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Traffic Value: $197.92733 United States
9 like this post 0 people
15/01/2015 01:28

It happens to all of us. The first "handful" of ads, you just have to click the "I am not a bot" box. And then from then on, you have to type 5 characters in addition to clicking the box. But the captcha on recaptcha is SO easy to read and short compared to solvemedia's captcha. That's the benefit.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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15/01/2015 01:37
I'm sure RC is better beyre but I just don't trust google and what they are using it for. Same as facebook. They give you these free things but we are like lab rats in their eyes and they are always up to something so I will resist their products for as long as possible. I've got nothing to hide but that doesn't give them the right to probe me to prove it and so they can pimp me out to their advertisers
Traffic Value: $496.56049 United States
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15/01/2015 01:45

I'm glad I'm not the only one that avoids the googlefacebookyahoomsn  web. 

Granted, I use Bing as a search engine, which is just as bad if not worse--but Bing pays me for searching, Google doesn't wink.
Traffic Value: $197.92733 United States
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15/01/2015 01:48
I'm right there with you two. I've been online since 1994 ... seen SO much.

Yet, I'd rather face googles recaptcha than struggle to the point of throwing my laptop in trying to decipher solvemedia's mess.

I use bing also ... those $5 amazon cards have come in handy. wink
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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15/01/2015 01:53
I don't have problems with SolveMedia's captcha but I switched to Google ReCaptcha because it loads much faster. However, I tend to switch to SolveMedia once in a while when ReCaptcha gives me 2 words to type. One of those 2 words is difficult to read for me.
Traffic Value: $1,085.59156 Germany
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15/01/2015 01:56
Thumbs up! Google, Facebook & Co (bing included, it's Microsoft): FUCK YOU ALL!
Traffic Value: $17,897.90531 United States
2 like this post 0 people
15/01/2015 02:01
Yawnnn No one cares if you don't like these successful companies so no need to cuss at them on this message forum. They and all the users can't hear you anyways. 
Traffic Value: $214.2541 Pakistan
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15/01/2015 02:05
is 15th jan ad issue out?
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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15/01/2015 02:07
I'm sorry, I was clicking ads, did somebody say something... tongue
Traffic Value: $890.84567 Canada
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15/01/2015 02:10

The 15th daily news isn't even out yet, and without that you won't see any ads. Have patience please.
Traffic Value: $437.32954 Portugal
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15/01/2015 02:23
For people with hard google captchas with two words, just try to be logged in in your google account. It will be much easier then.
Traffic Value: $6,007.44934 Singapore
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15/01/2015 02:24

The Emperor : Yes.. yesss.. i can feel your anger... now strike em' down and your Journey to the Dark Side will be Complete! *evil laughter*
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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15/01/2015 02:26
@vultcult, I use Google Chrome and I'm always logged in. I also use Blogger and Gmail which are logged in all the time. Yet, I still get those 2-word captchas. Sometimes I also get picture captchas wherein you have to identify pictures of soup or steak. I like those captchas. grin
Traffic Value: $928.23687 Malaysia
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15/01/2015 02:28

sign in to chrome or sign in PV using gmail acc?
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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15/01/2015 02:31
FYI: those 'second words', usually the plain English ones, are voluntary. You can skip them without punishment.
Traffic Value: $437.32954 Portugal
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15/01/2015 02:35

I mean, can be logged in your google account, like gmail, or blogger. Don't need to be using a gmail e-mail in your paidverts account. smile
Traffic Value: $928.23687 Malaysia
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15/01/2015 02:35
will try that
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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15/01/2015 02:36
@MichaelKline, it's the difficult-to-read word that I want to skip but unfortunately, that's the one that ReCaptcha requires.
Traffic Value: $928.23687 Malaysia
1 like this post 0 people
15/01/2015 02:38

wow it works..didnt know
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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15/01/2015 02:40
Yep. They're mean like that.shut eye
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