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Feb 16th - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $482.85543 Bosnia and Herzegowina
0 like this post 21 people
16/02/2015 14:30
Why have not received payment on Payza ??
Traffic Value: $87.80001 Mauritius
4 like this post 2 people
16/02/2015 14:33
@kristalg Maybe because it's been only two days since you requested ? wink
Traffic Value: $443.26463 Indonesia
0 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 14:34
good job bro
Traffic Value: $305.428 Russian Federation
2 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 14:37
hmm... but I see that you got it. the payment status of "OK".
Traffic Value: $2,066.50335 Korea Republic of
1 like this post 2 people
16/02/2015 14:41
cashout take upto 7 days.
Traffic Value: $482.85543 Bosnia and Herzegowina
0 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 14:42
gurudas13 @ View screenshot writes comleted smile
Traffic Value: $40.5483 Singapore
0 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 14:46
10 hours more and still waiting for Ads to click whistling, Hoping that the promised ads would be provided so that we can buy more bulk ads. 
Traffic Value: $2,046.8538 Viet Nam
0 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 14:46
received all my BAP, thank team very much, good luck to all!
Traffic Value: $151.95496 United Kingdom
0 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 14:53
This ad campaign (BA-2205869) has malware, so Chrome tells me.
Traffic Value: $582.70427 Lithuania
0 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 14:55
I have a question. I was using paypal and because of paypal crisis I can't use it for cashouts. So I want to use neteller now. So I need to write suport ticket to inform pv that from now on i'm going to cashout by neteller or something??
Traffic Value: $1,574.99202 Pakistan
3 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 14:59
Jo thanx for 57000 bap...........But it suppose to be 67000Baps...........
Never mind thanx.............
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
4 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 15:02
@Xard, there's no need to send a support ticket since you can cashout using any of the available payment processors. Just keep in mind that there's a 14-day rule wherein if you have recently deposited or purchased ad packs directly using a certain payment processor, you can only withdraw to that payment processor for 14-day period. After 14 days, you can then cashout using any payment processor.
Traffic Value: $384.50396 United States
0 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 15:06
I am waiting for a member to come in and start cussing saying they are missing 1 - 10 baps now that will be hilarious. LOL We know how dramatic some folks get.
Traffic Value: $862.68812 Romania
0 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 15:07
@PV Team: Thanks for my bitcoin payment. 2 hours after I requested. Nice
Traffic Value: $187.753 Nigeria
1 like this post 11 people
16/02/2015 15:08
Can we know what each group will receive?coolcool mad
Traffic Value: $384.50396 United States
0 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 15:11
@ TAiwo70

No need for all that attention, had you of read what Jo said you would know that it's not even in the que yet. He said once it was all in the que we would all know because he will post the amounts in here
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
0 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 15:24
Getting fastly close the 1 Million users. Amazing!
Traffic Value: $41.887 Mexico
0 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 15:25
Thanks for the BAP refund, now waiting for some ad issue today wink. I hope the Paypal restriction issue get repaired soon, I wish to invest some money from there cool  
Traffic Value: $890.84567 Canada
17 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 15:39

Here is another post for you to disagree on, since you have disagreed on every post for the last three or four pages. What is wrong with you? If you don't like it here, just leave, PLEASE.
Traffic Value: $760.15377 India
2 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 15:41
Wow, I didn't even noticed that I also was a victim of BAP problem, I got almost 24000 BAP today, thnx for this unexpected gift Jo. grin
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Forum - News - Feb 16th - Daily News
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