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Jan 18th - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $376.8665 India
2 like this post 2 people
19/01/2015 02:02
This is not fair. I'm in group 7 and ad filter at $0.05. Jo issued more than $4 to my group for 18th Jan, but I received nothing.
Are all the $4 ads eaten by my ad filter ? Then that's laughable. I have filter at $0.05. If that's true, then I am lucky. Because I would have to click hundreds of ads with out filter.
Traffic Value: $983.3735 Netherlands
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19/01/2015 02:06

+1(me) in the same boat...
Traffic Value: $111.2668 Argentina
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19/01/2015 02:06
A mi tampoco me llego nada...
Traffic Value: $75.77736 Argentina
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19/01/2015 02:07
I was wrong.
I received 100 X $0.01 Group 5.
Traffic Value: $3,866.40125 Nepal
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19/01/2015 02:09
Didn't received a Single ad of 18th Jan ad issue sad

What's going on ???
Traffic Value: $481.30137 El Salvador
0 like this post 1 people
19/01/2015 02:15
Look at today's news in the 2nd page, look for the Jo's comments about 18th's ads issue
Traffic Value: $210.46293 Romania
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19/01/2015 02:17
Maybe is because of your AdFilter angel But i see that you don't have one, I don't have one... No ads...
Jo said "The 18th was a test issue..." So I'm not worried grin I wait for 19th Ads grin
Traffic Value: $615.08357 India
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19/01/2015 02:21
i also dont receive but it doesn't matter,coz i played coin flip and won equivalent to ads cheese

all the newbies crying,if u want money go play some games and bugger off
And stop this useless topic
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
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19/01/2015 02:41

I click not and drink, to lose too much money, ready to drink and not click so maybe click and drink is ok I fear money will be lost if drink and click and now jo send ads and I am not.  Yeesssssss.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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19/01/2015 02:49

I didn't get a drink, but I DID have to go out and grab some 'New York Super Fudge Chunk' ice cream...
Traffic Value: $1,645.56313 Nepal
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19/01/2015 03:09
Just received 0.1 worth of ads on 18th without ad filter..........Why.....sadsad
Traffic Value: $574.63036 Philippines
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19/01/2015 03:26
no ads still for 18th,,, maybe they're stucked somewhere. no filter for me, group 8
Traffic Value: $4,613.91824 Viet Nam
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19/01/2015 03:28
Traffic Value: $254.68865 Spain
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19/01/2015 03:29
I'm at Level 6 and also not received any ads. angry  sad
Traffic Value: $228.85395 Venezuela
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19/01/2015 03:32
Good thing i don't have an ad filter.

I recently invested a bit to achieve group 7. I would happily click any 0.01$ or better i see so i don't think it's gonna be worth to set any filter at that value,

In my opinion, a member shouldn't receive more than 100 ads daily as a daily issue (not taking into account the value, it should be the same anyway) unless the explicitely buy either recycler upgrade (Get ready to work your ass off tongue) or buy ad packs, and now they are available up to 48 ads.

With 100 you already spend 2 hours at the computer minimum, and that is enough time to affect your daily schedule significatively. 

But anyway we're earning money grin so it's all good.
hrjustinptc - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $8,376.82638 United States
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19/01/2015 03:40
The cron must still be really backed up or something because I have not gotten any ads either. 
Traffic Value: $1,695.79075 Egypt
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19/01/2015 04:04
jo i dont receive any ads
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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19/01/2015 04:06
Jo mentioned this in the Jan 19th Daily News thread:

19/01/2015 02:16
There are still 743k ads in the queue.. give it a few hours... The queue is really weird of late; sometimes it clears real fast, other times real slow. No idea why.
Traffic Value: $152.93098 Venezuela
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19/01/2015 04:18
Thanks Jo
Traffic Value: $868.5955 Netherlands
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19/01/2015 04:26
group 7 
adfilter $0.003

still no ads
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