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Jan 14th - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
9 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 04:31
Truth is that I agree with your observations. Paidverts is a child in it's current form. But don't dismiss it's potential for positive development, though.

 - As a PTC, is has one of the highest attraction models out there. I don't see membership slowing down anytime soon.
 - It's custom built. Though this does make design shifts more difficult, it also throws the doors wide open for sheer unrestrained functionality.
 - It's open dialogued, which means staff and members work together for the future betterment of the company as a whole. (That's why YOUR input is listened to and appreciated)
 - I'm not sure what else, but I'm sure others will elaborate their input as well, so...

With the right steps, staff, and service, I can see this PTC becoming Commercially Recognized in ways that most other PTC companies can't. I'm willing to offer any input I can to see that happen. I hope that you will continue to do the same.
Traffic Value: $595.0487 United States
3 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 04:32

while i enjoy being here i have to agree, my advertising results are not what i thought---you are correct on the fact that the majority of members here either cant afford to buy a product as they are desperately trying to move up to get bigger ads or the ones at the top wont spend-mater of fact time and time again i have seen some high earners here talk all about adding new products to bring in revenues then you look at their profile and they havnt even been willing to spend 1 dollar on anything like games to help keep money coming in, they want others to just to keep their income up  lol  so there are things to do to make money but as i said before-real estate can bankrupt you faster that you think, i know i did work on properties for 20 plus years including managing rental property( a huge money drain as even the rich tenants destroy things) but so far so good--
Traffic Value: $3,553.39286 India
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14/01/2015 04:32
@dguy & @ yallit finally i got $10 single ad thanks god my calculation is also so perfect shocked
Traffic Value: $338.25617 Algeria
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14/01/2015 04:41
je me permets de mettre un point à ne pas négliger sur le fait , que la PUB pour le site , pourrait se faire de différentes manières, afin d'attirer le maximum de personnes ,  la Web Radio est un des excellents moyen pour ça ,  il suffit de diffuser un Jingle sur une webradio ou des webradio , pour que le message circule de manière assez fluide .

voilà, c’était juste un avis perso , de ma part, j'ai une webradio, certes nouvelle , mais je peux contribuer à Diffuser Des JINGLES  de PV toutes les heures 24/24 et ce gratuitement .

ce sera un point de contribution de ma part pour ce magnifique site dont je suis membre depuis peu .

cordialement, momo
Good Evening,
I would like to put a point not to overlook the fact that advertising for the site, could be done in different ways in order to attract as many people, Radio Web is an excellent way to that, he simply spread a jingle on a web radio or web radio, so that the message circulates fairly fluid.

Here, it was just a personal opinion on my part, I have a web radio certainly new, but I can Broadcast PV Of JINGLES every hour 24h/24h  for free.

it will be a point of contribution on my part to this beautiful site I'm a member recently.

Sincerely, momo

Sincerely, momo
(google translate )
Traffic Value: $4,678.21724 Poland
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14/01/2015 04:42
User brodka24 is blocking BAP marketplace. Jo Please do something about this.

brodka24 0 347
Traffic Value: $3,553.39286 India
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14/01/2015 04:46
@chrystalia no other ptc/media/tv/paper can guaranttee u to increase ur sale/signup so is with pv.ur point of delay in delivery is valid but pl dont mix up it with results
Traffic Value: $248.64596 Philippines
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14/01/2015 04:47
please do something about the share listed for bap. brodka24's offer is blocking it. his offer is 0 shares at 347. 
Traffic Value: $496.56049 United States
4 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 04:48

There are a LOT of things that could be done to make our high dollar people attractive from an advertiser's point of view--and plenty that could be done to the site as a whole, as a matter of fact (as I am sure you have noticed).

As for me, my "real" job is writing ebooks, strategy guides, sales letters, newsletters of all types, as well as articles for websites. My PTC sites and my traffic exchanges are my "hobby"--and that hobby actually has several plusses. The money I make pays for my cable internet and the occasional software program I need for work--plus a new computer every year or so. It also allows me to track internet trends, fads, and long term changes in the consumer landscape (so to speak). I also collect and analyse data of all kinds for fun--I have over 4 TBs of data on just about every subject you can imagine hanging around. It comes in handy when someone wants articles for a site on a subject I don't know anything about LOL--it's a running joke that I do my best work when I am utterly clueless wink.

One of the big drawback is since I write for clients, my name never appears on anything LOL. I have been writing for years now, and the only place my writing shows up under my own name is on a few Hubpages hubs, and one blog post on making kimchee. I get all my new clients through simple word of mouth, and I keep the list fairly limited so the quality stays high.

I am a very good writer--if I weren't I couldn't make a living at it, given the number of desperate people running around online willing to write 500 word articles for a dollar or two getlost. The online writing biz is one of the most competitive fields there is, these days *sigh*.

Jo knows where to find me--I am a member here wink. I'd be happy to send him--or anyone else interested in seeing what I can do--some samples of previous work, or write something fresh on spec. In all the years I've been writing nobody has stolen my work, and I rather doubt it would happen here. 

I do things this way as one of the reasons my clients like me is I NEVER divulge who they are--or any of their contact information--period. When I am looking for more business, I send them all an email, and THEY send me new clients--something that doesn't happen too often, as I like to keep my time flexible.
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
7 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 04:48
Got my ads.  Clicked a lot of the $9 ads already, but I took the screenshot once I got the $100 ad.  A lot of them are %1 of recent bulk ad purchases here.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
4 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 04:50
One flaw I see in marketing here is the idea of 'some other money making opportunity' as a product in a company that seems to pale the idea that there even is one. I have literally stopped clicking in almost every other program because of Paiverts. So, money making opportunities are gonna sink like a rock here as products.

