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Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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14/01/2015 03:27
In a word? Code.
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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14/01/2015 03:30
@lali6757, the ads may still be on their way. My ads are already a mix of the 1% and today's issue but the last ad I got so far is $2.1 which is my 1% ad. But I've seen 3 regular $1 ads that aren't my 1% ads.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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14/01/2015 03:33

Have you focused on the banners? I'll bet you'll get better results with banner impressions because they are at the top of the page and are seen by everyone on the site along with outside viewers.

A test you might want to do is spend $1 on an ad and maybe $50 on extra banner impressions (I don't know your budget) and see what your results are.

If you have high conversion banners, you might like the results

Also, a tip. Another site you might want to try for your client is Neobux' fixed ads during the weekday. I'm not a fan of what we can earn there but they can deliver a lot of referrals. They may not be the cheapest but I have used them for different campaigns (that I don't want to say because I don't want to give it away)

and @Jo,

I don't know about companies like the big mega conglomerates but I think we would be good at moving product for smaller online retailers that are looking for middle man sites. I don't think PTC ads are the thing we should be marketing to them but, once again, the banners. They are not incentivised so the clicks they get are more likely going to have no vested interest which is what advertisers seek.

And clickbank was brought up. I wonder if they would be a good fit here?
Traffic Value: $3,553.39286 India
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14/01/2015 03:37
@ yallit its not fair to issue ads mixing with 1% & daily coz it will increase confusion as everybody isnt so caculated like ucool mad. anyway thanks for updatesmile
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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14/01/2015 03:37
@Jo, In addition to dguy's comment, you might want to take a look again in the suggestion I made sometime ago about us having our own PPC site similar to that of Adhitz or Adsense.
Traffic Value: $593.70484 United States
13 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 03:37
@Jo It's quite obvious porn ads are becoming a problem here, whether its banner ads or campaign ads being delivered to us something needs to be done to stop it. Maybe hire someone to check all websites before they become active or perhaps install some kind of software that checks virus/frame breakers and adult content. This type of content will chase away big advertisers/companies if any show interest in advertising in PaidVerts.
Traffic Value: $63.01184 India
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14/01/2015 03:43
small ad issues in row angry
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
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14/01/2015 03:46
I have had all my issue ads. G11
Some 1% personal and 3 SUU. 
This time my Mega goes reasonable well after all flops, I am happy about that.
So I just have to wait for a couple of 1% personal. 

Clicked today 100 low value ads, recycling upgrade with Filter 0.01.
Really Filter with upgrade recycling may be a better option for many 
new users then buying miniupgrade.   
Traffic Value: $152,534.85777 United States
9 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 03:46

You talk about a bubble that will blow up.  What about all the products that MTV builds(casino, PV) and many more in the future(multiplayer games, Targeted Ads to name a couple).  There could be hundreds, even thousands of products we build here and they will be paid off one by one.  These will be bringing MTV huge snowballing revenues forever.  Then there's real estate and brick and mortar businesses to add future stabilty here.  All this will add tremendous value to the shares....its not a ponzi where the last people miss out like you describe.
Traffic Value: $1,294,085.21591 Germany
20 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 03:51
@ chrystalia, thanks for your detailed post... you definitely hit on some points... moreover, I love the way you say "never" that just fuels the PV engine up...

I am coming from marketing and media industry.... I see huge potential in PV if we hit things in the right direction. Definitely, lots of work to be done. We will get there... sometimes, those big brands need awareness. As our user base grows, we can certainly deliver that.... we can be a great platform for brand awareness granted we get those porn and ridiculous banners off the way (tough one to deal with anyway, as there will always be some abuser around the corner).

The business has come a long way... You can see that paidverts is a listener and very customer-centric. I am sure paidverts is gonna work hard to take the necessary steps to put things in place so as to make the platform attractive to the cooperate guys.

By the way, Jo.... have a safe flight and great stay in NY. Looking forward to learn how things go over there.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
32 like this post 3 people
14/01/2015 03:53
I am constantly amazed at all the bickering I hear in this forum about not making any money.
'Ad Issues are too small.'
'Share prices are too low.'
'Why can't I get my money now?'

