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Feb 16th - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
0 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 02:13
Thanks, Yallit. 
Another thing I know now. smile
Traffic Value: $81.62716 Philippines
1 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 02:16
happy monday morning cool
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
6 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 02:19
@pythagoras, it took me sometime but I found it at last where Jo mentioned that exactly:

- $0.05 creates 33 instant ads, that get issued at random: 20x $0.0005, 10 x $0.001 , 2 x $0.005 and 1x $0.02
- $0.10 of each purchase pays your upline
- $0.10 of each purchase is profit for the MTV Portfolio
- $0.10 creates 10x 1% ads issued to the purchaser over 10 days
- $0.10 creates 10x 1% ads issued at random to Super Users
- $0.10 is added to the daily ad issues, 2x5% per day.
- $0.50 is invested at MTV, which now needs to return 2.4x in order to clear the reduced level of debt now created with each pack (previously it was 2.5x).
Traffic Value: $1.70137 Philippines
2 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 02:25
i am only getting 2 paid ads in the last 4 days,,, how about you guys?
Traffic Value: $65.31824 Colombia
0 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 02:27
No, I have received about thirty, dear user with only two in the recent days.
Traffic Value: $496.56049 United States
4 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 02:31

I woke up to find 107 waiting for me today--

BUT I have me filter set on .001, and I have the recycle upgrade. I also click my micro ad packs every day, since it's another 10 cents, and I have the 1% mini upgrade--though that only gave me 7 ads today *sigh*. Altogether, I would say that since I logged on at about 8 p.m. on the 15th, I've had about 130 ads.

They're out there--but they are small, and you have to work to get some of them (like buying the 5 cent upgrade and doing the micro ad packs). The others seem to be just random luck...
Traffic Value: $6.6428 India
0 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 02:31
hope good news today
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
0 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 02:36
I had 8 ads in the last 4 days a total of 9 cents, 3 cents profit.
Traffic Value: $236.92954 Philippines
1 like this post 6 people
16/02/2015 02:39
To hell with the ads give us our BAP back first than mess with ads!!!!!!!!!!!
Traffic Value: $1.70137 Philippines
0 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 02:40
do we have any issue in giving out ads?
Traffic Value: $294.60488 Philippines
1 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 02:50
Now bad time pv .But i can make ad +recy ad $1.00 day. Good for me.0.002/5(rey) ad come every 5 mins .

I work hard to go next Group.....angel.
Traffic Value: $858.4344 India
3 like this post 7 people
16/02/2015 03:11
Goodmorning All,

 What is going on Paidverts team? Everyday early server time u r saying programmers are going to return our lost BAP in later evening and after that we r going to fire out quarter million ads bla bla bla. But in real life it all what we getting = nothing, So give us clear picture what is going on
Traffic Value: $6,016.01548 United States
9 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 03:14

Paidverts announced they are not going to be issuing ads any more. They are just going to run this forum so people can whine and complain.  Bla Bla Bla
Traffic Value: $2,697.0796 Denmark
1 like this post 2 people
16/02/2015 03:14
pythagoras There are no longer such a thing as 1% ads, now it is 0.95% ads smile 
Traffic Value: $1,625.74344 Pakistan
6 like this post 14 people
16/02/2015 03:22
No nominal ad issue for Sunday as promised by Jo, No BAP return as promised by JO for yesterday and every day. No 500k$ ad issue on this Monday as promised by Jo, priorities have been changed. 
and I am 1000000% sure there will be no ad issue on this Monday, rather this week. because they have a " BUGGGGGG" that will take "a bit long".
Traffic Value: $2,697.0796 Denmark
5 like this post 2 people
16/02/2015 03:25
Jo did not promise anything about an ad issue yesterday. Learn to read thank you wink He said he would do one if the problem is fixed. The problem was not fixed before he went to bed and is still not fixed as of right now. 
Traffic Value: $6,016.01548 United States
8 like this post 2 people
16/02/2015 03:25

Quit being such a jacka$$.
Jo has NEVER "promised" anything.
Quit putting words in his mouth to justify your ranting!

EDIT: Oh wait, nevermind. I just noticed why your comments are always the same stupid thing...
Traffic Value: $3,168.90253 Mexico
0 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 03:27
seems that Jo has been lying to us,,,so,let`s sale and leave if we are not happy with MTV...

i am pretty sure out there is a site which will give you more money than this site....(sarcasm,,you will stay, there is nothing outside giving you such a great profits)
Traffic Value: $6,016.01548 United States
0 like this post 0 people
16/02/2015 03:30

Yah, let's go to that, errrr, better site that we will make lots more!!
Traffic Value: $3,553.39286 India
0 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 03:30
good morning to allgrin now i m used to take patience untill 6 aprilltongue
no problem admin take your time grin
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