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Traffic Value: $760.15377 India
0 like this post 8 people
14/01/2015 16:55
Some people never change, they feel it is their spiritual and moral responsibility to disagree every right or wrong I post devil
Traffic Value: $889.30933 Argentina
1 like this post 1 people
14/01/2015 17:03
Buen trabajo felicitaciones
Traffic Value: $1,823.14127 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
3 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 17:15
i just disagree to confirm your claim there grin
Traffic Value: $60.59734 Argentina
0 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 17:16

Oh por dios, diganme que es una broma, un argentino, gracias dios. 
Traffic Value: $360.6696 Philippines
2 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 17:17
That is why I stated the question was too vague.

1. does the person being referred live in the same house.

2. will they be using the same computer

etc. etc. etc.

and yes, there should be a detailed explanation in the FAQ section, regarding all possible scenarios and a complete answer.

From what Jo has stated:

Question  Can I refer someone with the same IP address?


Yes, You can refer a member using the same IP, so long as they meet all 5 of the following requirements:

1. the person is an actual living person

2. the person uses a different payment processor id (can use the same processor, but each must have a separate and unique id and/or email address) ex. paypal the email addresses must link to a different account (meaning the names on each account must be different, and match the names of the members)

3. the person must have a different email address

4. the person must use a different computer

5. the person must has a different internet connection (the ports on the ip must be different, meaning the 2 cannot share the same internet connection)

If the person meets all 5 requirements, then they can be your referral.


Can I refer someone living in my house?


Yes, You can refer someone living in your house, so long as they meet all 5 of the following requirements:

1. the person is an actual living person

2. the person uses a different payment processor id (can use the same processor, but each must have a separate and unique id and/or email address) ex. paypal the email addresses must link to a different account (meaning the names on each account must be different, and match the names of the members)

3. the person must have a different email address

4. the person must use a different computer

5. the person must has a different internet connection (the ports on the ip must be different, meaning the 2 cannot share the same internet connection)

If the person meets all 5 requirements, then they can be your referral.
Traffic Value: $671.55481 India
2 like this post 8 people
14/01/2015 17:20
jo you gave big ads for 3 days and now again no big ads 

was it just to attract customers to invest in pv 
after you put all our money to shares without our permissions 
now you earn $8 million with this    what did we expect tomorrow i am in group 9 am i gonna click $100 ads tomorrow tongue
Traffic Value: $1,625.74344 Pakistan
0 like this post 5 people
14/01/2015 17:23
I am sorry for sharing this link. Apparently this was a xxx site nude banner. I copied it from PV main page. Jo please remove such banners without any further delay. Sometime I have to work in front of my family and kids. I am really depressed. Sorry again for showing it here, but this is fact.
Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
1 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 17:32
I already disable it. Just waiting for 2 share holders to complete the process.

Jo in case you read this  user "Cardozo699" and "ecopack" should be fined for inappropriate banner images. especially Cardozo699 which uses porn banners.
Traffic Value: $45,057.23348 United Kingdom
3 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 17:32

Your a freaking muppet posting that here, you are skirting with getting banned or being fined hugelt for that, edit your post and get that filth off the forum

Well done glashier for editing your post smile
Traffic Value: $791.53936 Moldova Republic of
0 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 17:34
New Captcha Option!
not working, that is showing me. How to change captcha?

404 Page Not Found

Sorry, the page you requested was not found.
It looks like we have a broken link on the site - we have been notified and we'll get it fixed as soon as possible.
Traffic Value: $3,150.04492 Malaysia
0 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 17:39
Warning should be given to user before the $250 raise to $500. As what you say 3.6x is too high so FTQ debt swept will be soon?
Traffic Value: $360.6696 Philippines
0 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 17:39

you can back and forth from solvemedia and recaptcha
Traffic Value: $780.17861 Pakistan
0 like this post 1 people
14/01/2015 17:41
Hmm 60k ad issue ., Cool cool
Traffic Value: $1,625.74344 Pakistan
0 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 17:43
Nudity and porn contents are always strictly prohibited in all sites except the respective sites, regardless of any religion, country or community. Some users try to promote theirs link through nude banners in order to attract traffic.
Traffic Value: $1,696.27057 Spain
0 like this post 1 people
14/01/2015 17:45
Go hang a bomb and detonate urself integrist grin

Just kidding
Traffic Value: $3,150.04492 Malaysia
1 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 17:47
Jo, Paidverts and future personally have invested $701k in the 250% plan that will generate $1.752M debt in future. 
Traffic Value: $102.59797 Finland
0 like this post 5 people
14/01/2015 17:53
jo, as always/a note of caution; at the airport (JFK?) careful beware of which taxis you should choose; i don't remember,i can't recall   exactly but there was smth abt getting into the wrong ones--they charge different !


also, tongue stick in there, bro ..NY's tough; you can make it there/you can make it anywhere ..

