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Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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16/02/2015 04:56
yeah people hate that word don´t they? grin
But they DO want to make money - FAST, BIG, GUARANTEED. 
Know what? I want water - and we still don´t have a lot of it wink
Traffic Value: $496.56049 United States
6 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 04:59

Available ads (7)Completed ads (14514)

A little over a week ago, that number was at a little over 12,000. Notice right now I have 7 ads waiting, and after I take a short break I will get my ad packs.

Last Monday, I had 913 shares or something. Now I have 1508.

I bust my tail here--and I am not the only member who has been taking advantage of opportunities. My grandmother always told me to "make hay while the sun shines"--and I haven't gotten as far as I have in life by ignoring her. I have made it as far as I have because my grandmother was almost never wrong about things, and I listened to her when she was alive--and I have continued to remember her advice and follow it since she died  wink.
Traffic Value: $2,697.0796 Denmark
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16/02/2015 05:02
I have no idea how people get though the recycle pack so quickly. I have not gotten any ads even though I have 1 recycle brought. No that is not true. Think I got a dollar the day after monday but that is it. 
That is the way it is everytime people gets lots of ads from their recycle I get close to none even if I set my ad filter at 0.001. There was a day where people burned though 5-7 of them in a night and I only burned though 1. 

I do not know what you are doing.
Traffic Value: $35.73259 Russian Federation
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16/02/2015 05:03
Catt - Forum moderator
All a good day! You promised to return us BAP. I hope that you will return all the BAP, before releasing ads. I hope for your honesty and waiting for the return of all BAP.
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
1 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 05:04
to begin with *I* did nor promise zip..... 
second: the admin said the bap will be returned and it will. Wait patiently.
Traffic Value: $3,170.45051 India
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16/02/2015 05:07
It's bug or not ...?
Traffic Value: $35.73259 Russian Federation
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16/02/2015 05:11
Catt - Forum moderator
I write by Google translation. Maybe some errors in translation.
Traffic Value: $496.56049 United States
1 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 05:11

I have no idea. Me and quite a few other users have been discussing that on and off, here and there--it seems like some people get a lot of ads, some get almost none--no rhyme or reason involved.

Most of my recycles lately have been .002, .005, and the lightning bolt ads--which I hadn't seen hardly any of before the last week or so. The whole ad delivery system is screwy around here anyway--at times I will finish off a pack in a few hours, and other times it takes a day, and right now I have been waiting for the last 2 cents and a little bit for about an hour.

I have also been getting a lot of those random .001 and .002 ads produced when people buy ad packs, but hardly any 1% mini ads.

Yet another issue that should be looked at and fixed *sigh*.
Traffic Value: $846.44882 Canada
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16/02/2015 05:14
I wish I can help on bap reverse problem.

as I can not see how the database work. so I can not help.
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
3 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 05:16
 The forum reminds me a bit of a very bad marriage. 
The wife nagging, the husband complaining about the nagging, or vice versa to avoid sexual clichees.

The odd couple. 

I don't get - that anybody wants to play either part, but I a not complaining about it as you all seem pretty comfortable in that heavy relationship. 
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
1 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 05:17
good picture...
And with that in mind back to carnival
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
2 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 05:18
@ Catt
Enjoy while you can. 
Glitter, glamour and sparks.. smile 
Traffic Value: $390.26943 Serbia
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16/02/2015 05:19
i still think we need some music here grin
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
1 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 05:21
it only lasts 5 days sad
then it´s back to ugly life sad
Traffic Value: $318.52242 South Africa
2 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 05:21
@Hardeem Me too, lost 5000 BAP (group 5) and I've been getting ads every day. There's always 0.06, 0.02, 0.01 and a few lower ads waiting for me. Seems like the cron is handling certain groups well. I've been getting referrals but after coming to this forum who would wanna stay? Reading all this complaining anyone would run with their money and invest it some place else. So actually we're just harming ourselves with all this whining. As much as I want to I can't ask my referrals to stay away from the forum. And this is the place they're supposed to get help. One thing I've noticed is that all the whining comes from the lower groups. You don't see group 10 or 11 members with such negativity, that should tell us something. Following Jo's posts I can see the man is trying his best.
Traffic Value: $390.26943 Serbia
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16/02/2015 05:22
my ads misteriously stopped an hour ago...

i feel lonely...
Traffic Value: $29.95495 Indonesia
0 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 05:23
have nice day
Traffic Value: $769.68498 Russian Federation
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16/02/2015 05:24
Tell me how to disable the vacation mode and return to the place of their baht?
Traffic Value: $6,016.01548 United States
4 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 05:25

You promised me a box of chocolates. 

It was right after Jo's post where he promised that yesterday he would refund all lost bap, send out $5 million in ads, let moose back on the forums, hire Yan back, make shares rise to $10 each, and achieve world peace. 

I don't care about the rest of that crap, I just want my chocolate!
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
7 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 05:26
I did, did I?
Well I am pretty sure I was drunk
it´s carnival after all grin
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