Until targeted traffic gets here, with the capacity to target not only demographics, but also account levels, specialized product sales are also going to be a hard sell.

I guess that's why I really don't advertise anything right now. I just don't know what to advertise.

I might run some polls, though, to gather information on what could be successfully advertised.
Traffic Value: $47.72185 Australia
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14/01/2015 04:53
Nice. But what is "I am fearless on stage"? tongue
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
5 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 04:54

You may not get the best results from your ads but because you get $1.55 back for every ad dollar you spend, your ads are not only free but you are actually paid to advertise here. If more advertisers actually realized this fact I'm pretty sure more of them would be willing to take the risk advertising.

And were you referring to me when you talked about the gaming? I'm actually pretty proud that I haven't wasted a penny of my money on games here. I grew out of that phase many years ago. I've already spent my tuition realizing that games are a guaranteed way to lose money in life.

At the same time, if you were to spend just a few minutes perusing my profile, you will see that I also do a lot of banner advertising. One of the reasons I actually came to this site was to advertise originally. If you know anything about this site you'll know that banners are also a pure profit center for the site, so you can't say that I don't do anything to add value to my stay here. That and the 1400+ referrals I have referred here are more than my share of contribution wink
Traffic Value: $4,013.67386 Canada
1 like this post 8 people
14/01/2015 05:01
FFS please for the love of god start doing those freeking ad issue's on a daily freeking time... i come online the same time everyday.. and now 2 issue's came within the same timeframe as always... wich freeking gave me ads of a lower group normaly i really dont give a fck if its my own damm fauld if i forget to refill... BUT i always click every fcking retarded day... already lost alot on the swap my own fauld but then these bs 2. starting to simply piss me off yes i said it piss me off. because its freeking never the same. ARE u telling me earning 300k refcom a month is not enough to daily send out something on the same time or hire someone to do it for u... 

. your running a international bissness with members all over the world... LEAST U CAn do is keep a planning and do things on same time frames... this is jsut completely retarded.
Traffic Value: $496.56049 United States
5 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 05:05

There are 100 zillion things that can be sold--I just mentioned the ebook industry because it is as huge as it is. We are in the information age--and digital information products, along with other digital products, are a huge market segment.

Yes to everyone--there are other products and services we can sell outside of advertising--and there are also people looking to advertise things other than ebooks, of course. Will they want to come here? Only time will tell.

This site has an intriguing business model--that is why I chose to spend some of my "fun time" here. The list of sites I belong to for non-work purposes is VERY small--and there are no scam sites on it.

I think PV/MTV does have tremendous potential--the question is how will that potential be realized? And are the aspects of PV that are a detriment to both PV and MTV going to be scrapped? If so, when?

As to the "custom" aspect of these sites--yes, custom CAN be nice. It can also be buggy, inefficient, and cause a lot of people to waste a LOT of time trying to reinvent the wheel, as we have seen with these sites. Hopefully future site aspects, addons, plugins and cool things will work better smile.

To those who may be annoyed, offended, or otherwise by my contributions to this conversation--


I like PV, and MTV (*at least the solitaire games LOL). I want to see them become, and remain, huge successes. If I didn't, I wouldn't bother commenting in the forum at all--I would just stick around until I realized what I consider to be an acceptable profit on my investment, then I'd leave. I am glad that for the most part, people have refrained from giving me grief or attitude over my two cents wink
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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14/01/2015 05:06

What I would suggest you might do is set up an autoresponder campaign, advertise it until you generate some provable results and then drop Jo a support ticket showing him what your CTR and sign up rate is. It shouldn't be hard to get results in the PTC industry. I do pretty well with some simple text ads and banners. This is all if you are interested.

But, if Jo isn't interested, I'm sure many people on the site would be so you then have a secondary market to appeal to in some way (maybe selling a co-op referral service - something I have thought of myself but I don't have the copywriting skill).

If you do want to do that, I'd suggest focusing on getting people off to a fast start. We get a lot of referrals here but the activity level is low. If you could show people a referral method that produced above 50% activity rates, I'm sure they would be interested.

That goes for other budding PV entrepreneurs too.
Traffic Value: $680.27326 Philippines
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14/01/2015 05:09
I say we are on our way to getting 4 Million members like Clixsense.

And we might also get those 4 million dreamers.

By that time we are 1000% better than Clixsense.
Traffic Value: $554.83245 Israel
2 like this post 3 people
14/01/2015 05:10
Umm Jo your programmers i think changed the captcha and its much harder now to see the word  there clearly could you please return it to the way it was?
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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14/01/2015 05:13
@Tbiz, it was mentioned in Jan 13th news that the daily ad issue for Jan 14th will be an early one because Jo is flying to NY today.
Traffic Value: $461.52927 Indonesia
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14/01/2015 05:15
Please check this user's campaign and Upline. Something looks suspicious.
Traffic Value: $4,013.67386 Canada
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14/01/2015 05:16
if that is so then i partly take my words back even tho even when he has nothing planned they still don't come on a base time. wich really shoud be done asap when working with so many different timeframes.

havn't paid attention to mtv much after selling my shares for 5 cent and all the chaos for the last weeks.
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