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Traffic Value: $2,293.16914 Netherlands
2 like this post 13 people
14/01/2015 10:24
* I've made todays a small one to add some perspective... and also it acts as like a "time-saver" to prolong our growth. Allow a full day to pass at zero cost; let purchases and what not come in. Then do a full issue again the next day... It prolongs the life of our resources, and is generally good!

Bla bla bla bla..silly
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
4 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 10:32
@regediton, it shouldn't be a problem. It's not your fault that your IP address refreshes. If Jo will ban members for registering with the same IP, he will lose most of his members. ISPs in some countries like mine even employs a shared IP.
Traffic Value: $831.61756 United Kingdom
0 like this post 1 people
14/01/2015 10:35
if i cancel a bid on shares will i loose money?
help me please
Traffic Value: $112.59583 Indonesia
0 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 10:36

maybe u set the ads filter too high. set it to 0.01$ might be help
Traffic Value: $2,293.16914 Netherlands
2 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 10:36
No karim
Traffic Value: $31.19814 Slovenia
2 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 10:37
@karim19 you won't lose any money wink
Traffic Value: $831.61756 United Kingdom
1 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 10:39
thank you very much brotherssmile
Traffic Value: $6.511 Korea Republic of
2 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 10:44
Hi jo
Traffic Value: $432.67654 Philippines
1 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 11:08
Crystalia you are my idol! very impressive speech grin

Are you boy or Girl??
Traffic Value: $3,553.39286 India
3 like this post 1 people
14/01/2015 11:16
@ marcm may b girl as genrally so long speech can b deliver by a lady
Traffic Value: $466.35845 Viet Nam
1 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 12:16
good jobs Jo
Traffic Value: $2,410.06945 Myanmar
5 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 12:24
Don't sell share for BAP.
Share is the best, you will know later.
You don't need money for food, don't sell share long time.
Traffic Value: $3,456.01946 Belgium
5 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 12:29
Just buy shares and keep them for as long as you can wink
Traffic Value: $1,491.12314 United Kingdom
5 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 12:50
A bit off-topic here but Clickbank was mentioned earlier and I just wanted to say: I hate Clickbank almost as much as anything I have ever hated!! Sorry, but when I see all these "miracle" cures advertised that are complete fabrications and lies and are designed to prey on and exploit people's fears over their health and ill-health, it actually makes me ashamed to be a human being living on this planet sad

Sorry, now I've had a rant, carry on back on topic.
Traffic Value: $361.57886 South Africa
13 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 12:57

I am still fairly new to all this, but with a recent campaign I did for one of my sites, I had 20% + conversion rate of subscribers. I was getting 3-5 subscribers a day with 10-20 hits. With Paidverts, I have experienced better results than any other company I have tried, using the same ad.

I realised that people here are only interested in one thing, PAIDVERTS, so why not promote something that will help their PV business? 

Unfortunately though, I have since edited that ad that did so well, and now I have received just 1 subscriber in the last 2 days sad  So now I have to go back and undo A LOT..

So if your ads arent working here, try something else.. The people on Paidverts and the People on Clixsense are in different worlds, just because something did well at Clixsense does not mean that it will be the same elsewhere. Different strokes for different folks.

Just my personal opinion, not sure if it is still relevant, i doubt it, have been clicking ads while posting this smile
Traffic Value: $237.65068 Slovenia
0 like this post 1 people
14/01/2015 13:04
for all who are moaning for poor ads, wait to tomorrow im sure it will be larger add issue meybe he is testening users to see how will they react whit this smaller add issues . wink 
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
25 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 13:29
Wow, had no idea BAP share transfers reduced so much debt already!

PV DEBT CLEARED $97,442.184
Traffic Value: $7,146.80836 India
4 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 13:34
I hope next 2 days big ads coming .......MTV & Paidverts are on Booming
Traffic Value: $2,218.90192 Korea Republic of
3 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 13:35
Next 2 days will be probably big!
Traffic Value: $18.89728 Philippines
4 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 13:49
hoping for tomorrow big ads..
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