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Jan 14th - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $3,553.39286 India
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15/01/2015 11:01
@ suofoglu its already fixed u need to click remember box b4 login
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
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15/01/2015 11:46
We have 3000 new users everyday average in 2015. We need more to turn this business even more sustainable and secure our assets.

Let's promote  MTV/PV!
Traffic Value: $386,747.05153 Netherlands
14 like this post 1 people
15/01/2015 11:53
Mike, I am really disappointed about your knowledge of this whole concept MTV / PV.

First, I see:

Q: What is this "instant result contribution" anyone?
Your answer@richiem It's money from the plans that went to developers to create those paidverts extensions though. 

That is completely bullshit. The instant result contribution is the part of the investments going directly to the daily revenue.

Second, I see you proposing to lower the plans to 110% and 120%.. How is PV going to back it's 155%? If you know it that well, you know that PV debt should be multiplied by 2.5 to repay the PV investors. So how is PV going to manage that? Offcourse, shares would be only option.. I would be thankful for that, as lowering the plans means more people shifting to shares, and PV also can only focus on shares. So price will rocket to the moon. And as I only own shares, you get why I would like that.. But for now it is better if you stop writing.
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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15/01/2015 12:10
Let me just post the business model of PV:

$1 bulk ads purchase gives you some free banner impressions, and 50visits to your website for at least 30seconds each (verified by a captcha), after users type 3 lines of text about your offering. And it also gives you 3100 BAP (3100 * $0.0005 = $1.55 worth of ads will be delivered ASAP)

- $0.10 of purchases go to MTV portfolio
- $0.10 of purchases go to your upline.
- $0.10 are paid to the user over 10 days, a 1% value ad will be issued each day.
- $0.10 creates 10x1% ads that are issued to "super user upgraded users" at random
- $0.10 are added to the daily ad issue ($0.05 today, $0.05 tomorrow)
- $0.50 is invested at MTV to return 2.5x (via the FT250 plan, or buying & selling shares)

$1.55 debt - $0.30 instantly created ads = $1.25
$0.50 invested x 2.5 = $1.25

I think the best thing to do is wait for Jo to discuss his restructure of the FT plans.
Traffic Value: $32,122.18249 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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15/01/2015 12:13

I completely agree, that's nonsense mike.
We all know that PV is mostly relying on FT250 plan besides shares and what not and without the fixed 2.5x return PV wouldn't be able to return 155% so that's a no go.
it's simple, changing FT250% means changing PV too.

one thing about it was already done, the fee is now 500$ per year, next thing could be limiting the investment to some number, but those are not real solutions
Traffic Value: $427.92279 Netherlands
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15/01/2015 13:06
Hi, where is the Jan 15th Daily News jo... ?
Traffic Value: $386,747.05153 Netherlands
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15/01/2015 13:12
@DVreza, it in "the air"...

For anyone impatient:
Traffic Value: $2,218.90192 Korea Republic of
1 like this post 0 people
15/01/2015 13:31
He has arrived 1 and a half hour before...

Give him time!
He needs to un-pack, get his computer out, and do all of those things.

I bet it takes at least 6-7 hours to do so.

Give 6-7 more hours.
Traffic Value: $373.94771 Pakistan
0 like this post 4 people
15/01/2015 13:33
Helle Jo!
Dear, when I give the ads?
hrjustinptc - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $8,376.82638 United States
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15/01/2015 13:41
I agree changing to 110% and 120% plans is really drastic. Cut them down just enough to make MTV products require 2.5x rather then the current 3.6x. 
Traffic Value: $5,145.88309 United States
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15/01/2015 13:49
hell he is probably still at the airport waiting to get patted downgrin
Traffic Value: $4,371.00849 Romania
14 like this post 0 people
15/01/2015 14:24
Quote from tupko
just a note regarding FT250 fee increase and profitability of our both plans

for members not having a 250 plan upgrade previously when the fee was 250$,
186 and 250 plan broke even on 977$ investment and gave back same ROI

186% plan > 977$*1.86 = 1817,22$
250% plan > (977$-250$) = 727$*2.5 = 1817,50$

any amount invested below 977$ was more profitable in 186% plan and anything above that was better off in 250% plan

This situation has changed since the fee is 500$ now and that means the break even point for both plans is 1953$ now according to the math.

186% plan > 1953$*1.86 = 3632,58$
250% plan > (1953$-500$) = 1453$*2.5 = 3632,50$"

Your math is good but youre thinking is wrong. 
We don't want to know what is the break even from the 1st que. One question for 1000 points: who pay 250$ fee (now 500$) to access 250plan and put money in one que? NOBODY! So nobody is interested what is the BEP from the first que. Everybody put at least once all the 2.5x earnings or al least one part of 2.5x earnings in future ques in that year.
So, your math is good but is pointless from my POV.

