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Traffic Value: $662.25516 Germany
0 like this post 0 people
18/01/2015 08:58
@paidadvert You mentioned you could help with marketing. I am very interested in this. Need refs. But only clean and proper marketing. I do not want to earn my money with any dirty stuff. Can you send me an email?, or Skype me? ID= steffenbieser
Traffic Value: $539.51948 Hungary
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18/01/2015 09:24
Slosumo! Please look at this ticket: # 52069
Traffic Value: $484.38752 Pakistan
1 like this post 15 people
18/01/2015 10:07
@Solsumo @Jo

What Happened To Shares Prices??
Too Much Down and From last 5 Days they are just getting down not even improving.

Could you Please Give me a Supportive Answer.
Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
13 like this post 2 people
18/01/2015 10:17
It's a free share market. It goes up and down.
Don't except to go always up.

And can everyone stop with the "it's going too much down"
From yesterday to today it lower around $0.01. That's only 1 cent.  Does $0.01  make a difference to you?
Traffic Value: $2,042.21466 Slovenia
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18/01/2015 10:19
Can you send me an email for marketing?

Traffic Value: $2,709.58035 United States
20 like this post 0 people
18/01/2015 10:20
yes steffenbiese, I will send you an email.
And I don't know anything about no exploits or dirty stuff or
how to steal anybody's information even if I wanted to.
I don't have time for that.
But I do know how to make my sites show up in search engines just
about anywhere I want. I have ctr's as high as 85%, and when there's 
9 other sites on the page and probably 15 adsense ads that is 
crazy! The results of that pure search traffic is beautiful thang. cool smirk

Listen Up People!
Don't come in here posting threads in this forum with words
like Sc@m or F@ke anything in the thread titles, because this 
stuff WILL show up all over search results right next to our main
sites, and this is damaging to the program and every member
Every post with these words should be deleted from this forum and forbidden!
If you have a question about a site or one your afraid of don't go
there. Just post it in a support ticket so someone who's know better
can check it out, or more than likely just set you straight.
Traffic Value: $3,553.39286 India
1 like this post 0 people
18/01/2015 10:22
hey jo i clicked my all ads give more sunday ad to clear debt
Traffic Value: $13,423.66104 Slovenia
4 like this post 0 people
18/01/2015 10:23

At least you could spell Slosumo properly, if you are asking for help. Anyway, this is free market... Depends on supply and demand. Your question is useless.
Traffic Value: $361.57886 South Africa
1 like this post 0 people
18/01/2015 10:24

I need all the advice I can get smile Please include me
Traffic Value: $2,209.45324 Macedonia
2 like this post 0 people
18/01/2015 10:24
All right, just got my Fast-Track and placed a bid for 4.250 shares @ 0.0862$ each (total 366.35$)
Anyone interested in quick dumping his shares - this is your opportunity, I might remove the bid by noon.
Traffic Value: $4,678.21724 Poland
1 like this post 0 people
18/01/2015 10:26

"But I do know how to make my sites show up in search engines just
about anywhere I want. I have ctr's as high as 85%, and when there's 
9 other sites on the page and probably 15 adsense ads that is 
crazy! The results of that pure search traffic is beautiful thang. [img=19x19][/img]"

Tell me more about this.. You can contact me here: kris.zelisko [at]
Traffic Value: $875.52009 Hungary
1 like this post 0 people
18/01/2015 10:26

Please send me info as well to [][/email]

Traffic Value: $484.38752 Pakistan
1 like this post 0 people
18/01/2015 10:30
Well It Looks Strange. I suspect some specific people in the MTV put low bids there.
Even i have checked there accounts through Account Shareholder Panel and they merely have 50+ and below 100 shares. But they put multiple bids of 1 share or so on lowest values and Buying on Lowest as well. which suddenly tries the shares prices to go down dramatically.
Specially i will mention here the Person Gregorya he has no asset in PV or MTV but he has only just 50 shares which he just buy and sell to decrease the rate. He is a hell.I will ask Joe why he do not take any notice and do not go for scrutinizing. Please just shut them off from this site who are just spamming and not doing any business.
This is a serious note we need to talk about to maintain MTV's Good worth of shares and business.
@Jo Please Reply on this.
Traffic Value: $541.23486 Italy
8 like this post 0 people
18/01/2015 10:32

it's just normal that in the week ends the share price go down beacuse there is no ads in saturday so people can't buy as they want and also with the new share that will be introduce vith the new plans people think that share will go down a bit so they sell now for buy at less
Traffic Value: $662.25516 Germany
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18/01/2015 10:39
@asifgoraya - Thx for your research, and for sharing this info. I myself do not really care too much about this, they will run out of shares fast, for the have to pay tax each time. They will all disappear all by itself. 
Traffic Value: $4,008.85137 Romania
1 like this post 10 people
18/01/2015 10:48
Dear Mr. Joel William,
Dear programmers,

Here it is an idea for solving (once and for ever) the non delivered ads:

1. Instead to view only one site at the time, we could view 2 sites at a time by splitting the window/tab.
2. Instead those 3 rows of text (which describe the site) you could put a table with 2 columns, in one to be 3 rows with the description of the site and in the other column to be 3 rows with the description of the other site.
When we click on the small icons/copy.png in the right then all the lines are checked.
3. Then when we click on the Proceed to Advertisers Website(s) button, the window for viewing those 2 sites will have both sites in the view of the members (the window is split in two sides, on the left side there is one site/ad and one the right side there is another site/ad), and one single captcha, and the same 30 seconds.
So, there is plenty of time (30 sec) for the user to see both sites/ads with one sight (and if he/she is interested will go to that site/ad).
4. Basically we save time and solve the non delivered ads once and for all.
5. The programmers can(?) make the code for this implementation.

If you implement this, then PV will be the first in the world which has such an innovation.
Traffic Value: $12,458.46821 Sri Lanka
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18/01/2015 10:55
Jo I have a idea if anybody click ads more then some amount reward him free ads without consuming baps. Whether he/she decide to click or not or else recycle them without consuming any baps. With this idea you can reduce some ad clicks witch needed to click.

Happy Earning. smile
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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18/01/2015 10:55
You will remember that when there was talk of the BAP swap that people drove the share price damn near below its minimum values. Why? So that shares would be worth very little so they could increase in value as the price rose. Cheap shares are great for making a profit.

Now, there is talk of every person getting a share for every twenty they own, so again, a cheap share yields the most profit, so people are driving the price down in anticipation of the new stock. The price will go back up, probably dramatically, as soon as the new stocks are issued.
Traffic Value: $31.19814 Slovenia
3 like this post 1 people
18/01/2015 11:03
Will we get a daily ad issue today?? smile
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
2 like this post 0 people
18/01/2015 11:07
You can email me, as well at:
I have my own free domain with x10hosting.
It's mostly unused for public use, at this point.
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