Lizalovic ya, exactly; shocked and because of those same *"@#! we now have sad had 2days low value ads ..or a low ad issue, i mean/ i lost like 5 bucks worth their complaining ..
true newguy LOL don't know if dn't try ..
Thing is ; Paidverts isn't like your PTC/it is an umbrella corp. (Future Business Group) and we happen to have these things on our portfolio as i've said..That's one thing; and as such, we  stand out ..and also because of that we also have our foot in the door to have a diff relationship with big worldwide names
ptc's are..i dunno if some wld even want to become affiliated w/ them; as such..but we are on the verge of venturing out of the grey area
We could become an advertising agency ..heck, we already are..and to make the transition to a PR firm? V easily ..
i'm starting to smile like newguy now ..yep, there is no such thing; everything is possible, just have to want it bad enough ..
hr ya; 'cos..When you think abt it; My Traffic Value dsn't solely have to only be online ..heck, it can mean any exposure ..
And word of mouth is the gold standard in the industry we've been coming from ..
flouens it is interesting what you say .. scam doesn't really exist in the soft drink/soda markets (yeah, you get your cheapo Chinese products but, not in the brand name) MC /Visa however..there we hear all the time; yet they are robust, resilient..They keep going robust ..
pyth Crowdflower is slave labor sad ..pretty much
Traffic Value: $102.59797 Finland
0 like this post 6 people
14/01/2015 18:04
cloud 4me
just some quick math..Take Mikemazzone; 11m shares.. of a total of 380..Right; now ..
his dividends this last week were $2,500..
What does it take to get there? now, even if the share price were .01 you'd still need around 110k to buy ..
whereas with that same money you'd get into the top gr.s really easily..i'll get bk to this
Ok, he prolly had the share split x2 to help him out
even then it'd b 1.1k sad starting capital ..mine on the other hand wasn't that much; imagine if you can get my goal is gr.8 by Labor Day; the top by the end of the year ..
shares suck

 JayR There is no real correlation b/ween ad buying and shares ..unless, of course, you look at it that ppl want to liquidate..what they might never have wanted, not in the first place, to get back where they were ..but, even me, ya, i was buying ads - then when time came i sold mine off to regain (and better) my fmr. position (combined with the work i did in the meantime just builds into it..)
lg Well, that's not a bubble .. but yeah; heck if it goes there LOL 0.02 i even might smile myself buy :p ..

lol crystalia tongue wow .. what are you doing here then? For yourself, but not others? Wth .,
There is no way you can force anyone to sign up under you, referrals are useless.. Why? because, quite simply, no one in the world can know what they do .. so i don't know how you write but, it's all to no avail
If you're mocking, badmouthing or blackoh ohballing pv lol you don't seriously consider InboxDollars better now you?  I mean looking at the places you send clients to? Eh..why do you?
belly fat fast..yeah, well i omit newsletters ..
The performance you're seeing in PV s exactly how it is - not because of its poor/good performance; but , merely, and in the end, attesting to the nature of referrals (why do you think RR's/bots exist/ people can't be trusted.).
PS PV is generating more traffic turnover than Clixsense ,true that ..
PPS Mass mails -spam
i'd really like to say you aren't an insolent one tongue with your sleeping condition/habits..Then again, don't throw stones at a glass house ..
Traffic Value: $349.34739 Romania
0 like this post 3 people
14/01/2015 18:07
it's so hard to deliver acceptable captcha ? ...i don't understant you guys !

can you tell me , pflip, what is here ?
Traffic Value: $1,880.65811 Netherlands
0 like this post 2 people
14/01/2015 18:11
I didn't get ads today only in the morning (group 7) everybody else already get you're ads?
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