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Jan 14th - Daily News

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hrjustinptc - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $8,376.82638 United States
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14/01/2015 05:19
I just wanted to mention that I didn't mean for MTV to purchase billboard advertising space. What I meant was purchasing the actual property then selling that ad space and putting that revenue into the portfolio. Maybe that would not be that profitable because good advertising property would probably be very expensive to purchase. Maybe another route in the future buying real estate income properties in locations that have billboard ad space to sell.
Traffic Value: $114.91723 Australia
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14/01/2015 05:21
have a safe flight jo and hope you are not to board with the stop over 
Traffic Value: $345.7528 Canada
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14/01/2015 05:24
Not sure I understand what chrystalia is talking about.

Why the complaints of low conversion rate? The same can be said of a TV commercial; are you then going to accuse the TV station of something funny that's responsible for the low conversion of that particular commercial?

Why the complaints about people being here for the BAP and the money?! I thought that money is the number one reason you are here for. Without money, don't even think about someone buying your advertised product! You may as well put those products for free and let those without money take them as such rather than having them rob you!

I am here to make money, big money! Working a job, made me too little money. Time to change that! Money is the blood of your living. I need it, you need it. If I didn't need money, I would live for free and you would too!
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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14/01/2015 05:26
@hospr, it looks like a case of multiple accounts. Even if those 2 accounts have separate payment processors, you can see that the main account "metdzoi" was created to simply earn ref commissions from the sub-account which is "metdzoi2" which is the one that actually made a deposit. Of course, the owner can claim that these 2 accounts are owned by 2 different people in the same household. Until Jo clarifies whether or not it's allowed to refer one another in the same household, we'll be seeing cases like these.
Traffic Value: $461.52927 Indonesia
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14/01/2015 05:29
and Have you seen his PV campaign? All of the 3 line of text captcha are insulting Mr. Jo.
Edit, Source
Traffic Value: $3,150.04492 Malaysia
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14/01/2015 05:37
The BAP share market got bugs. Got a user list 0 share at 347. No one can buy it!
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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14/01/2015 05:37
@hospr, I just checked it now. This is the ad's content:

I'm not sure if this can be flagged for rude or disparaging remarks. Let's leave it to those who have 10K shares to determine if they will flag his campaigns or not.
Traffic Value: $15.8055 Lithuania
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14/01/2015 05:37
I got ~2$ from mini SUU. Is that normal? smile
Traffic Value: $360.6696 Philippines
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14/01/2015 05:38

Thanks for doing PP cashouts.

Got paid in under 3 hours from request.

Have a safe flight
Traffic Value: $360.6696 Philippines
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14/01/2015 05:40

The amount will vary.

I got right around that amount, so that is normal for today.

Just remember, you need to make around $9.50 in total for the 7 days, in order to get a profit.

So $2 on a slow sales day, is good.
Traffic Value: $360.6696 Philippines
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14/01/2015 05:45

a few days ago in the daily news, Jo, did clarify about 2 accounts in the same household.

Each member must actually exist as a real person
Each member must have their own unique payment account
Each member must have their own unique email address

1 cannot be the referral of the other,  Meaning you cannot refer someone from your own house, or 2 members using the same computer and/or internet connection cannot be each others referral

So you should flag both of those accounts, for referral fraud
Traffic Value: $496.56049 United States
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14/01/2015 05:49

Conversion rates are EVERYTHING in advertising--why do you think companies spend millions of dollars on a 30 second super bowl TV commercial? Because that commercial makes them MONEY. And the advertising company that writes those commercials makes MONEY. If the advertisers didn't get a real return--they wouldn't bother.  And the ad company that writes the most popular super bowl commercial, and wins the awards for doing so, will get millions of dollars in new client money and new clients. If  a TV commercial doesn't hit expected conversion rates (and companies know very well what they SHOULD be getting for conversion)--they hire a survey firm to conduct surveys and focus groups, then they go back to their advertising firm for a new ad based on the results. If THAT doesn't work, they move the advertising to a different time slot, station, or both--and if THAT doesn't work, they fire the ad company as well. I know, because we do TV advertising for our kettle korn company here in Tucson--as well as Facebook advertising.

