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Traffic Value: $680.27326 Philippines
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15/01/2015 06:43
Is it really important to lower the 3.6x?
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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15/01/2015 06:48
Another option is a dynamic shrinking investment.
If the cap is $50,000 and the Daily investments are $75,000, all investments are shrunk to 66%.
Since Investment minimum is $1, those stay the same and the overflow gets cancelled off the back end.
[just brainstorming]
Traffic Value: $360.6696 Philippines
6 like this post 0 people
15/01/2015 06:52

That would still have a chance of limiting the little guy. 

Jo needs to realize that in order for this site to truly prosper, he needs the little guy.

The little guy is who Jo needs to tailor to, without the little guy, PV would die, as there would be no one to click ads, which would eventually cause more debt swaps.

Yes, the last one worked, (so did the first 30 or so with JBP/ACX), but each time he does it, will result in less time until the next one, and eventually collapse will occur.

Jo needs to get the outside revenue generating income started (not just talked about), as relying only on debt swaps will not work forever.

Like this trip to NY, he posted on his facebook page about it, never mentioned anything about see lawyers, then after people read it and posted about it in the forum here, then he mention the trip and how he was going to walk into law firms (this site is too small to deal with NY law firms (that charge 10,000 per hour), and why NY law firms, there are probably 10 to 20 qualified law firms in Brazil, that would charge 100 times less and give the same legal advise.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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15/01/2015 06:55
Maybe we could organise a weekly gambling table in the Game Room... invite all the big guys...
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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15/01/2015 06:58
Anyway, folks...rolleyes
I need to pass the [censored] out, so... SEE YA!!!cheese
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
2 like this post 2 people
15/01/2015 07:08
Nobody gets it yet.  Jo wants to lower the 3.6x  This is what it looks like now for $1 in the 250%.

  • $0.65 will be pooled to finance the construction of new portfolio products.

  • $0.01 will be paid as referral commission to your upline: Jo.

  • $0.19 will be paid to shareholders, helping form this weeks' cash dividend.

  • $0.15 will be added to today's result card, to help pay your interim daily cash payments, whilst the portfolio products are built, and generate the required 3.6x return on cost, in order to repay every single investor their full 186% returns.

So, $0.65x3.6+$0.15=$2.49

And $1 in the 186%

  • $0.42 will be pooled to finance the construction of new portfolio products.

  • $0.05 will be paid as referral commission to your upline: Jo.

  • $0.19 will be paid to shareholders, helping form this weeks' cash dividend.

  • $0.34 will be added to today's result card, to help pay your interim daily cash payments, whilst the portfolio products are built, and generate the required 3.6x return on cost, in order to repay every single investor their full 186% returns.

So $0.42x3.6+$0.34=$1.852

Let's say you made it 110% and 120% and removed the instant results contributions.
One dollar in the 110%:

  • $0.73 will be pooled to finance the construction of new portfolio products.

  • $0.08 will be paid as referral commission to your upline: Jo.

  • $0.19 will be paid to shareholders, helping form this weeks' cash dividend.


And $1 in the 120%

  • $0.80 will be pooled to finance the construction of new portfolio products.

  • $0.01 will be paid as referral commission to your upline: Jo.

  • $0.19 will be paid to shareholders, helping form this weeks' cash dividend.

So $0.80x1.5=$1.20.

I think switching from 186% and 250% to 110% and 120% and removing the instant results would drop the development earning requirement from 3.6x to 1.5x.  

I'm 100% sure people will pay the upgrade fee to get into the 120%.
Traffic Value: $222.13465 Sri Lanka
3 like this post 0 people
15/01/2015 07:15
smile Paidverts and MytrafficValue are best!I Invested $69 in 186% Plan!My dream is to make that $69 > $6900!(To Complete my studies)  sad Plz don't reduce 186% !sad
Traffic Value: $680.27326 Philippines
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15/01/2015 07:16
So taking out the "instant result contribution" and inflating the dev fund?

Isn't the dev fund large enough?
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
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15/01/2015 07:22
Now that the upgrade fee has been raised from $250/year to $500/year, it's no longer a $1000 cutoff for doing better without it.


It's around $2000.


Lets say we switched it to 110% and 120%.  Then the cutoff is at $6000.

Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
1 like this post 0 people
15/01/2015 07:31

If Jo finds a lawyer that can get the legal right to expand into more business territory, we can certainly use more development funding.  One little barber shop can become a hairdressing chain.  Brazil is going to be Jo's base of operations for the next 6 months.  If the barber shop works out, expanding into rental property construction could be a very real next step forward.

The shareholder control panel is being further developed for more idea submissions and feedback as well, to determine what to prioritize in the development queue.
Traffic Value: $531.92442 India
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15/01/2015 07:47
Fan of PV & MTV....tongue
Traffic Value: $760.15377 India
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15/01/2015 08:13
By seeing investments in last 4-5 days and the ad issues given to us, I have a feeling that Jo is going to surprise Us by converting all or more than half of our BAP into Ads very soon ! ! ! w00t

Its just my feeling, maybe Jo have other plans with the money... angel

And the share market is denying the low ad issues hahahaha...... Its still floating at $0.0975 grin
Traffic Value: $20.88154 Pakistan
0 like this post 23 people
15/01/2015 08:18
ads not issued from 2 days ??????
Traffic Value: $8.56761 Syrian Arab Republic
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15/01/2015 08:28
Hello, I am new member here and I just need some help please...

I see that Emilio is not a member in staff any more and I just wondering if I can make a deposit using Western Union !!...  Because the money I will send will go to that name ..

Please if you can help me Jo or any one knows about this thing..
Traffic Value: $3,211.07643 Sri Lanka
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15/01/2015 08:32
one question : why so much of major restructuring happening within a short period of time, so hastily ?
Traffic Value: $8,460.97212 India
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15/01/2015 08:32

Yesterday's add issue u can check on the 1st page of this thread and for today's issue nearly 15-16 hrs still remaining.
So, don't worry... 
Traffic Value: $3,553.39286 India
0 like this post 10 people
15/01/2015 08:38
hi where is today ad
Traffic Value: $102.59797 Finland
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15/01/2015 09:58
grin Now this is the speed at which the forum shld angeloperate .. TripleV; a bluejay grin told me that WU blows so hard , here, for commercial reasons that is useless..

peanut, swaps could work till infinity is like what Obama cld do devaluing the dollar; really screw China over (yes; debt is not just a liability - it can be also used as a weapon) legal? Yes..just how ethical it wld be .. It's like this Executive Amnesty..It's not illegal;  but it is unconstitutional..Obamacare ,too, has bn supported/upheld by all 3branches of government; now , does it still suck? yes angel ..

grin Bap swap every day tongue laugh ..raise the price w/ stock, then just crash it again ..looks shitty to outside investors, yeah..But it is sustainable 
Traffic Value: $102.59797 Finland
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15/01/2015 10:02
Therein lies (not) the reason for jbp's demise; it is/was not a Ponzi scheme; much like here; yeah, in a ponzi the windows do get shorter n shorter until it concaves ..with the restart feature, tho, it was infinitely (and still is) sustainable i told Moose, the sale and new owners were the problem ..That's why PC sucked; that's why it seems to b working again ..
Traffic Value: $6.55578 Spain
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15/01/2015 10:56
fix the auto unlogging bug!!!!!!
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