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Jan 18th - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $106.50111 United States
2 like this post 0 people
18/01/2015 03:56
cash out please smilesmile
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
9 like this post 0 people
18/01/2015 04:09
Simple Answer... no.
All he is technically doing is using his own domain and placing his referral link inside another frame on his page, similar to what the ad viewer does. It displays someone else's website inside of a frame. His primary benefit really comes from being able to convince search engines to point people to his site, so he has Google/Bing/Yahoo/Whoever going out and sending him free traffic.
Traffic Value: $983.3735 Netherlands
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18/01/2015 04:31
1% paids ads are arriving... but not yet SUU
Traffic Value: $3,553.39286 India
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18/01/2015 04:31
@ redigaffi ok u will not accept until someone fu'k u directly
Traffic Value: $104.09327 Pakistan
1 like this post 0 people
18/01/2015 04:35
thanks jo
Traffic Value: $1,149.41478 Uruguay
3 like this post 0 people
18/01/2015 04:47
Good night grin
Traffic Value: $792.98018 Canada
26 like this post 0 people
18/01/2015 05:01
Hi there,

The other day in Daily news you talked about the proposed new investment power plan ect..

Also you proposed adding 0.05 to the cost of ads. And this is from memory but I think you said it would ad 1 x 0.02, 4 x 0.005, 10 x 0.001, 20 x 0.0005... The main goal was to reduce the ad hold up.
So I had this idea when I was in the shower on an additional way to help with the ad overload on the PV system.
Most people that are signed up to PV have probably been in other PTC sites (not as awesome as PV of course).

So ptc sites have games were you click on ads (for free) and you have a random chances of wining a prize(5$, 10$). And there pretty much all copies of clixsense version. I think Paidvert could have it own system but way better!


So we currently have micro ad pack.

-This game would be Bonus ad pack. (or maybe it could be named after some Greek god TBD)
-To buy this ad pack it could cost 200BAP
Note that ads you receive with this game won't affect your bap

Bap distribution.

-100 bap goes in the pot of winnings
-70 bap pays for standard ads
-30 bap goes to the shareholders profit/or Helps PV with debt

-Standard ads delivered when you play:1 x 0.02, 3 x 0.005, 1x Random bonus ad

To make it fair it could be the BAP collected yesterday that pays the winners of today.
-if you win you can't buy a new Bonus adpack.
-If you loss you can try again up to 4 times in a day.

To avoid recycling  of your 4 Standard ads maybe you don't receive your bonus ad tell you have view your 4 standard ads. Or just remove recycle option all together and if they don't view before the time goes out they don't get there bonus ad.

To have 400$ in your random prize pool you would need 800,000 Bap. At 100Bap contributed per bonus pack, the prize pool would fill up fast. 8000 people need to play the game.

Prizes. 2 x 10$, 10 x 5$, 20 x 2$, 90 x 1$, 100 x 0.50$, 200 x 0.25$ 400 x 0.05, 8000 x 0.01

The game would issue out about 40 000 more ads a day.

Also there could be a limited amount of positions available every day. By limiting the supply we increase the demand. Your odds of winning a prize bigger then 0.05 would be about 1/10. Way better then any other PTC site.

Long live the PaidVert Revolution!

So If anything that I just said seems to make you happy like my post, thanks! grin
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
9 like this post 0 people
18/01/2015 05:29

There's so much potential for expanding paidverts.  You put a lot of thought into this prize pool proposal.  It would make a great submission to the shareholder control panel programming queue priorities feedback, once that's developed.
Traffic Value: $2,709.58035 United States
1 like this post 0 people
18/01/2015 05:29

Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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18/01/2015 05:37
... and you're American... interesting.
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
4 like this post 0 people
18/01/2015 06:07
Looks like ads may be rolling now.  I just got a $1 ad.
Traffic Value: $2,709.58035 United States
3 like this post 2 people
18/01/2015 06:15
It's a simple redirect MichaelKline

If You will open my site and mouse over the tab you will see that the title is very much different.
Due to taking my time with editing yesterday, google slapped me down, but I will be back up there
soon and now I have your ignorant post to deal with right on the same pages.

I would look stupid trying to outrank paidverts for the term paidverts wouldn't I.
How are you doing with your 1 referral?

You would be best to just pay attention till you know what's up.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
1 like this post 0 people
18/01/2015 06:30
Relax, play the game, see you at the top.

Got where I am on $2 and my own efforts.
Already withdrew that.
My 1 referral was a surprise given to me yesterday when I advertised out one of my other PTC earnings because I figured I'd never see the cashout anyway.
I could bounce my TV to $55+ right now, but I don't like all my money tied up in BAP.
Makes the whole thing too rigid.

And yes, it's a simple redirect.
For the record, I didn't start the topic, I just separated it into it's own thread.
I used the original posters own words for the title to link it to the original posting.
Traffic Value: $33.03227 Argentina
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18/01/2015 06:42
Traffic Value: $2,709.58035 United States
3 like this post 1 people
18/01/2015 06:47
It don't need it's own thread, it needs deleting.

If you need help with your marketing just ask.

I have been marketing online for almost a decade and I don't need this slanderous post
ruining all my efforts.

I would already be at the top had I not started so late.

You should be much more worried about why no pv ref links are showing up in google.
I know very well why, and if you will give me time to get a proper post together, I
will see if we can get this matter solved for all members.

Please delete your slanderous topic...
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
0 like this post 0 people
18/01/2015 06:51
I will place a request to in the thread, but that's all I can do at my level.

Also, I have my own domain (well... free domain) and your page has reminded me of that.
I have seen enough interesting tidbits these last two weeks that I think I could sell this site door to door, if the mood hit me.
Traffic Value: $80.81938 India
0 like this post 0 people
18/01/2015 06:54
Thanks Jo..
Traffic Value: $520.75025 Palestinian Territory Occupied
0 like this post 0 people
18/01/2015 07:00
@Jo : please check 
Support Ticket #52146
Traffic Value: $200.75622 Peru
4 like this post 1 people
18/01/2015 07:11
The super upgrade is no longer as good as it was before, pay 20 dollars for 20 dollars , better not pay , minimum should be 50 dollars return , to recover the investment . Greetings Jo
Traffic Value: $43.36333 India
6 like this post 0 people
18/01/2015 08:34
Fuck Paidverts is so awesomegrin
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