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Jan 14th - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $5,361.84617 United States
14 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 02:02
Well, whatever they do, just don't bring any government's attention, particularly US.
Any fancy talking of advertising related with main stream should be done after all paper works are done.
Traffic Value: $34.53077 Philippines
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14/01/2015 02:02
i think Big Companies like Coke/Mcdo knows that advertising on PTCs are cheap, but ofcourse viewers of their Ads are just viewing their Ad for money, not really effective on attracting consumers of their products. I guess.
Traffic Value: $17,897.90531 United States
11 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 02:04
No I'm looking for business that can make this company successful. Not be like Neobux where people just scrape by unless you invest 30,000 dollars and in 4 or 5 years make only 1500 a month income. That to me is not worth the investment. 

I'm here to help the company grow with money coming into it, because I know in return, I will make money. smile 

Now if you want a lot of vogtmannsbers here, be my guest, but that will do nothing for the reputation of the company or the financial growth. You CAN have a mixture of everything here. Not one or the other. 
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
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14/01/2015 02:05
I saw some big companies advertising on videos you can see on PTC.
And Crowd flower uses PTC people do serve their bigger companies.  
Traffic Value: $386,747.05153 Netherlands
5 like this post 1 people
14/01/2015 02:06

I know there are not yet 7 days passed, so I might better not ask it..
But is there any chance you will do some cashouts? angel


Traffic Value: $12,357.633 Singapore
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14/01/2015 02:06
Most big company are just using a marketing concept to inbuilt their brand into our heads. They do not need any advertising, even 3rd world countries know what is Mcdonald and Coke. But they just keep paying millions to World Cup etc. to get their logos everywhere to leave a impression deep in our heads. So everytime we are hungry and thirsty, we only think of Coke and Mcdonald. 

With a fraction of their budget for advertising, they could run a really big campaign in PV. 
Traffic Value: $6,007.44934 Singapore
2 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 02:07

On the topic of promoting

u can consider teaming up with some of the IM industry Top Solo Ad Vendors, where PV members can buy guaranteed clicks direct from PV site to advertise for new referrals (this arrangement depending how it is structured can possibly add additional revenue for PV as well)

Also consider setting up a professional marketing funnel for PV members to use in their backoffices. For examples just see how IPAS2 Team and Vick Strizheus (Big Idea Mastermind) does it for EmpowerNetwork

Well just throwing some ideas out theresmile
Traffic Value: $17,897.90531 United States
1 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 02:08
Hahaha colasander. A little staffing of general duties would be a good place to start. I mean, normal businesses would cover all areas. smile
Traffic Value: $497.91765 Greece
1 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 02:12
maybe my english its not so good and i cant express properly what i want to say.
i know that internet is the bigest industry in the world now and most of the people have acsess to it.
i don't live in caves and i am not so oldwink.We have problems here with crisis but we still have internetwink
i agree with you that we need to act to atract the big money thats why i said what i said before.
because if we just making cyrcles aroun as and roling back our money we are not going to go high.
i found ptc's about 6 monts ago an i can tell now that here something is deferent an has the potential to go higher than others.
Traffic Value: $1,085.59156 Germany
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14/01/2015 02:12
Ads are very strange today, I don't know, what are my 1%-Ads and what are the AdIssue-Adsangel
Traffic Value: $310.99161 El Salvador
2 like this post 3 people
14/01/2015 02:15
El valor de los.anuncios esta más bajo que antes del intercambio !!!!!
Traffic Value: $9,606.72522 Portugal
15 like this post 14 people
14/01/2015 02:18
What will be the excuse for todays low value ad issue?....
Traffic Value: $1,920.56769 Viet Nam
0 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 02:20
Have a safe
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
0 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 02:24
The list is in, so if you deduct the amount of the issue from your ads, you know what is what. 
I also like to mark my personal ads, buy using a buying amount resulting in an ad-value that hardly appears 
in an issue. 
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
1 like this post 2 people
14/01/2015 02:27
@unthink, Did you realize that there was just a gap of about 12 hours from the last ad issue?
Traffic Value: $3,227.40257 Poland
7 like this post 7 people
14/01/2015 02:27
yesterday people bought $370k bulk ads
2 days ago 566k usd
3 days ago 413k usd
4 days ago 330k usd
5 days ago 730k usd

we got yesterday 37325 usd and today 64146 usd
what about business model ? 10 % going to next ads issue etc.
now its just you and making lesson to people who complain about low ads ?
Traffic Value: $29.66587 Egypt
0 like this post 11 people
14/01/2015 02:33
Every day is the worst in terms of advertising valuesad
Traffic Value: $983.3735 Netherlands
4 like this post 1 people
14/01/2015 02:34
Jo - Daily news - 13th January

* I've made todays a small one to add some perspective... and also it acts as like a "time-saver" to prolong our growth. Allow a full day to pass at zero cost; let purchases and what not come in. Then do a full issue again the next day... It prolongs the life of our resources, and is generally good!

Thanks for the full issue... tongue
Traffic Value: $1,685.19331 Cyprus
1 like this post 4 people
14/01/2015 02:35
We got yesterday 37325 usd and today 64146 usd.

Well, if almost 30 thousand dollars is worse? I don't want to live on this planet anymore... sad
Traffic Value: $813.41795 Argentina
6 like this post 1 people
14/01/2015 02:39
The boom ended so fast ???
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