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Feb 16th - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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17/02/2015 01:10
@tharude, you're in Group 9 and I checked your BAP history, you received the following ads:
20 X $0.3
60 X $0.25
1 X $9.007

That's a total of $30.007 ads. What you will get in your balance is only $28.50665 because of the 5% that will go to your sponsor.

The ad issue for Group 9:

1.5m to 3m …........ 0.125 …........ 31465.5 …........ 1048 …........ 30.0243 …........ 0.25

So you received your ads.
Traffic Value: $464.78325 Romania
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17/02/2015 01:11
Thanks, for Team PaidVerts.
Yesterday, my BAP for duplicate, failed & "recycled & then issued" ads since 9th February has  refunded in my account a PaidVerts team.
And, today, all my 61 ads is ok an their has been correspunding with correct value in money
(Raport BAP/$),
 (61 ads=32004 BAP=$ 16,002) (I’m level  8/15)
So, now all is ok, and all now working good.
I hope so all will working good for much time more and for future.
VizionareRec !<3
Multumesc,  echipei  PaidVerts.
Ieri, BAP-urile mele lipsa si care au fost duplicate, triplate sau chiar lipsa si deci, nu au reusit & "reciclate &apoi; eliberat" din  anunturile din 9 februarie au fost rambursate în contul meu de  echipa  PaidVerts.
Si astazi, toate cele 61 anunturi ale mele sunt in regula si corespund cu valoarea lor corecta în bani (Raport BAP / $), 
(61 anunturi = 32004 BAP = $16,002) (Sunt la nivelul 8 din 15)
Deci, tot este in regula, si toate acum lucreaza bine.
Sper ca totul va lucre bine pentru mult si pentru viitor.
Cu stima,

VizionareRec !
Traffic Value: $964.04707 Cyprus
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17/02/2015 01:12
At this point the Fast Track Queue is at  130-185 days is that realistic or just a guess? i mean what happent to 80 days
Traffic Value: $155.46155 Philippines
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17/02/2015 01:12

It is safe to use i'm using it for almost a year already & haven't any problem with them. You can contact them through phone or FB for your transactions concern. I'm a bitcoin miner & do buy & sell btc with them with ease from the start.
Traffic Value: $385.82336 Philippines
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17/02/2015 01:14

Thank you for the info
Traffic Value: $1,126.85455 Bulgaria
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17/02/2015 01:16
 Yeah... i'm the second from "Dumb and Dumber" movie. I've guessed that this was my "sponsor" cut but it was too late to edit my post. 
Everything is just marvelous!
Thank's for your time and efforts to calculate all this! smile
And feel free to edit my post and remove this line as it is not true!
Traffic Value: $63.06158 Israel
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17/02/2015 01:17
LOL I didn't get my ads...
96k to 180k …........ 0.060 …........ 15103.44 …........ 4507 …........ 3.3511 …........ 0.04

it's the third-forth time that i'm not getting my ads since I registered to the website T_T
Traffic Value: $122.20448 Argentina
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17/02/2015 01:17
Any news about Payoneer?
Traffic Value: $59.65253 Venezuela
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17/02/2015 01:33
están trabajando en una solución posible para esta semana
Traffic Value: $3,553.39286 India
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17/02/2015 01:34
@jo @ slosumo & all mods y r u not looking the 11 group problem of short ad of 9$ than that of ad issue table shown? there is clear cut mistake in issuing 1x30% it sud be 29.045 but served it by 20.045 .its not possible made by computor its fault on part of jo who taken 9 as 0 so pl issue 9$ ad to 11group immediately
Traffic Value: $4,013.67386 Canada
4 like this post 0 people
17/02/2015 01:37

open a support ticket on a respectfull less demanding way and im sure your problem will be solved or explained.
Traffic Value: $384.50396 United States
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17/02/2015 02:01
@ beyre

We are lucky to have the kerosene heater in the house, we can't afford the big tank of Propane for the furnace, so instead this year it has been all the kerosene heater for heating. I have a gas stove but I am sure the gas tank for that is getting low as well. But I can always cook outside on the gas grill if needed or hook the little tank up to the stove if needed. But if the water goes, and the lights I will be running out of kerosene quickly in the lamps. Luckily only about 2 more weeks or so of really cold weather here.
Traffic Value: $380.03693 Pakistan
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17/02/2015 02:03
What is the meaning of round no. in FTQ sale market? How do I know when it will mature through round number? Please answer my question i've been looking for answer from 6 days now. sad
Traffic Value: $197.92733 United States
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17/02/2015 02:06

We have a kerosene heater, but no kerosene. It's a bit rough on my asthma, but I guess we do have it for emergencies.

For us, about 3-4 weeks more of winter temps. Typically towards the end of March things become more comfy temperature-wise.
Traffic Value: $1,379.99012 Serbia
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17/02/2015 02:10
On some post some members are complaing about some malwaere link from I have few of those campaigns and still are active. It's PTP website and i registered few monts ago because i read on some forum that is not scam and that it pays.

I will flag it and change the link but i need 2 more shareholders to change it to prevent damage to other users.
Traffic Value: $228.85395 Venezuela
7 like this post 0 people
17/02/2015 02:15
Yay! PV IS BACK! grin. I hope we can continue in a good pace and BAP Swap is not required anytime soon...

Nice ad issue! Congratulations and Thanks to all the programming team and admins for being honest and dedicated to solving most of the problems.

Now we just need Paypal for peace and we're back on the fast track! smile LOL
Traffic Value: $6.6428 India
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17/02/2015 02:22
good news
Traffic Value: $496.56049 United States
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17/02/2015 02:24

I'm one of the people who got that link--when I got it a second time I swapped it. According to my Norton, it is some sort of  port hijacker--pops up a window with an 800 number claiming your windows 8.1 security had been compromised, and you need to call the special "windows support number". You can't even close the window or clear it without hitting "ok", because it keeps spawning popups. If it's you're campaign, sorry... 

I have noticed that SOME ptp24 kinks are not a problem, but others are, no idea why.
Traffic Value: $236.92954 Philippines
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17/02/2015 02:25
ad issue is awesome today!!!! Sure is nice to see fat ads on my page again... Thanks JO!!!!!!  grin
Traffic Value: $1,379.99012 Serbia
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17/02/2015 02:30

It's not big deal i will change it because it looks risky and now i have some better things to
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