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Traffic Value: $32,122.18249 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
29 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 22:47
just a note regarding FT250 fee increase and profitability of our both plans

for members not having a 250 plan upgrade previously when the fee was 250$,
186 and 250 plan broke even on 977$ investment and gave back same ROI

186% plan > 977$*1.86 = 1817,22$
250% plan > (977$-250$) = 727$*2.5 = 1817,50$

any amount invested below 977$ was more profitable in 186% plan and anything above that was better off in 250% plan

This situation has changed since the fee is 500$ now and that means the break even point for both plans is 1953$ now according to the math.

186% plan > 1953$*1.86 = 3632,58$
250% plan > (1953$-500$) = 1453$*2.5 = 3632,50$

It's not the actual mathematical break even point as you can see but it's the closest to the break even point and the difference between both investments are minimal(few cents). I rounded the investments off to no decimal spaces as you cannot invest cents in plans.

hope this helps some people in making decision between the plans!

Traffic Value: $1,892.40765 Slovenia
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14/01/2015 23:01
Traffic Value: $1,368.66418 Spain
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14/01/2015 23:09
a little question,,, if i invest in the 250%,,,, how many days or months need to return the invesment??
Traffic Value: $2,218.90192 Korea Republic of
1 like this post 1 people
14/01/2015 23:17
We need to find a point for 250% plan
where it gives maximum profit for mtv but doesn't let people not upgrade too much.

However, if it reduces 250% plan debt,
it will be also fine 
Traffic Value: $197.92733 United States
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15/01/2015 00:21
NOT a complaint ... just making sure I'm am not the only one .... but has anyone received their mini or mega SUU this evening (server change which happened 20 mins ago)?  Are recycled ads gummin' up the works again? Or just I am not going to receive anything tonight? Just curious!
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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15/01/2015 00:30
@beyre, The 1% ads usually arrive 30 mins to an hour or 2. At least that's what I've noticed in my account.
Traffic Value: $890.84567 Canada
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15/01/2015 00:35
SolveMedia captchas are impossible today. I had to switch to recaptcha and that is working great. I should have switched sooner, but I like typing the captchas, as it helps pass the time. 30 seconds is a long time to wait doing nothing.

No 1% ads for me either yet, but I'm not worried. They will come.
Traffic Value: $890.84567 Canada
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15/01/2015 00:38
they have started.
Traffic Value: $197.92733 United States
2 like this post 0 people
15/01/2015 00:40
Thanks so much you two.

Yesterday, I had to switch to reCaptcha because solvemedia's were getting way too hard to see or decipher.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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15/01/2015 00:42
close to switching
Traffic Value: $197.92733 United States
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15/01/2015 00:45
Do, dguy ..... reCaptcha is SO much easier.
Traffic Value: $197.92733 United States
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15/01/2015 00:46
hmmm only 18 one cent ads for my mini SUU. Ah well ... better than nuttin'! cool
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
3 like this post 0 people
15/01/2015 00:49
@beyre, that's probably because the system is not done issuing 1% ads yet. It's not like all ads automatically appear in our accounts at once. They're queued from lowest to highest value.
Traffic Value: $197.92733 United States
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15/01/2015 00:54
I just realized that and was going to revise my post ....

Typically I see from highest to lowest instead, so I assumed that was I was getting. Plus the fact that there was a large lull between the one cent ads and the remaining ads. 

I'm antsy because I need to get to bed soon (it's going on 8pm here) and get up at 2am for an early job 2.5 hours away (I do inventory for various retail businesses).
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
1 like this post 0 people
15/01/2015 00:57
@beyre, you can always do your clicking at a later time since we have 18 hours to click them all. Don't gamble your health.
Traffic Value: $197.92733 United States
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15/01/2015 01:01
Between getting up, shower/breakfast/etc ... travel to office ... travel in van from Hickory, NC to Danville, VA (nearly 3 hrs each way), work the retail the store (a large on tomorrow), drive home from office, eat something ... I'll be lucky to make it back to the computer within 18 hours. We'll see though. I always do the highest value ads first anyhow.
Traffic Value: $197.92733 United States
1 like this post 0 people
15/01/2015 01:07
Looks like a good night similar to the first night ... another lull and now higher priced ads are coming in.

$2.99 investment has given me around $35 so far with two more days to go.
Traffic Value: $821.8462 Macedonia
15 like this post 0 people
15/01/2015 01:10
i really wish when i click "order by value" they would stick that way, instead of constantly going back to the previous order...
Traffic Value: $890.84567 Canada
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15/01/2015 01:21
I switched to recaptcha and the fist 8-10 ads worked perfectly, then all of a sudden I had to start typing again. Then I switched to Chrome, and I signed in no problem and the first 5-6 ads, all I had to do was click the box, then all of a sudden I had to start tying captcha codes again. Is there something wrong with my computer? I am using cable internet, not WiFi.
Traffic Value: $890.84567 Canada
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15/01/2015 01:22
I totally agree with you.
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