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Feb 16th - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
0 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 03:35
@ MeagoDK
That's another way of putting
And I guess, I also never realised fully that 33 of the 50 visits
have to come now from the 5 extra cents.
Traffic Value: $291.6941 Pakistan
2 like this post 12 people
16/02/2015 03:36
Good morning friend i think now paidverts not release any ads every day they give to user new lollipop to users and say eat this whole they then i give you 
today is 3 day programmers ask today later refund bap , today leter fire millions ads , we established office , we need stuff , we need 
i love paidverts but now i hate paidverts programmers because they are so lazy they can,t handle bug today is may 5 week without ads if they release ads last Monday they deduct more BAP they still not refund Paidverts have so bad communication they don't complete his promise i thing now they don't want to run paidverts they are more foucing on paidverts swap ........
due to this so many problem i lost many refers may all refers want to withdarw money .already 5 refers leave paidverts i thing now paidverts and digadz not have more much different both are doing same
Sorry if i hurt you but now i can't more wait its may feeling that is express  
Traffic Value: $890.84567 Canada
8 like this post 2 people
16/02/2015 03:39
I am going to stop reading the forum. Everyday admin says something and then it will be tomorrow. If i get my BAP back, I'll be happy. If I get any ads, I'll be happy. If there is a big ad issue, I'll be very happy. If I read the forum, I just get frustrated because there is always a new bug, or they can't repair it until the programers come back in which just leads to more frustration. What comes, comes. What doesn't come, we have to live with it.
Traffic Value: $3,553.39286 India
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16/02/2015 03:40
@adeel002 pl keep patience as v hav no other ulternative atm loltongue
Traffic Value: $3,168.90253 Mexico
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16/02/2015 03:42
well,,,,,,,have you seen big investors complain?..if you are free to go.
Traffic Value: $110.99507 Canada
2 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 03:43
I hope the ad problem gets fixed soon myself; my filter is at .005 and since Monday I think I've only received 15c or so.  I also went back and looked at the ad campaigns I bought and have almost 2500 that haven't been delivered yet - the oldest dates back to January 4th...  Some of the ones delivered seem to have gone to the same people multiple times, that shouldn't be happening.

I do have a suggestion regarding ads constantly getting stuck in the system.  Allow buying ad campaigns Monday-Friday, and for the weekend send out the ones that are stuck in the system.  If they are all small ones like .0005, why not add them all up and then disperse them at one rate to everyone?  If they aren't cleared out by midnight Sunday, add them to the package sent out the following weekend.  That way everyone gets ads every day, and the system clears out?

I'm not sure if that's feasible at the moment but it's just a suggestion.

What do you think?
Traffic Value: $3,211.07643 Sri Lanka
3 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 03:46
Read everything around posted here during the last two to three days.

many small users have left PV due to its broken nature & we need to take more care of this product I suppose. Things would be back to normal once the daily ads issues start to roll around, but we need to keep it consistent for few months, even if the Daily Issue is few Ks.

And there's no point in FTQ market if the options are limited to specific sellers/buyers.

Whether a Debt swap would arrive or not, I'm hopeful for a better future with Future Business Group Ltd. wink
Traffic Value: $278.08525 Bangladesh
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16/02/2015 03:46
waiting for bif add >;:.;.;.;grin
Traffic Value: $291.6941 Pakistan
1 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 03:50

bro i can wait 1 month 2 month if jo say but jo should need to clear how much time to wait i can i trust on jo not his programmers but i dont know why jo so luzy why Jo not give solid reason 
Traffic Value: $6,016.01548 United States
8 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 03:55
Is it me, or is there something in the water in a certain country. 
It must be killing brain cells by the millions, and rendering its citizens clueless.
Traffic Value: $390.26943 Serbia
1 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 03:58
this place could use some music....
Traffic Value: $3,553.39286 India
1 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 04:01
@adeel002 dear every thing is not in the hand of jo he depends on his staff so things can b more delayed beyond even jo's estimation
but one thing is sure that jo & slosumo r very honest person ever i heard in my life such human can not even think to cheat us. so patience is the only key right at the momentgrin
Traffic Value: $6,016.01548 United States
3 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 04:07

It's nice to see you actually providing decently positive input here at Paidverts after you and your buddy Yman were trashing us on other site's forums about our Paypal issues.
Traffic Value: $157.27356 United States
14 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 04:20
Every time I open this page, I see "no ads today", "where are our baps?" etc then I thought to myself where then do I get all the ads I have been viewing since Tuesday when the supposed problem started?

The micro ad packs work, the recycled ads work(low at times), the random ads work too, the normal ad issue may not be working but I certainly have made about 5 usd this week( which includes 3 usd from recycled ads) and I am in group 5, yes group 5 and I have repurchased twice or so (Even planning for another repurchase). The funny thing is my BAP was also affected( around 5000 or so) like everyone else but that should not deter me.

So, as many that wants to leave, well you can but coming to the forum and announcing your departure in order to draw sympathy or pity from others is quite desperate.

The money I made this week even when PV is not up to its full "normal" potential, I have not made it in other sites in 1 month.

So "the leaving guys", please leave and lets have peace!!!