No one here seems to understand the MIRACLE of this company.

Paidverts goes $0.55 into the red (potentially) for every dollar invested into it for advertising, yet, it pays better than ANY PTC I have ever seen out there.

Financially, it appears to be outpacing companies such as Clixsense and Neobux.


Because Jo was smart enough to understand that a PTC company of this magnitude can only survive because it's designed with it's loss factor balanced by several other hard sources of revenue all tied together as a single business model.

If this was ANY OTHER PTC, Paidverts would have scammed in mere months, but it's been what? Two? Three? years and this PTC is stronger than ever!

I wouldn't care if Jo announced that ad issues were gonna have to take a week off till revenues catch up. I would be right here waiting because I know in my heart that Paidverts is not dying anytime soon. Jo may have created the first TRULY sustainable PTC in the entire Industry!

Show some respect.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
6 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 03:53

The award for the most creative complainer of the day is already won. Stop the competition this will not be matched. The award that honors the most innovative and new way to complain on the site goes to:

lali6757  (applause)

For this little gem:

@ yallit its not fair to issue ads mixing with 1% & daily coz it will increase confusion as everybody isnt so caculated like u. anyway thanks for update

Congrats lali6757. If I had a funny picture to post I would post it. I hope I don't get any complaints for that
Traffic Value: $17,897.90531 United States
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14/01/2015 03:56
A barrage of quality posts! <3
Traffic Value: $1,625.74344 Pakistan
2 like this post 12 people
14/01/2015 03:59
why low value ads have been issued repeatedly. Jo said yesterday, that tomorrow will be the big ad issue day.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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14/01/2015 04:00
 downer [glashier]
Traffic Value: $496.56049 United States
17 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 04:05

If I am interested in "real advertising"--then I don't list it here at all, in any form. Why would I?? For lower prices, I can place a link one on any one of a half dozen PTC sites I usually use for actual advertising I want results from, and that ad will be active within 5 MINUTES on some, and no more than 12 HOURS on others. And, if I am selling something I will get sales, if I am looking for sign ups, I will get sign ups. 


Well, I always hate to be the bearer of hard facts wink. Seriously, the RIO/ad cost on PV is pathetic. I wasn't kidding when I said it was the worst in the industry. For your money, you can even get better response rate using mass mailings via SNAIL MAIL here in the U.S.--and I am NOT KIDDING about that either. One of my more innovative clients actually had me do a mass mailer POSTCARD for an e-product-- and we averaged an almost unheard of 1.5% conversion. Since his campaign was for  1 MILLION postcards, he was a happy camper LOL.

@paidverts--the targeting thing for targeting high dollar people is fairly innovative, true--BUT--will those targeted ads receive instant, or within 12 hour, delivery? 

And, BTW, while there are marketers that market high dollar items and would potentially like a way to get them presented to high dollar potential customers, unless they get a decent conversion rate, they'll drop the service--and advice their buddies to drop it as well.

 How many of your Big money people here are going to buy the newest, hottest, 5000.00 internet marketing product? Probably not many, since they know those products are crocks. I know a guy who advertises one of the 1400.00 initial/147.00 a month products on Clixsense regularly--and his current conversion rate is in the high single digits--because Clixsense gives him a potential customer base of over 4 MILLION "little guys"--with BIG DREAMS. 

The people who already HAVE plenty of money--like those on your leader board--are actually less likely to buy the "get rich" high ticket products. And unless you offer geo-targeting with it, advertiser probably won't flock here to sell their Rolex watches, classic cars, or Faberge eggs, either, since those types of high dollar items are generally sold "close to home". Maybe if MTV bought some auction site software and we started an auction site, we'd attract those types of advertisers.

Sites like the big three--Clixsense, Inbox Dollars, and Send Earnings, have been profitable and grown as long as they have because they have very large memberships, comprised of highly motivated members--people who read the ads, and actually sign up for or buy products from them. Clixsense may not be able to boast of tens of thousands of internet "rich people" (though it wouldn't surprise me if they did--many of the advertisers certainly have deep pockets), but they can boast 4 + million users who frequently buy products on Clixsense they will NOT buy on other PTC sites--because of Clixsense's reputation.