Another thing: offline bussiness (real estate etc)
Is good BUT even an online bussiness involve time/resources, offline bussnisess takes more.
Apartment in Malaga (or so): means someone take care to rent it, housekeeping bla bla bla.
Who take care of it? Carlos? Carlos "don't have" time to check wire deposits, will have time time for all those? Let's be serious, we can have ideeas but it seems practice is harder. We can't make things better online but in offline when involve much (much of all of it).
One thimg is to buy an apartament and rent for a long period of time (much less maintenance) and another is to rent for travelers (because is near the sea, will be this form of rent).

About 250FT and....the hole thing: whatever changes is the plans will be, we don't resolve the problem. Whatever we will do, will be:
1. for the moment solution
2. ponzi solutions (the solutins that have been discussed yesterday/today is ponzi solutions: take more fee to repay debt, lower the investment to lower debt etc).
3. others versions

We all know how we got here: if we exclude Paidverts, we have almost nothing. Look at the daily revenues: at least 3/4 came from Paidverts. We didn't do anything big to reduce debt and we have 700k-750k dev funding.
If we did not have Paidverts, plans collapsed long ago. Or we must take much earlier the measures that we want to do take now. 

OK, problemes with servers/DB takes 2-3 months BUT excuse me, when we finish with all those problems we do chat, visual (and others) changes of site???????????
Should not the first and bigger thing is not debt remove thing? (eg Multiplayer Poker)

We have 700k dev funding. Everyday Jo told us about his dreams: how site will be bigger, how he travel to NY and go to lawyer firm, how paid a big lawyer firm with 10k$/month bla bla

Site won't be bigger, big investitors won't come if we don't create programs who reduce debt and only try to find ponzi measures to reduce debt.

I repeat: we have 700k$ dev funding.
Instead dream, let's make steps....visible steps. When you have money, good programmers will come. Hire 2-3 programmers (from those funds because for what we keep them? To boast?) and work 2-3 months 8h/day and we have MP poker).
But, our first focus is to create chat when we don't have problemes with servers.
And dream about how much money we will make in 2015.
Is not possible when we are in a big debt (shit) we do pac pac a FT debt swap/other debt swap and.......fresh start. Until? Until we are again in a big debt/shit.
So, when we start to create programs to reduce debt???
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
9 like this post 0 people
15/01/2015 14:54

Looks like egopay has frozen 90% of every account funds.

Shouldnt you withdraw those 10%?

They were hacked with some transactions. Apparently not that much big deal but nevertheless we should reduce 10% the impact.
Traffic Value: $39.19855 Germany
0 like this post 1 people
15/01/2015 15:06
The issue is really bad, isn't it?
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
3 like this post 9 people
15/01/2015 15:17

That was a response to a different question he had.  I know how it works.  I replied earlier already.  I know a lot of users wanna attack whatever I say because they covet the monitor position.  Just like in real life, climbers on the pyramid looking to drag others down to raise themselves up.

As to how would paidverts repay 155% with a 120% plan?  Same way it repays it with a 250% plan.  How many times would it have to reinvest?  Twice.

1.2^3=1.728 that leaves 17.8% left over after paying 155%.
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
3 like this post 0 people
15/01/2015 15:33

I think colasander doesnt want monitor position. He just wanted to weaken your opinion as it is forward to changing/reducing the plans.

And for everybody who is always looking for opportunities with shares, Jo (paidverts)  has aproximately $250k to buy shares and invest in the plans. I calculated this from yesterdays bulk ad sales and an estimated for todays ad sales. Probably the price will cross the $0.11 witch is a psycalogically barrier and the price will problably sky rocket after  crossing this. So buy shares witch are at best price since 2 days ago.
Traffic Value: $52.53427 Bangladesh
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15/01/2015 15:58
Post by Jo on Facebook, 1 hr ago

“Hotel not too shabby... but charging $50/week for internet in the room is a bit of a scam.”

“Here! Now to find/buy a plug adapter, and do some work.”

Ad will be coming soon. Hopewhistling
Traffic Value: $2,218.90192 Korea Republic of
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15/01/2015 16:14
Ad probably in the next 3-4 hours.
Traffic Value: $3,553.39286 India
0 like this post 9 people
15/01/2015 16:20
still 3-4 hours. go to heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
Traffic Value: $337.03682 Canada
13 like this post 0 people
15/01/2015 17:05
Sometimes, I think some people here have bad money management and time management problems in real life. If someone really wants to get rich, I think using your precious time just to wait for Ads is a freaking waste. If they keep this kind of attitude, no matter what kind of opportunity that will be presented to them, it won't help them.

There are a lot of things you can do with your time. Being anxious won't get you anywhere. What will come, will come. What won't come, won't come.

Don't be a horse with blinders.
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