We need a cleaner forum.
Traffic Value: $191.61151 Tanzania United Republic of
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16/02/2015 04:31
Im getting tired for sure.
Traffic Value: $496.56049 United States
17 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 04:41

YEP. Group 8 here, have clicked almost 15,000 ads since I joined.

Like you, I have been getting PLENTY of ads. I have added over 500 shares to my pile of shares, have some cash, have gone through 6 or 7 recycler packs, and woke up this morning with 107 ads in my paid ads box. Since I logged on at around 8 p.m. on the 15th, I have probably clicked 140 ads or so, and will be doing micro ad packs shortly, when the latest recycler is finished and I have bought another one.

I even wrote a few miscellaneous posts so people would know that there are ALWAYS ads out there--and how to get their share.

What annoys me is not so much that people complain--every other PTC on the web has a steady flow of ads, 24/7, seven days a week, WITHOUT the user having to "do" anything to get them. They arrive, when the views are gone they disappear. The other sites I belong to have at minimum about 40 ads a day, some as many as 150-200 a day.

What really has made me downright ANGRY is the people who, when you point out they have 48 guaranteed ads a day worth 10 cents--the micro ad packs--say it "isn't worth their time", and keep whining. Or the ones that whine, and whine, and complain when they miss their regular ad issue--BECAUSE THEY ARE IN GROUP 4 OR 5 AND HAVE THEIR FILTER SET AT 10 CENTS or something equally ridiculous--and when you tell them they missed ads because THEY MESSED UP, they get annoyed.

Some people also seem to think that if they set their filter at 50 cents, and the ad issue for their group is 4.00, the system will "give them" their ads, as 8 50 cent ads. Well, for those people--IT DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY.

Given all the undelivered ads we have right now, for ANY ad issue to be less than 50 or 60 ads is dumb--and EVERYONE should be clicking those micro ad packs--because if we have to refund undelivered ads, our reputation, what little there IS of it, will be ruined. After all, this is supposed to be an ADVERTISING platform--which by definition means we're supposed to be able to deliver ads.

Bottom line--if you want BIG MONEY QUICK, then just invest in the plans, or buy ads and sell the BAP for shares and invest in plans, or buy shares and get the dividends every Monday. Some of our big money people have no BAP at all--they get their money through dividends from shares. If you want to click ads and not invest a big chunk of cash up front to get money--then for heaven's sake, click everything you can and get to the higher groups--because with the ad values the way they are at the moment, and the size of groups at the moment, if you are looking for 50.00 a day or something, you won't see it below group 12 or 13, probably--and then you can still expect to click around 100 ads or so as long as we have so many undelivered ads.

But if you're in a lower group, and you don't take advantage of every opportunity to get money to either cash out, invest, or buy ads with, then I don't have much sympathy for you. THE ADS ARE THERE. YOU JUST HAVE TO BE WILLING TO GO GET THEM, AND CLICK THEM. Yes, I would love to see consistent daily ad issues of ANY kind around here--no days off, like any other PTC in that regard. But until it happens, if it ever does, we have to either make do, or change our earning strategy--or leave for greener pastures.

End of rant wink
Traffic Value: $769.68498 Russian Federation
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16/02/2015 04:41
Tell me how to disable the vacation mode and return to the place of their baht?
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
5 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 04:43
those people need to learn something: safe, guaranteed, on the clock money with no risks? WORK.
That does wonders. You will always get money... the right day, the right amount.. it´s amazing wink
Traffic Value: $496.56049 United States
6 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 04:54

AAAGH. You're using that dirty 4 letter word LOL. Everyone DOES need to figure out that if you want good earnings with very little or no effort, the only way to do it around these parts is buying shares and cashing out the dividends every monday--or buying more shares with it.

Those undelivered ads won't click themselves. It's amazing indeed. Of course our marketing is at fault as well--all those stupid click for dollars not cents pages floating around give EVERYONE false expectations, especially considering the lack of consistent ad issues.

Honestly, yes--I looked forward to the idea of clicking 10 or 12 50 cent or 1.00 ads instead of hundreds of smaller ones--but I figured out pretty quick that it wouldn't happen until I got into a group above 8 or 9. 

When I was almost there pre-BAP swap, I readjusted my priorities, as I STILL wasn't seeing consistent ads above 10 or 15 cents. Then  the BAP swap happened, and now even though I am a group HIGHER than I was, I have had to readjust my priorities AGAIN, due to the huge number of undelivered ads and the inability of our website to actually deliver ads on a daily basis.


I don't whine, I click. OH, YES--I make my opinions on what is going on VERY clear--but my comments are based on logic and math, not the fact that I have not gotten (yet) what the ad copy implied I would get. I see no reason to whine about it--since it will do no good at all. If constructive criticism and suggestions fall on deaf ears, why would whining be any different?
Traffic Value: $3,553.39286 India
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16/02/2015 04:55
@ chrystalia i m surprised to know that u clicked so much tinny ads along with ur so longy writting stuff making u 500 shares really unbelevable u cleaned so many ads.i think u sud b awarded title as THE CLEANING QUEEN OF PAIDVERTS
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