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Feb 16th - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
19 like this post 0 people
17/02/2015 02:34
@killerscript, it seems like you haven't clicked any activation ads for a long time. I've checked 146 pages of your BAP history and I noticed that you last clicked an activation ad on Jan 17 (unless I missed seeing another one along the way). You need to click at least 1 activation ad every 21 days to continue receiving paid ads. Check your account to verify. In the member homepage, you should see this question: "Is your account active, and eligible to receive ads?"
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
4 like this post 0 people
17/02/2015 03:14
Yallit for president. smile You are amazing,man. 
Traffic Value: $3,553.39286 India
1 like this post 0 people
17/02/2015 03:27
itna sannata kyo hai bhaigringringrin
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
7 like this post 0 people
17/02/2015 03:57
All fine with the adissue here. 

I clicked 225 ads today. None lower then 0.002. 
That is pretty good for PTC modus day. 
Traffic Value: $3,553.39286 India
1 like this post 0 people
17/02/2015 03:59
why so silence in heaven ruled by jotongue
Traffic Value: $380.03693 Pakistan
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17/02/2015 04:00
Guys is recycler upgrade working? I'm only receiving 0.002 and some 0.005 
Traffic Value: $3,553.39286 India
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17/02/2015 04:06
Guys group 11 looks like step mother sontongue
Traffic Value: $1,769.39888 United States
7 like this post 0 people
17/02/2015 04:10
Good admin Thanks for my payment, Thanks to Slosumo great help 

Traffic Value: $1,133.25862 Ghana
5 like this post 0 people
17/02/2015 04:37
paidverts - Administrator - Thank you, it is nice to get back to normality. It seems the storm is over for now, and the sun is shining again. Thank you for the paid ads, have a peaceful and creative day grin
Traffic Value: $386.33604 Viet Nam
2 like this post 0 people
17/02/2015 04:51
Nice team and nice ads today ^^

But my group 11 only received 89$. Anyone in group 11 received full 96.8$ ?
Traffic Value: $5,909.85148 Germany
3 like this post 0 people
17/02/2015 04:59
1.  well done, nice coming back to normality
2. i need a little help in  calculation !  I am group11 
(6m to 20m …........ 0.140 …........ 35241.36 …........ 364 …........ 96.8169 …........ 0.75).
suppost to get 96,8 $ ads. 
So yesterday i had 16,14 $ and 6257547 BAP. Today after viewing ads 101,6 $ and 6076948 BAP.
so my result ist 85,5 $ consuming 180599 of my BAP´s. So i got 85,5 $ and my sponsor 4,5$ thats together 90 $
....where did last 6,8 $ go ?
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
5 like this post 0 people
17/02/2015 05:00
around 150 ads here.. none lower than 0.01... pretty peachy today smile
Traffic Value: $1,133.25862 Ghana
6 like this post 0 people
17/02/2015 05:02
paidverts - Administrator - Thank you for the paid ads. I like this idea of you, to send the ads in the way you do now, in $0.20 - $0.25 etc. This way more ads get viewed, and all have to click a bit more this way, because this is good for PV and MTV. I also like it that you want to semi-automate the daily ad issue, for it takes too much of you time, and you need your time for more important things. Before you mentioned it a few days ago, I did not even know how much work it is for you everyday. Wish you that all works fine with your team, have a peaceful and creative day grin
Traffic Value: $13.1859 Philippines
0 like this post 0 people
17/02/2015 05:31
how will I know my Users ID number? please help
Traffic Value: $1,126.85455 Bulgaria
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17/02/2015 05:32

User ID 355288
Traffic Value: $846.44882 Canada
0 like this post 0 people
17/02/2015 06:05
sorry if it has been post before

min upgrade does not work...

paid 2 times still show does not upgrade send support ticket now.
Traffic Value: $502.02169 Poland
0 like this post 0 people
17/02/2015 06:11
There is problem with google capcha........................................ tried 10 times to log in......................
Traffic Value: $4,963.69955 India
4 like this post 0 people
17/02/2015 06:21
for group 11, i received only $88 so far, it is supposed to be $96, right ?
some missing ads are yet to deliver ? i think all users in group 11, missed some ads.. as i can see above replies as well
Traffic Value: $1,133.25862 Ghana
0 like this post 0 people
17/02/2015 06:21
@any mod - Can someone please explain me what the Percent (x100) column exactly means? Percent from what? From the available funds of the day? - Sorry to bother you with this, but I just don't understand this one - Thanks smile

BAP Group …... Percent (x100) …... $Available …... No. Users …. $ Ads /User ,,, Default $/ad
Traffic Value: $496.56049 United States
0 like this post 0 people
17/02/2015 06:37

Yes, that is the percentage of the total funds available that goes to the individual group, gloria smile.
So if you multiply that decimal by 100 (or just move the decimal point 2 places to the RIGHT) then you see what percentage of the total your group gets.

BTW how are you today?
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