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Traffic Value: $59.81268 Spain
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17/02/2015 08:56
Goodmorning to all, Jo says paypal is in progress, Carlos is working on it this week!!!!! great.  By the way is anyone having problems with the captchas?  It was terrible for me last night, not one captcha worked for me, uf I nearly had a heartattack heheheheheh!shocked but I love pv.  I am only in group 4 , but I really hope to get into a higher group, I am definitely going to do it, I have a lot of hope.  And also I need to buy the ad-filter, oh well time will tell.
Traffic Value: $249.68549 South Africa
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17/02/2015 08:58

Do you have a gmail account? If you don't, go and create one for you. Then make sure you are signed in with your gmail account and use the Google Captcha on PV. The Captcha tends to be much better then. 

I've had absolutely no problems so far. 

It's worth a try.
Traffic Value: $59.81268 Spain
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17/02/2015 09:01
I have a hotmail.  I use google, thanks for the information
Traffic Value: $296.99123 Serbia
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17/02/2015 09:01
Also if Google captcha starts throwing some uber-hard captchas your way, just clear your cookies/history/everything and re-login.. Solves the problem for me everytime! smile

Usually happens if I click A LOT of ads in short time span, they start thinking I'm Blender or something grin (Futurama fans will understand)
Traffic Value: $249.68549 South Africa
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17/02/2015 09:02
Let us know if it gets any better. 
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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17/02/2015 09:02
@Jo or Slosumo, Have the programmers check the banner auction. There seems to be a problem in placing a bid.
Traffic Value: $59.81268 Spain
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17/02/2015 09:09
eXtreme X I just wondered do I have to block the cookies or eliminate them?  I am not very sure about this.  Thanks in advance.grin
Traffic Value: $782.11238 Spain
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17/02/2015 09:19
ten cuidado hay páginas de anuncios han virus
Traffic Value: $296.99123 Serbia
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17/02/2015 09:19
Noo, don't block them, cookies are good.. They make our surfing life easier by a factor of 10 by keeping us logged in on sites we previously logged in for quite some time.. Just erase them (clear entire history if you're unsure) but only do this if you start getting some weird/hard-looking captchas, then next time you open Paidverts it'll ask you to login again and once you do that - you'll hopefully start getting those "beginner" captchas again smile
Traffic Value: $162.39233 Lithuania
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17/02/2015 09:20
Guys, wtf is wrong with this capcha, also have problems with it?
Well just saw your post @eXtremeX  thx smile
Traffic Value: $59.81268 Spain
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17/02/2015 09:20
pues anoche casi me dar algo!!!! Creo que todos los anuncios tenian un virus jijiijjii.  Que trabajito me costo de hacerlos, no me acoste hasta las 3.00 uf
Traffic Value: $508.47851 India
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17/02/2015 09:51
when paypal cashout will be start
Traffic Value: $3,866.40125 Nepal
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17/02/2015 09:54
Group 11 Missing ads, i received only $88. Rest are missing
Traffic Value: $4,963.69955 India
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17/02/2015 09:56
Yeah, i think entire group 11 users got only $88, instead of $96..
Traffic Value: $4,392.68844 United Kingdom
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17/02/2015 09:59
Same here group 11 missing ads
Traffic Value: $155.11363 Nigeria
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17/02/2015 10:09
Hello House,

I just want to say that I have checked the entire list for BAP refund and my number (14905344) is not there. 

I want to believe that there are still some people that are yet to be refunded.

Please suggestion if you have any option.

Traffic Value: $1,133.25862 Ghana
1 like this post 2 people
17/02/2015 10:10
Wow, I just see that some people of group 11 are complaining about the ads today. I wish I would be in this group, and hope to make it there soon. You guys almost made Hundred Bucks today. I wish I would make that much, it would help me a lot. Today is not a day to complain, today is a day of being thankful. I got my ads today, I am all happy, and hope Jo's team got the technical part under control now. After all, it is a very complicated task, much more complicated than I thought. My confidence it growing, and I am glad that Paidverts and MTV came in my way grin 
Traffic Value: $132.46681 Macedonia
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17/02/2015 10:17

Yeah, that's for sure. I got 5 $ today and i'm happy. Plus i got my first referral. Hehehehe. And later today there should be one more ref under me. And i also truly believe in Jo and his team. I'm sure that there are great times ahead of all of us. As long as we stay in PV/MTV and grow of course.grin
Traffic Value: $1,133.25862 Ghana
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17/02/2015 10:27
 bojant - Congrats to your new ref, and yes, we have to stay in PV and MTV. It took me a long time to get confidence in Jo, but meanwhile I see he is really trying his best, and so I look ahead on a long shareholder partnership here.
Traffic Value: $782.11238 Spain
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17/02/2015 10:37
PLZ ADMIN beware there are pages of ads have virus .....
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