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Jan 18th - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $680.27326 Philippines
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18/01/2015 22:02
I've been thinking why jo would call this ad issue "controversial".
I realized something so i have just set my ad filter to $0.001. Hope it's not too late. I'm at group7 no ads yet.
Traffic Value: $390.26943 Serbia
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18/01/2015 22:04
Don`t you think that his statement ``it's only a half / one third issue``

isn`t potentially controversial enough?   smile
Traffic Value: $2,545.40766 Turkey
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18/01/2015 22:05
I think there will be lots of ads such as 0,01s and lower. So I changed my filter to 0,05. I dont have so much time tomorrow smile
Traffic Value: $52.53427 Bangladesh
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18/01/2015 22:10
PV is finally loading. No ads yet. No wary. They will be here soon.cheerful
Traffic Value: $1,068.2225 Romania
1 like this post 1 people
18/01/2015 22:10
why is it taking sooo looooong?

awwww... THE WAIT !!! cheese
Traffic Value: $41.13107 Czech Republic
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18/01/2015 22:22
Group 3 is getting 0,003$. 
Traffic Value: $31.19814 Slovenia
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18/01/2015 22:25
When you're done would you post if group 3 also got 100x 0,003$ ads, like group 1 and 2 (only group one got 0,0015 and group 2 got 0,0025 ads)
Traffic Value: $34.87355 Poland
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18/01/2015 22:50
Where is a full daily issue? I only received more than 100 $0.003 ads which seems to be a part of it. I will not be able to click them all. Too many at once for me.
Traffic Value: $641.34291 Sweden
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18/01/2015 22:54
Were there any advertising today?
Traffic Value: $404.66435 Spain
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18/01/2015 22:55
There are no ads today, I think xD
Traffic Value: $390.26943 Serbia
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18/01/2015 22:58
3 minutes to midnight and Monday 19th here ...

i know server time is 1 hour less...but I will definetely get Sunday`s ads on Monday smile)
Traffic Value: $566.71566 Italy
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18/01/2015 22:58
Where the adddddddddddddsssssssss
Traffic Value: $106.50111 United States
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18/01/2015 23:05
good morning from Indonesia ^_^
Traffic Value: $893.48155 Slovenia
1 like this post 4 people
18/01/2015 23:06
I'm also wondering why does the ads have to be pushed so late everyday? I understand they are DAILY ads so 24h, but really why always so late? Can't you push them at like 5-6pm when people are at home, many people have jobs and come home to see 1-2h left on ads smile
Traffic Value: $390.26943 Serbia
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18/01/2015 23:09
Well you do have 18 hours to click them ... so it`s not a biggy...

but I understand you... I too would like to go to bed AFTER i got some ads grin
Traffic Value: $6,140.45115 Netherlands
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18/01/2015 23:11
I am in group 5 haven't received anything yet, and i just got logged out of PV.

now when i try to log in i get the message my password is wrong.

Can someone please checkout this issue
Traffic Value: $893.48155 Slovenia
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18/01/2015 23:12
jagodinac123 It depends really smile If u go to sleep at 10pm for example, and ads arrive 10:10pm. You wake up at 5am to go to work and come home at 3pm eat lunch etc. the hour is already 4pm. Which means only 2 hours left on ads.For people that have kids aswell etc. its hard to do 200 ads in those 2 hours tongue I dont see why they have to be pushed at end of the day everyday smile I remember when they were pushing them at 1am grin
Traffic Value: $14,551.54628 Belgium
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18/01/2015 23:14
Giving only one half from a week can't help members to buy the 250% invetment plan before they change the price to 500.000$ .... am not complaining am just confused ... how can the price fly from 250 to 500.000 in less than a month !! Fortunately my GF had purchased it few days ago ... I can't break with her now :p 
Traffic Value: $931.89245 Tunisia
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18/01/2015 23:16
the problem that we must click our ads now to invest and rest in the same group thats why we are waiting ads before sleeping
Traffic Value: $34.87355 Poland
4 like this post 2 people
18/01/2015 23:16
Ads have been coming for some time. Hundreds of them or maybe more unsure I do not have enough time to click all of them. The fun is over - more cheap ads mean less clicks from members. 
Let's count my earnings: 
100 ads, each worth $0.003 - total $0.30-5% ( = $0.28
100 x 55 (timer+captcha)sec = 5500 sec / 60 = 91 min 
If I would work for 8 hours per day I would earn only $1 or little more.
It isn't funny anymore. 
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Forum - News - Jan 18th - Daily News
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