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Traffic Value: $1,133.25862 Ghana
6 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 15:42
paidverts - Administrator - This is a very good idea. I had an idea: Would it be possible to to create an extra cron for let's say for all groups, divided in blocks of each three groups? : Just an idea, maybe it is stupid,m then just never mind.
Traffic Value: $3,305.77178 Spain
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16/02/2015 15:43

Good afternoon, apart from the $ 251,724 of ads today, also I have slope of the day February 9,  ads for a value of $ 72.80, as I am group 11 and the $ 219 that corresponded me alone ads gave me a total of $ 143.40.

Regarding the BAPS I have not repaid all outstanding, I have received 37200 BAPS pending.

Hours ago I wrote a ticket explaining all this and had no response.

Thank you very much and good work!
Traffic Value: $392.2518 Argentina
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16/02/2015 15:52
Hola hace unos días compre una campaña y solo me llegaron como 10 anuncios pero el problema esta en los datos de la campaña que me dicen que van 46/50 i aquí  una muestra  BA-2181781 25/25 100/100 46/50 Active  ayuda hay un error ami nunca me llegaron los otros anuncios solo me  llegaron como 10 anuncios en 3 o 4 días ..

Hello few days ago bought a tent and just got me like 10 ads but the problem is in the details of the campaign that I say here i go 46/50 BA- 2181781 shows 25/25 46/50 100/100 Active support there is an error ami never reached me what else I only got like 10 ads in 3 or 4 days ..
Traffic Value: $384.50253 Slovenia
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16/02/2015 15:56
i got this error when i want to buy bulk ads? 
Error: [{"L_ERRORCODE":"10002","L_SHORTMESSAGE":"Restricted account","L_LONGMESSAGE":"Account is restricted","L_SEVERITYCODE":"Error"}]
Traffic Value: $151.95496 United Kingdom
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16/02/2015 15:59

PayPal isn't available to buy bulk ads or cashout. PayPal have limited their account for now.
Traffic Value: $142.38611 Pakistan
0 like this post 4 people
16/02/2015 16:01
what cash outs will be made tomorrow dear Admin? I mean which payment processor cash outs are you paying tomorrow? Payza or Perfect money? Reply from you or your staff will be appreciated smile
Traffic Value: $78.03773 Pakistan
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16/02/2015 16:03
Traffic Value: $228.85395 Venezuela
3 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 16:13
@KPOALMANDO: Amigo, al parecer estas confundido. Cuando dice 46/50 quiere decir que tu campaña fue vista 46 veces por otros usuarios, es decir, son visitas por las cuales tu estas pagando con el bulk ad, eso no quiere decir que a ti te hayan llegado 46 ads supuestamente. En resumen, eso no quiere decir que si compras un paquete de 50 ads luego te llegaran 50 ads a tu cuenta.

Si no era lo que estabas pensando disculpa mi ignorancia. Saludos. 


@KPOALMANDO: Pal, you seem to be confused. When it says 46/50 it means your campaign was seen 46 times by other users, i mean, those are visits for which you are paying with bulk ads, that doesn't mean you had to receive 46 paid ads in your account. To resume, it's not like if you buy a 50 ad pack you will get 50 paid ads in your account.

If that wasn't what you were thinking, i apologize for my ignorance. Greetings.
Traffic Value: $4,678.21724 Poland
4 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 16:13
Got all my missing BAP's Back !! Thank You Jo & SloSumo
Traffic Value: $868.5955 Netherlands
3 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 16:15
First of all for thanks a lot for finishing the bap refunds!

I have seen some improvement on the site. It seems like the crons are not being stuck anymore and everything gel delivered. I just have a question about the speed of the crons. 
When i joined i remember if i would buy the 5c upgrade that i just got 500+ ads to be clicked added to my account that it was just to crazy to get it done so i decided to buy the adfilter. 
Since lately the crons are rewritten it looks like the speed of delivering ads is just way below it was before. Right now i have set my filter to 0.0005 but i aint getting those ads fast anymore while it seems like there is much more unclicked ads in the system then 2 months ago.

What is actually causing the slowlyness of the recycle upgrade at this moment ?
Will it improve once the servers are upgraded again?

Is there any other way you could figure out to deliver more of those 0.0005 ads to accounts, because i believe those ads at 0.0005 get recycled a lot by members thus reduces the bap debt.
I'd also want to help to get more of those clicked while i have the time for it and when i feel like to set my filter to 0.0005. 

Maybe its an idea to create a button like micro pack but then only for 0.0005 ads where members can almost release unlimited amount of those?
Maybe isnt it possible to be able to purchase more clicks on the same adcampaign?
The database might be less overloaded, now there is just so many active adcampaign in the system while everybody is creating mostly the same campaign over and over again
Traffic Value: $3,254.88551 Canada
6 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 16:17
Got all my missing BAP's Back !! Thank You Jo & SloSumo & Programmers
Traffic Value: $3,553.39286 India
1 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 16:28
BAP return has proved that jo is honest by default gringringringringrin
Traffic Value: $113.19062 Hungary
3 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 16:35
Dear Administrators, many thanks for the refunded BAPs! smile
Traffic Value: $392.2518 Argentina
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16/02/2015 16:39
mbipbux gracias por contestar a mi PREGUNTA Solo me Queda una duda y Es que sí uno Invierte 1,05 dolar del una Campaña a uno le devuelven en anuncios en 1.55 dolar Pero yo pensé Que CUANDO Mi Campaña valla Siendo vista me empezarían a salir los anuncios De Igual Manera Muchas gracias por sacarme de la ESA duda se le agradase ....

mbipbux thanks for answering my question I can only doubt is that if you invest in a campaign 1.05 dollar one returned him adverts 1.55 in dollar but I thought that when my billboard campaign would start being seen me out ads like so thank you very much for getting me out of that doubt it pleased him ....
Traffic Value: $384.50396 United States
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16/02/2015 16:41
@ jordy186

I pretty much said the same thing yesterday however according to Slosumo it is because no one is getting ads right now so nothing being recycled however there are millions of ads still in there that need to be clicked and yet they are not coming out. I think something is either wrong, or they disappeared into thin air, because those .0005's are not coming out with the recycled upgrade. They must be at the very bottom of the barrel or something however they need clicking so why are they not popping out?
Traffic Value: $178.11876 Slovenia
2 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 16:43
I know that, I will have a bread today, because I just put it into the oven
Traffic Value: $392.37943 Pakistan
1 like this post 2 people
16/02/2015 16:52

Don't be so sure. It may burn to black or it may not cook at all due to whatsoever circumstances (God Forbids).

Whatever you have, is yours. Else, nothing in the air.
Traffic Value: $84,466.07763 Pakistan
4 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 17:00
Dividends 2 times paid today angel
Traffic Value: $3,456.01946 Belgium
2 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 17:01
Is this correct or wrong?
Dividends are sent twice or doubled today??? shocked
Traffic Value: $178.11876 Slovenia
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16/02/2015 17:02
RizFa 1982, I am god
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