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Traffic Value: $564.96146 Venezuela
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17/02/2015 00:35
Today I am happy and satisfied with the announcements of value that camecool smile But I would like to know Mr Jo or a moderator that tells me if we are going to have regularity in this and not have to wait a week to receive normally notices of courage .cool hmm
Traffic Value: $59.65253 Venezuela
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17/02/2015 00:41
Beyre Thanks already down to 0.039. Like I accept recommendations : D
Traffic Value: $385.82336 Philippines
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17/02/2015 00:42
Any Filipinos here who have tried buying and selling bitcoins using
If it is safe and reliable we can use it to cash out our earnings on Paidverts if the issue with Paypal will not be solved. I read somewhere that withdrawing from to some major Philippine banks is free of charge. Unlike when I withdraw from Paypal to BDO, they charge me Php 250.
Traffic Value: $2,592,904.1508 Spain
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17/02/2015 00:47
The aim is to return to regularity... we'll try to do an ad issue every single day except Saturday.

PayPal is in progress... I'm sure we'll get it back at some point, with some revised terms / limits or whatever PayPal requires. Carlos is working on that this week.
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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17/02/2015 00:48
@lister23, at the time of the ad issue, you only had 177531 BAP which puts you under Group 5. This is what you're supposed to earn:

96k to 180k …........ 0.060 …........ 15103.44 …........ 4507 …........ 3.3511 …........ 0.04

You received 14 X $0.05 ads and a single $1.682 ad. So you received a total of $2.382 which is less than what you're supposed to get from your Group. You started receiving the daily ad issue on 16-02-2015 21:21:01 and stopped on 16-02-2015 21:45:01 because you immediately changed your ad filter.

PV +$0.00 Ad filter, the lowest ad value: $0.09

You changed your ad filter again and this time to $0.05 at 16/02/2015 22:22:32 wherein it's already a bit late because your ads were already blocked. Currently you filter is now at $0.039 after changing it on 17/02/2015 00:15:09.
Traffic Value: $384.50396 United States
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17/02/2015 00:54
@ jagodinac123

Just got a 1 cent recycled a few minutes ago but it was the first one I have gotten for hours.
Traffic Value: $390.26943 Serbia
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17/02/2015 00:56

a bit odd, don`t you think?
Traffic Value: $92.48835 Viet Nam
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17/02/2015 00:57
How's about Mega/Mini Upgrade packages? Are they working properly at the moment?
I intend of getting a new Mega Upgrade. I really appreciate to get some confirmation from any mods/Admin.
Traffic Value: $384.50396 United States
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17/02/2015 00:57
@ beyre

We are suppose to get all that sleet, freezing rain and snow here. I am getting everything done in the house before it starts here, just in case if the power goes off. Wont be good if it does, my generator is broken hubby broke it about a month ago.
Traffic Value: $564.96146 Venezuela
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17/02/2015 00:58
Thank you for your timely response Sr Jo all want regularly and always when the PV/MTV has stability and durability in time. cool smile
Traffic Value: $496.56049 United States
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17/02/2015 01:00

I just got 3 .005s a minute or so ago--first I had seen in hours as well. And when I logged in yesterday around 9 p.m. server, I only had about 3 cents' worth of recycles. 

*sigh* strange, folks. 
Traffic Value: $1,126.85455 Bulgaria
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17/02/2015 01:01
Heh, seems like this issue was 2-3 bucks short, but i'm too lazy to calculate right now.
The rest of the ads from the BIG ad issue are still missing.
Anyway, the nicest thing right now is, that the dices are rolling and the things are going slowly back to normal!

Keep it up Jo! Nice work!
Traffic Value: $390.26943 Serbia
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17/02/2015 01:01
so where are they?

Traffic Value: $1,126.85455 Bulgaria
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17/02/2015 01:04
Jag, it happens when you don't feed the Cron regularly grin 
He is hungry, fat and lazy ad eating beast! grin (And loves you more than me)
Traffic Value: $197.92733 United States
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17/02/2015 01:04
We hunted all over Hickory yesterday for a space heater since our propane is running low. We have no generator, so if there is a power outage, we are SOL. But, we live in a tiny house, so it doesn't take much to heat.

I've been getting small recycles since the ad issue (I re-bought the recycler just after all the ads came in) ... $0.001 and less.

My 1% were alright .... 8 x $0.01, 2 x $0.02, 1 x $0.03 and $0.04, 1 x $0.10, and 1 x $0.20 thus far.
Traffic Value: $59.65253 Venezuela
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17/02/2015 01:06
@ Llayit

mio error entonces me aconsejó dejarlo en 0039?
Traffic Value: $554.57896 Morocco
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17/02/2015 01:06
good job jo
Traffic Value: $59.65253 Venezuela
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17/02/2015 01:06
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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17/02/2015 01:07
been keeping tabs, it does look like all crons are working just fine
but of course people WILL find something to complain about... won´t take long grin
Traffic Value: $3,006.116 Viet Nam
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17/02/2015 01:09
I miss 8.5$ of my ads. My group of 11. Help me!
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