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Jan 18th - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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18/01/2015 19:36
Jo, says the Daily ads are in the queue. That IS what he said, right?

Does this mean that I can go to bed safe that even if my big personal 1%'s, that never came ~16hrs ago, come first and thus take me to the lower group, that I will still get my current groups ads? I don't think I have to worry about Monday and Group lvl b/c this late in the day, I bet we don't get Monday's Ad Issue until at least after midday server time. I'm going to set my alarm for 4am server time anyways.

Yes, I could sell some shares for BAPs.
1. I currently just have no idea how much BAP I would need (not counting if the recycler starts up again and I get a huge ad).
2. I want as much share dividends as possible.
3. I'd prefer to sell my "70%" shares for a bit higher BAP than it is most often today. (high 320s, at least, vs low 310s).
Traffic Value: $20,936.72553 Poland
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18/01/2015 19:45
Shame the office is set up in Szczecin - so far away from central Poland. It will be hard to hop in for a cup of coffee tongue
Traffic Value: $52.53427 Bangladesh
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18/01/2015 19:45
Thanks MichaelKline,

Will this problem be solved any time soon? or am I going to miss today’s daily ad issue? I hope Jo knows about this problem.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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18/01/2015 19:53
Unfortunately, that's up to people who own the hard lines, routers and your ISP. Things that are completely out of your control. You haven't been getting really bad weather over there have you? That can damage Internet lines.
Traffic Value: $197.92733 United States
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18/01/2015 19:54
Thanks to everyone who commented on my post ...

My brain is a bit frazzled today so I did not express myself quite clearly ...

I was by no means insinuating or expressing that my PV account is more important than the loss of a family member (even one I am not related to, is my husband's cousin). Of course, dealing with family members take priority over just about everything else in life.

My frustration was just the timing, I guess. I just needed to vent to those who would understand about the hard work of spending all the time clicking ads day by day to work ones self up the Groups with hardly investing any outside money.

Well, due to changes that I won't get into, husband has decided not to go tomorrow because no one will be around. So ... I'll be ok in clicking ads.

So, I've been clicking ads I got from the recycler upgrade ... mostly $0.002 and some $0.001

Now, off to read Jo's updated ...

Thanks again for your suggestions, advice, and support. <3
Traffic Value: $1,699.92249 Lithuania
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18/01/2015 19:55
Why is every person in SCP shown in red? Like everyone would be evil.
Traffic Value: $915.64947 Bangladesh
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18/01/2015 19:56

check this news
Traffic Value: $197.92733 United States
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18/01/2015 19:57
And yes, PV is lightning fast today! Brilliant!
Traffic Value: $27.07475 Ireland
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18/01/2015 19:59
Someone left the ad issuing machine on! It's Sunday!!
Traffic Value: $52.53427 Bangladesh
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18/01/2015 19:59

Just little chilly. Every other site is working fine including MTV, Facebook, and Twitter etc. Only problem is with PV. PV was working 2 or 3 hour ago.
Traffic Value: $197.92733 United States
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18/01/2015 20:01
Does anyone know how much data plan (in MB) does doing/viewing ads on PV on one's smartphone take?

My husband and I just have a small 300MB data plan through AT&T. We've used about 1/3 of it in this billing cycle and are almost through with the billing cycle (and then they start to roll over data plan! woohoo!)

But, I want to click ads while in the company van tonight (3 hours around trip) ... but not sure if it will suck the data plan dry in short order or what. 

I have login to the account, but it doesn't update the data plan usage often enough to gauge it.
Traffic Value: $402.25802 Macedonia
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18/01/2015 20:04
See the difference between the two pictures?

The striped background means it's booked angel
Traffic Value: $5,145.88309 United States
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18/01/2015 20:04

get a virgin mobile phone they will not turn your data off or charge you extra if you go over your main plan quota
Traffic Value: $5,145.88309 United States
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18/01/2015 20:07
here is what I do beyre,
 I have a virgin mobile phone I use easytether on my s3 and I have the $35.00 a month plan with them that is the only internet access I have and it is non stop even if I go over they do not charge me extra and they dont shut me down
Traffic Value: $52.53427 Bangladesh
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18/01/2015 20:11
Thanks for the info. Are you having the same problem? What should i do?
Traffic Value: $228.24163 United Kingdom
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18/01/2015 20:16

This campaign should be banned.
Traffic Value: $791.53936 Moldova Republic of
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18/01/2015 20:32
how long it will take for today ad issue?
Traffic Value: $384.50396 United States
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18/01/2015 20:37
@ beyre

Yeah these new recycled seem to all be 2/10 of a cent The first round I ended with almost all of them being 1 cent each so figured I would try another bunch for the day. I made a mistake by the looks lol. Oh well I have this evening to click on more of them. That is what I get for being greedy. grin
Traffic Value: $14,551.54628 Belgium
3 like this post 4 people
18/01/2015 20:44
...Todays [likely contraversial] ad issue is under way at the moment... it's only a half / one third issue. But I'm using it to test the waters for something! ... I'll post the stats once done.... cwy I want to cry :p .. when will us recover this half and the other half and the previous half ?? 
Traffic Value: $19.87675 Slovenia
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18/01/2015 21:07
all ads done for today smile
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