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Traffic Value: $102.59797 Finland
0 like this post 7 people
14/01/2015 18:19
chrystalia's rantings can be a bit akin to how ppl are crying the 'farms' are diluting the book industry (being a writer, equally, myself -- i know that) On the other hand, what if ppl make money?
Yeha, ok, it's nice you profit..Woohoo, g8 then.
chrystalia, what's this 5min 12hr bulls.. you are spouting....

You will get delivery when you get it - LOL you can't force ppl, bring them by the truckful as if it were, to view your ads..Why not create a farm while you're at it slavedriving folks to click on your ads? What's the use, if you have no ppl to receive your ads ..
Like spamming them won't solve a thing or two either..
 LOL no one wld buy any self-fabricated, 5000 internet mkting product..This is bullshit. The TA will tget real-world quality stuff ..
"since they know these products are crocks" What, now you go to admit it, yourself??? er ..
I have no idea why you are pitching get rich -products in together with Rolex watches, etc. (oh, and btw - Fabergé eggs dnt get sold like that - i know a thing or two abt this.)
And then it is just beyond me why you go into auctioning software -- Are you a paid troll??
LOL you know what InboxDollars is? From the consumer's pt of view; it's to make money - ppl there, by value/design, are not inclined to go splurging -- They are likely to do the same thing here, click to make bucks
With a far better result.
Have you ever considered, then, that, equally, the sales may b dependent/affected by advertising? No, i wouldn't sign up on some site ..They are of interest to me, nonetheless; the advertising; for one can never know what may come ..And big brand names would considerably interest me more..Thus ..
And then you go onto complain abt the rich/those members with deep pockets being tgeted..err, isn't that what you wanted all along???
 Really, are you from a competing website ???
And what newguy says with rgds to thinking beyond the PTC industry and you not i totally subscribe to ..

Traffic Value: $2,034.4249 United Kingdom
0 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 18:24
Those were todays ads.
Traffic Value: $102.59797 Finland
0 like this post 6 people
14/01/2015 18:27
grin if you do your best work when utterly cluess shouldn't that be a red flag, kinda wink then grin ..
That's sad you have never worked under your own name/always a pen name/an alias-- So basically no one knows who you are --ya, totally , chrystalia, don't know why you are sticking your prospective clients in here, then.. or why even bring up that ur time is flexible ..
 grin You want grief attitude? sad ..
The fact that you pin MTV in the same pot as solitaire gaming is only tantamount to the fact that you have absolutely no idea what it is (an investment site).
dguy, actually, lali has a pt ..
yallit, shocked that can not b seen as offensive???
no, but really,  you are really becoming a PiTa; ya, i have wondered the same . no, it doesn't, they spend (much like here in actual fact) on the PROMISE; in the HOPE of that attracting..damn; you can bring a horse to water you can't force, make it drink ..
ye, the marketing firm sure does make the money -do you think they give a rat's a$$ on what Nike makes? No. They only care what they make ..
A site can only go scam if the advertising leaves but the clickers don't --if they do, then it simply closes ( legit )
You really have an optimistic??? view ..a PTC's main role, its primary to make a profit for itself. Screw the product.
nurse, rants are good  it drives you

Traffic Value: $18.42709 Israel
2 like this post 2 people
14/01/2015 18:27
whys the ad issuse low again?
Traffic Value: $11,038.09657 Slovenia
9 like this post 2 people
14/01/2015 18:36
compalin more zoharsh9 and you will get even lower. its lower cuz people are crying that there should be bigger one. read daily news. people were complaining on 190k $ ad issue for some wird reasons
Traffic Value: $1,159.6883 Macedonia
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14/01/2015 19:01

i didn't recived today's ads-Group 8??
Traffic Value: $351.59349 United States
2 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 19:50
Hey Jo! Glad you could join us here in f---ing cold New York!
Traffic Value: $561.64211 Algeria
0 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 19:52
plan 250% ?
Traffic Value: $866.95481 United States
0 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 19:58
When can we look at high ad issues again?
Traffic Value: $1,028.50149 Spain
6 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 19:59
I think that the main problem with 250% plan is that it doesn't have a maximum amount. The 186% generates minus debt to MTV, so that is the one which shouldn't have this maximum amount, or at least have a high maximum value for investing. But I think that is just necessary to put a limit on 250% plan, because it's good to invest, but investing for example $100k... wow, I mean, just so much debt, it's crazy... Jo, think about it: i suggest that every user should have a limit per week, for example, for both plans. And also have those plans a limit. Just as withdrawals have on PayPal smile
Traffic Value: $1,312.65076 Bulgaria
3 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 20:04
@ GoldenNetero

I agree, but I would take your idea one step further and allow users to sell their unused capacity on an open market for the members who want to make those huge investments...

with a fee going to MTV of course wink
Traffic Value: $1,028.50149 Spain
0 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 20:16
@ClearEyes I've thinking something like that too, and sounds great the way you had said it. Is a great idea. Allow the big fishes to rent the invest capacity that the small ones don't use is good, but it should have some limitations too, for big and small users. Because if everybody on low groups wins enough to rise to a medium group, I don't know what could happen. But I think that by this way we are finding some interesting options wink
Traffic Value: $590.24783 Albania
0 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 20:22
Does anyone know if JO is planing to do the cashouts today?
Thnx smile
Traffic Value: $3,111.38395 United States
0 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 20:22
Welcome to NY
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
22 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 20:29
Ill do the remaining cashouts tomorrow.

Ebooks is an idea.
Offer authors the ability to sell onsite via our store. Also generates more targeting data.

But there are a million things to do. Everything can be improved. It's just a matter of getting to it. I'll have some news tomorrow regarding our upcoming programming office in Poland. And we're pushing real hard to grow that team asap. As that's what's going to get all these ideas realized.

Also we'll begin work on a marketplace to buy and sell fast track queue investments. Basically enabling a mechanism for early cashout.

Lots to do!
Traffic Value: $866.95481 United States
1 like this post 8 people
14/01/2015 20:32
Jo when will we expect some bigger ads? Yesterday and today have been a little scarce.
Traffic Value: $291,721.65544 Netherlands
1 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 20:35
Jo how about Targeted ads, multi poker and micro game casino?
Traffic Value: $3,591.27302 Belgium
0 like this post 1 people
14/01/2015 20:35
JO allow us a last chance to purchase the 250% plan for 250$.. the change to 500$ was soo fast and between reading your facebook status and the decision to purchase it the programmers had already chaned it sad ... Do that for us please open the purchase of 250$ for an hour or till server time of today ends to give members the possibility to invest. 
Traffic Value: $61.39968 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
0 like this post 3 people
14/01/2015 20:37
Ok, this is really demotivating...2 days, I hardly collect even dollar! And I'm in 4th group. What's going on with awesomeness of Paidverts? I recieved bigger ads when I was in 2nd group few days ago. There is always something to do with PV, but ads are nowhere. And what is going on with captha system?!! 2 days I hardly guess what is displayed. You always resolving that but progress is nowhere.
Traffic Value: $4,616.96337 Slovenia
0 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 20:38

There actually is limit already - the one you have when you want to cashout. And since you cant just cashout million in a week... Changes are not needed if you ask me since its basicaly the same as if you put the limit on plans smile
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Forum - News - Jan 14th - Daily News
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