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Jan 18th - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $31.19814 Slovenia
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18/01/2015 21:08
@slorunner what do you mean, the ads are stilll comming in wink
Traffic Value: $541.23486 Italy
0 like this post 1 people
18/01/2015 21:13
 @ sarzo

ads issue strat from the group1 one and go up 
Traffic Value: $31.19814 Slovenia
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18/01/2015 21:16
Oh I didn't know that, so it means that Group 1 might have already clicked all of their ads when Group 3 is istill geting their ads?? smile learn something new every day grin
Traffic Value: $10,430.05546 Slovenia
2 like this post 0 people
18/01/2015 21:20
Gj Jo
Traffic Value: $791.53936 Moldova Republic of
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18/01/2015 21:27
still no ad issue for today.sad
Traffic Value: $39.17832 Spain
1 like this post 0 people
18/01/2015 21:30
Still no ad issue for today.

Group 6  cwy
Traffic Value: $58.38853 Albania
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18/01/2015 21:32
Dear @JO,
According to this:
* And we had our first Neteller chargeback thing today; though it may not be a chargeback. (Again, Neteller is a nightmare!) ... I've temporarily banned user Etun. However it maybe in error... Depending on what Neteller says. So bare with us; and we'll unblock the account if Neteller gives us the all clear."

You have blocked the account of my husband.
He wrote to you an support ticket, but i would like to tell you here that he's done nothing wrong (maybe you or slosumo can see it faster)
This is the support ticket 
"Support Ticket: #52297"

The problem is this: My husband  (erun) has send me some money through neteller, and there was a limit for sending money on neteller (he didn't know that), and his account was not verified on neteller, that's why they have blocked his account on neteller and requires and ID CARD verification. He has sent the ID card but still no response from neteller (they require 24 hours to response). 
Is there a way (please) to unblock his account so that he can receive today's add issue (he's on group 7), until the problem with neteller is fixed? 
Can he do anything to provide to you that he's has done nothing wrong? (maybe to send you the ID card or something else)

Please answer to my concern.

Best regards,
A. H.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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18/01/2015 21:33
I almost thought you meant GI Joe.
Traffic Value: $31.19814 Slovenia
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18/01/2015 21:33
Yeah even group 2 is not done with ads, still getting them. Group 5 and 6 will be waiting for some time grin
Traffic Value: $218.38977 Algeria
1 like this post 1 people
18/01/2015 21:34
Still no ad issue for today.

Group 5
Traffic Value: $278.58023 Chile
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18/01/2015 21:35
Ad issue come in few hours ... Hopewink

r4zer--------Group 7
Traffic Value: $31.19814 Slovenia
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18/01/2015 21:38
I'm only geting 0,0025$ ads, more than 70 so far...
Traffic Value: $791.53936 Moldova Republic of
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18/01/2015 21:38
What the value of ad issue are coming now? my ad filter is 0.009, maybe they are lower?
Traffic Value: $31.19814 Slovenia
1 like this post 0 people
18/01/2015 21:40
@tstsezari 0,0025$ but I'm group 2 with no ad filter
Traffic Value: $129.679 Belarus
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18/01/2015 21:41
0.0025 ads for group 2 is issuing
Traffic Value: $791.53936 Moldova Republic of
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18/01/2015 21:45
I go to bed, tomorrow morning is better than to wait now. Good night.
Traffic Value: $102.59797 Finland
0 like this post 2 people
18/01/2015 21:48
caci why'd they go for your bid when you can get a much better deal in the Bap mkt?
pyth blessing accepting the fact? motivation to do better? ..
i'm sure you mean nothing by it .. this just..kinda sounds n reads wrong.
beyre i totally get the sacrifices
slorunner tongue are you perchance related to our dearly beloved brother, the most excellent ticket badass slosumo? :p
Traffic Value: $17.81656 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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18/01/2015 21:48
im in g-1 and gets 0.0015 about 70-80 ads and click them all
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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18/01/2015 21:49
lol. Kept clicking refresh asking why I don't have ads?
[Forgot I was in Group 4]
Traffic Value: $879.53999 Poland
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18/01/2015 21:49
I've heard that your office is set up in Szczecin - my family town. If you'd like any extra help, just reply to me wink
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