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Jan 14th - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $111.77814 India
0 like this post 13 people
15/01/2015 04:57
look jo is mising,no cashout almost from tomorrow,even no daily news from idea where is joo,anyone know?
Traffic Value: $111.77814 India
3 like this post 0 people
15/01/2015 04:58
hey guys jo posted this 4 hours ago on facebook  "
Last flight!
traveling to New York, New York from GRU Airport - Aeroporto Internacional de São Paulo."
that flight will take at least 10 hours , so just give him some time [img=19x19][/img]
Traffic Value: $680.27326 Philippines
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15/01/2015 04:59
What is this "instant result contribution" anyone?
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
0 like this post 1 people
15/01/2015 04:59
Thanks for the info peanut smile
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
0 like this post 1 people
15/01/2015 05:12
Verloren I looked it up, paypal cashouts are pending for about 3 days right now.  It might have to wait until Jo is back from New York.  

Instant results contribution is a percentage of the money invested into the plan that goes directly to the results cards.  It was the biggest % of the results cards before paidverts got huge, unless somebody lost a lot in the games a certain day.  Instant results contributions do seem to have outlived their usefulness at this juncture.
Traffic Value: $2,709.58035 United States
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15/01/2015 05:27

Thanks for the "startpage" info.
I do lot's of research on many things, and I
hate that info harvesting crap.
Traffic Value: $102.59797 Finland
0 like this post 3 people
15/01/2015 05:37
benrijk i get you ..ok, excessive complaining is one thing, then there's ..
My problem personally is not with getting something for nothing (not possible); my problem is with all these mofos complaining taking away my opportunity to work/earn smth ..snif.

 mean i really dnt want to wait 8yrs to get to gr 14 ..

mriley -- just a pure factual observation; it didn't ..
The system is working great tho but we still didn't reach $0.11 wink in two weeks ..
One more thing to add to my dislike of shares; so you'd b making, as Mike, 2.5k a week on shares? And that's on a good spell..whereas, in the same gr.s, you cld b making that every day ..
i had no probs with captchas today..
ghosty, WiFi wldn't affect that ..
Thing is, i know what they do w/ rgds to privacy, but face it, these days, if you wanna live completely off the grid, might as well do so..
And all this talk abt privacy .. No; its days are not numbered; but  you have to get used to the idea to give up a little of it in today's world ..

Traffic Value: $680.27326 Philippines
7 like this post 0 people
15/01/2015 05:38
Thanks Mike.

We are having all this conversation because it is taking longer to repay the investors.

And this is because there are more investors than revenue-generating projects which are used to pay them. 

Paidverts is a great project, but it also has a disadvantage. Part of the revenue earned by it must be invested to FTQ to ensure 155% payment to members. This investment also needs to be paid from (guess what) revenue (most of it from Paidverts itself) and other investments.

I see two moves:

1. Limit the FTQ investments.
2. Create more products.

I know Jo already know this. And we are just waiting for his move.
Traffic Value: $680.27326 Philippines
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15/01/2015 05:57
I also noticed that revenue from Paidverts upgrades (recycler, super upgrades) goes directly to the results card.

I think they must be used to pay Paidverts debt instead of paying the FTQ debt.
Traffic Value: $360.6696 Philippines
8 like this post 0 people
15/01/2015 06:01
The last 2 weeks is crazy in the FTQ, with the amounts being invested.

Like I said 4 months ago, the only way it will not spiral out of control (which it presently is doing), is to limit the dollar amount per week (hard to do as everyone would be crying as the limit would be reached too quickly), or limit the amount an individual can put into the plan (more feasible to implement).

The following is a good guideline:

Maximum $1,000 per individual per day (this would include both the 186 and 250 plan combined), this would include Jo and Carlos, but would not include the Paidverts accounts (this account is used to increase the daily ad issues).

Doing this would mean less in the cue and could be adjustable from week to week, based on an average of the previous 4 weeks.

The goal would be to try and keep the average repayment less than 120 days, based on moderate growth.

This could be used as a temporary measure or permanent if the limits are adjusted each week, until the other revenue projects can be added (poker, outside casino) and earning revenues.
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
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15/01/2015 06:07
@richiem It's money from the plans that went to developers to create those paidverts extensions though.  
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
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15/01/2015 06:21
So FT closes shop?  
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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15/01/2015 06:23
This was one of my stability concepts that I mentioned earlier today:
This should satisfy what you are trying to suggest.
Traffic Value: $593.00493 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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15/01/2015 06:26
one more someone to work on distribute ads,to send payments etc...if this grow more you must be off more time and that is crazy
Traffic Value: $102.59797 Finland
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15/01/2015 06:28
sorry, actually was way more than 30 tongue rolleye (years) grin
The thing is not to live in constant and perpetual fear - rather, to know how to live wih it (the constant probing; what to put out)


Mike(Kline) - i didn't read that but; like fixed income yields? bonds?

pb - performance bonds ..
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
3 like this post 0 people
15/01/2015 06:31
I will agree that there does need to be more task-specific staff members.
1-3 Forum Moderators (shifts), 1-2 Support Ticket crew, 1 Payroll, etc.
I believe Jo will figure it out though.
Like it has been stated before... Trust is key.
Traffic Value: $360.6696 Philippines
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15/01/2015 06:32

The problem with your suggestion, is it still allows 1 person to use up the total amount of investments allowed (or prevents paidverts to deposit whatever it needs to keep PV sustainable), and then you have the little guy screaming and yelling about how the site is only for the people with money, and they leave, which leaves no one to click ads, and it would hurt the overall network of sites.
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
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15/01/2015 06:36
@richiem If you only see 2 moves, you haven't been around MTV long enough.  If Jo wants to lower the 3.6x, limiting the investments like at the beginning of 2014 won't be enough.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
1 like this post 0 people
15/01/2015 06:37
I concur.
What about a limit on concurrent investments, coupled with a percent cap on daily investments.
For example, 10 concurrent investments with an individual investment cap of 10 percent the daily investment cap?
Traffic Value: $7.45745 Sri Lanka
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15/01/2015 06:41
good jo...........
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