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Feb 16th - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $780.17861 Pakistan
0 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 17:33
Good. clear pm and giff me 800$ haha cool
Traffic Value: $825.93326 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
1 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 17:34
Any news about issue? First groups goes smoothly?
Traffic Value: $734.57051 Spain
0 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 17:37
Traffic Value: $13,281.88295 Pakistan
0 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 17:37
@Luckyguy  Nice one and JO Nice to hear It JUst waiting for mine and i know its being only 1 day yet will be done from 1 to 7 days just waiting and thanks
Traffic Value: $23.35644 Poland
0 like this post 2 people
16/02/2015 17:37
whether it is already table pv?
Traffic Value: $582.69659 Indonesia
0 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 17:38
double divide o.o
Traffic Value: $71.66295 Czech Republic
1 like this post 3 people
16/02/2015 17:39
I want to ask, if you would limit ad purchases to 1 dollar/day.. what would happen with super user upgrades?
Traffic Value: $113.31065 Austria
1 like this post 17 people
16/02/2015 17:42
For a 7 days i got just 5 $ in group 7 ???? WTF is always so????
Traffic Value: $1,312.65076 Bulgaria
4 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 17:44
Read this on BBC today. Seems quite apt wink....
Global dividend income hits new record of $1.167 trillion
Traffic Value: $4,616.96337 Slovenia
3 like this post 3 people
16/02/2015 17:47
omfg Jo look what did you do... grin
Traffic Value: $392.90472 Iran (ISLAMIC Republic Of)
3 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 17:55
Finally we have ad issue... Yessscool!
Traffic Value: $2,066.50335 Korea Republic of
12 like this post 2 people
16/02/2015 18:06
Roshniii <-- this guy is funny, he is clicking on Disagree button in every post, lol.
Traffic Value: $4,013.67386 Canada
5 like this post 2 people
16/02/2015 18:11
Traffic Value: $386,747.05153 Netherlands
Like1 like this post Disagree0 people

16/02/2015 18:04Edit | Delete
If not even our mods read daily news, then this forum is doomed.

well iam sorry that i just came back after dinner seen that i recieved twice my dividends and felt this was important enough to mention. when i seen it was already noticed i deleted the topic simple...

Iam very sorry for beeing human i can read over things... is a reaction like that after one mistake really needed because really then just strip my mod. im just here to help.. we already know that u woud be better in everything. so please just let me be human. almighty robot colasander that never makes mistakes. thankyou.
Atleast i averagely try to help what do u do? o right try to make people feel depressed with your negativity lol.
Traffic Value: $17,897.90531 United States
5 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 18:13
Tbiz... I think he was just messing with you man. 

PS Roshniii doesn't like boys...

PS2.. Well he does like boys I guess since he disagreed. tongue Tricked the noob.
Traffic Value: $6,016.01548 United States
1 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 18:14

Only thieves and scumbags would do that on purpose.
Sometimes its better to take a very small hit, then spend hours and hours trying to fix it perfectly.
Traffic Value: $4,013.67386 Canada
5 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 18:16
no the dude hates me (he made that clear multiple times). he's been bullying me for longer now and multiple times said im basically completely retarded and know nothing about life or anything simply because i sometimes make a mistake do not agree with him always and indeed make typo's or need spellchecker for grammer. well im sorry.
but all i can say i try to help.
I know he hates me and i don't care i just wish for him to ignore me and leave me alone since i only try to help i never said im better then him nor that i know it all.
Traffic Value: $6,016.01548 United States
9 like this post 2 people
16/02/2015 18:17

Colasander may be a little rough around the edges, but he calls people out when they need called out.

He is the guy willing to say what everybody else is thinking, and yes, sometimes that comes off as being rude.
Traffic Value: $17,897.90531 United States
3 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 18:19
joe31800 You post like paidvertes. tongue
Traffic Value: $6,016.01548 United States
4 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 18:21

Well, for what its worth, I have never had a problem with your work. I think you do a fine job. 

I may not agree with everything you or others say, but who cares, We are all in this together.

Cheers grin
Traffic Value: $4,013.67386 Canada
3 like this post 0 people
16/02/2015 18:21

beeing rude is one thing,
beeing honest is another.
Completely bashing someone in public chat wich he done to me before is another.
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