Inbox and Send Earnings have the kind of platform that established companies with really deep pockets advertise on--Bradford Exchange spends millions a year between the two, and has for years, because they sell a huge amount of collectibles through those sites.

So, what do WE have? Our "big money" people don't strike me as the type who will buy the 10.00 ebooks that my clients make 5-6 figures a year selling (and I make mid to high 5 figures a year writing). Our regular clickers, if you judge by the forum attitudes anyway, have less than zero interest in buying anything or signing up for anything people advertise here--they have frequently stated (quite a few of them) that the ONLY reason they click the ads is to get the money for doing so, and the ONLY reason they BUY advertising is to get the BAP--look at all the ads we used to have on PV for PV and MTV as an example--so they're not useful to an advertiser either.

And I'm sorry, but I rather doubt boasting of the pool of rich members we have will attract advertisers--or keep them for long--unless our "high dollar" members are willing to spend money on something other than shares and our games.

BTW--once this targeting thing comes online, that means our "high dollar" members may get many many more ads than the little guys, as well, since most people, given the choice, will target the people with money (even if that strategy isn't always the best one to pursue). Now, if the targeting covered "value" here--but ALSO has a profile that allowed advertisers to target by country, AND target to specific interests (like sports, investing, internet income, etc) and frequency of online shopping, plus average amount spent online--THAT would be something better and worth paying for. It's not entirely "new"--box Send Earnings and Inbox Dollars have very detailed profiles of members.

The targeting feature should come with a survey to fill out for your profile, listing 5 main interests, whether someone shops online at all, how often they do so on average, and what they spend (on average). Send Earnings and Inbox Dollars (who, by the way, have a LOT of middle class and upper class members--the high dollar SHOPPERS) have all of that along with household size, pets, and more that advertisers can use for targeting. 

That way, members would get ads that actually might interest them, and advertisers would have a better chance of getting a reasonable ROI

High dollar MEMBERS may mean one or two time big advertisers--but only high dollar SHOPPERS mean repeat advertisers.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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14/01/2015 04:19
Once the pool of high value members becomes large enough it would be easy to create a premium buyers club that people could have access to. The tradeoff could be something like discounts for members. Once that pool gets large enough we could create something like a premium member's costco. Another thing with the targeting is you could run ads on the high end members landing page so that they are exposed in a different way and all through the site. These things aren't difficult. It just gets down to proper use of space and the coding.

Did you say you write ebooks? So you are a successful copywriter then? The reason I'm asking is because we definitely need an autoresponder campaign type set up and if you have the skills and proven track record, I'm sure Jo would be interested in hearing what you could do.

I think he showed interest. I remember we were talking about it a while back and I know other members were interested or looking for something like that
Traffic Value: $17,897.90531 United States
6 like this post 0 people
14/01/2015 04:20
I guess my mind works quite differently because I think on a larger scale than what you keep talking about. There is always money to be made. I'm not even thinking in regards to PTC, but that seems to be the only thing on your mind. 

If you have an idea of an actual niche that can benefit the company other than selling your ebooks, feel free to pitch the idea to Jo. Limiting thoughts on what can and can't be done doesn't benefit anyone, so while your "reality" check may work for you, I think you are dealing with an array of people that you have no idea their capabilities and resources and you would be surprised by what talent and unwillingness to take no for an answer will get driven people. 
Traffic Value: $3,553.39286 India
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14/01/2015 04:23
@dguy thanks my roughly calculation says i still short of $10 ads today issue smile
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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14/01/2015 04:26
Good point newguy.

And as for PTC, I think there are only about 1 million people in the world(and they would be billionaires) who would not be interested in watching an ad for 30 seconds and making 300 or 400 dollars. So this site, even as a lowly PTC, has the potential to bring in just about anybody
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Forum - News - Jan 14th - Daily News
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