run it on my traffic exchanges--and those signups click, buy advertising, and upgrade. None of the other things I advertise here have resulted in anywhere near a typical ROI either. 

The ONLY reason I continued to advertise here was to work my way into group 8--and now that I am finally "there", by the way, the last few days of ad issues have been no better than what I got in group 7 before the famous BAP swap. 

I wouldn't even bother to advertise any program here that I wanted to get signups in, or wanted to make sales of--since the ad I PAID FOR would be sitting around for who knows how long before it even begins running, and then I would get the worst advertising conversions of any PTC I belong to, based on historic data I have kept since I joined PV.

Serious marketers and large companies want to see actual results for their money. They expect their ads to begin running immediately, they expect sales and signup rates at least twice what the old mass mailing campaigns get them at the very least--and generally far higher. 

In other words, they expect fast service and real results--two things PV definitely doesn't offer,l and judging from the ratio of ad campaigns waiting in my account alone vs. the size of the ad issues, it never will.
Traffic Value: $1,685.19331 Cyprus
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14/01/2015 03:02
I think that group 7 has a little problem, the 2.5 dollars came but the 5 dollars are yet to come, they are maybe at their way though.  
Traffic Value: $17,897.90531 United States
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14/01/2015 03:03
Well it's a good thing I was never even considering the usual ad campaigns for the advertising I was talking about. smile
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
8 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 03:05
@chrystalia, if you want to get your ads seen quicker, then Cheap Traffic is the best way to go and not the bulk ads since the delivery guarantee is 14 days as opposed to the 180 days for bulk ads.
Traffic Value: $2,592,904.1508 Spain
24 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 03:05

You raise a point there, with slow ad delivery. And we don't really accomodate legitimate advertisers just yet. Other than cheap traffic ads, but they only target low value users.

Once our targetted ads system is online, all will change. As then you can get PTC advertising, targeting HIGH VALUE users. That's when PV is going to change the game.

As how many users with hundreds of thousands of dollars are clicking penny ads at Clixsense? Not a lot. But we have a whole bunch!
Traffic Value: $834.04364 Viet Nam
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14/01/2015 03:07
What happening to issued
Traffic Value: $1,498.96625 Argentina
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14/01/2015 03:12
porn ad
Please delete it and apply sanction to this user, it is a porn website
Traffic Value: $680.27326 Philippines
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14/01/2015 03:18
@paidverts /@Jo

What are we waiting for before we launch targeted traffic ads?
Traffic Value: $3,553.39286 India
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14/01/2015 03:26
have u received to day adissue completely ? i hav received yet 1% pesonal only so is there delay or it only to me?
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