A "real" PTC, like Clixsense, donkeymails, inbox dollars, etc., (this does NOT include BUX sites) stays in business and makes a profit because the ADVERTISERS GET GOOD CONVERSION RATES. An internet marketer like one of my clients isn't going to spend 500.00 advertising on a site month after month unless they are getting back at least 5-7 times that amount, at lowest, in pure profit.

And if there are no advertisers, there are no ads to click--so the clickers don't make money, so they leave--and then the site goes out of business or turns scam.

The purpose of a PTC site, in other words, is selling a product--advertising. And if that product doesn't do what it is supposed to do, and well--in this case, produce sales or signups for the buyer's programs--then they will go out of business.

One of the biggest problem with the paid to view advertising sector--PTCs, ect., is just what you brought up. THE PEOPLE WHO JOIN THESE SITES WANT TO MAKE MONEY. So all they care about is GETTING the ads--and the pennies or dollars attached to them--THEY ARE LOOKERS, NOT SHOPPERS. 

The goal of the PTC site is almost exactly the opposite--they want millions of members, so they can charge high rates for the advertising they sell--and they also want to be able to show advertisers that their members not only click--THEY BUY. Because if the advertising doesn't work, their advertisers disappear. Obviously, it can be challenging to run a profitable business under these conditions.

When it comes to me, I am NOT a typical member here or anywhere--this is my HOBBY, and also research for my "real job". I am not trying to make big money here. The money is nice, of course, and sometimes quite nice--but not my main goal in life. I got sick of the 9-5 ordinary job a LONG time ago, so I started my own businesses, two of them--and they are for my bread and butter bill paying and savings.
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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14/01/2015 05:58
@peanutdude, I think you're referring to this post by Jo:

And just to clarify... You can open multiple accounts from the same household so long as you don't refer yourself, and so long as each account is owned by a unique individual with a unique payment processor for cashouts.

I actually agree with you in saying that members in the same household can't be each other's referral. However, others are viewing it differently. This is why I'm hoping if Jo can make a direct yes or no answer to the question "Can we have members in the same household as our referrals?"
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
6 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 05:58

I don't think you are seeing it. What conversion rate do you need when the ad is free for you? Or what conversion rate do you need when you get paid back $1.55 for every ad dollar you spend. That is risk free advertising. Any sales you make from something like that is a bonus.

At many PTCs, the cost to refer at them can be upwards of a dollar per referral. Here, You've already made (or will make) a 55 cent profit on every ad dollar you spend the day you buy the ad
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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14/01/2015 06:06
Traffic Value: $983.3735 Netherlands
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14/01/2015 06:23
I see the point of view from chrysthalia.
But this is not an ordinary PTC. This is paidverts.
It's for making money.
Traffic Value: $593.70484 United States
3 like this post 10 people
14/01/2015 06:35

You keep mentioning that Clixsense is one of the more popular PTC for getting good ROI
and I think one of reasons is because when viewing an ad there you are required to stay on that page or the timer stops and  a message appears on top of screen saying "You need to keep this advert on focus to receive credit". I think Jo should consider adding that here so everyone that clicks ad has to view for 30 sec. without leaving the page early but if someone click off the page early, and to often, then user could be suspended for a day.  Idk just my thought.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
6 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 06:38
I hope not, I multitask MTV Marketplace, MTV Forum and Paidverts at the same time, most of the time.
Traffic Value: $760.15377 India
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14/01/2015 06:39
Good NEWS JO, Nice thing you have done, when people were yelling about ad issues, your Slaves told that it is only 14-15 hours have passed till the last ad issue, and yelling about them is not good. OK I understand that, they are your slaves and you are their Prophet (lol), but if it is the case then what just happened today, and how can your so called puny slaves can justify this. An ad issue in the early morning! ! This only means that all the bullshit which is thrown by your slaves is worthless.
This is a pure example of Non-Professionalism.
Traffic Value: $593.70484 United States
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14/01/2015 06:40
I know so do I, but let's be honest steering away from the ad does take away focus and we are being paid while advertisers want us to see the ad.
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Forum - News - Jan 14th - Daily News
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