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Traffic Value: $208.61496 Philippines
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16/02/2015 08:53
how can i know my ID number?
Traffic Value: $84.75994 Indonesia
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16/02/2015 08:53
I lost bap 3.9k and 2.7k only in reverse.

This small but I just want justice smilegrin
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
52 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 08:54
I've updated the announcement. If you think&can; show not enough BAP was added for you specifically submit a support ticket. But stop spamming the forum with it.
Traffic Value: $1,150.68897 Pakistan
0 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 08:55
thanks admin
Traffic Value: $89.28977 India
2 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 08:58
thanks admin i got all my lost bap .. thank you pv and  mtv team...
Traffic Value: $246.34525 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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16/02/2015 08:59
@ slosumo 

When we will get ads?
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
40 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 09:00
Likely in a few hours or towards the evening so that we confirm everything is good and that Jo gets online.
Traffic Value: $3.11711 India
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16/02/2015 09:01
thank u my BAP recived.....
Traffic Value: $246.34525 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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16/02/2015 09:01
thx for update
Traffic Value: $3,170.45051 India
1 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 09:02
Hi slosumo please take a look at this , i think it's bug....
Traffic Value: $251.96945 Ireland
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16/02/2015 09:03
Thnx team... U are din a good job...I m happy with the bap refund...have nice day
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
6 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 09:03
It seems like the BAP refund was from the duplicated/triplicated ads alone. The ads that were automatically recycled and were given to someone else immediately are the ones that were not included in the BAP refund. The duplicate/triplicate ads are easier to check since they can simply create a command to check for duplicate campaign IDs for members' account. The ads that were automatically recycled and given to someone else may need additional parameters for the query. 

The programmers should perform a query on the recycled ads and the conditions should be the following:

- was it sent to the same person? If yes, it's a case of duplicated ad. No need for addt'l refund since it was already done. Else, proceed to the next condition

- was the ad manually recycled? If yes, it's a valid recycle, else proceed to the next condition

- was the ad recycled after 18 hours (or based on the extension upgrade)? If yes, it's a valid recycle, if not = issue a refund.
Traffic Value: $428.8919 Netherlands
1 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 09:05

I don't think that thousands of tickets will be the thing you are waiting for...

Obvious the calculation is not right and after a week it is a little bit weird.
Maybe ask the hard working guys to review the calculation later, when they have time for it and adjust appropriate. 

We all better focus on the ads and other possibilities of MTV.

Tkx for the hard work.
Traffic Value: $282.49443 Slovenia
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16/02/2015 09:06
they returned me enough BAPs smile tnx jo and slosumo
Traffic Value: $85.87733 Pakistan
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16/02/2015 09:07
brother i have received only 12400 bap in group 8 in refund , but i think im at loss so plz confrim me how many refund bap in my acount .im so happy from paidverts it is si nice valueable earning wishes for u and paidverts
Traffic Value: $496.56049 United States
6 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 09:07

Here is the math, in the simplest form, to get break even. It isn't EXACT, but it is calculated so you don't lose.

Round the share price to the nearest penny--so, for example, .0781 would be .08. Or .0742 would be .07. If you want to be REALLY sure, always round UP--but it usually doesn't matter.

THEN, multiply the share price by 1.5. So, if the share price is 8 cents, 8 x 1.5 = 12. 

THEN, multiple that by 20. SO in this example, 12 x 20 = 240. 

NOW add 3 cents for every 100 if you have a number that is even 100s. OR multiply by 1.03 if it isn't an even number. In this case, that would be 240 x 1.03= 247.2  ----so you would round to the nearest 1, which is 247.

This gives you the same profit you would get from buying ads with the money instead of shares, and includes the 3% BAP fee for trading shares for BAP.

So, if shares are 8 cents, and the BAP price on the market is over 247, then you make a profit.

Now, if you want to know the PROFIT, just subtract the break even from the current BAP price, and you will be CLOSE. It is only CLOSE because as the BAP price goes up, the fee goes up. If you want to know the EXACT fee, then just figure out 3% of whatever the current BAP value on the market is and subtract it.

EXAMPLE:  The current BAP price is 300. Because shares are 8 cents, the break even is 247.

3% of 300 is 9 BAP--that will be your fee. 300-9=291.

Since the break even is 247---- 291-247=44 bap.

That means that every share you sell for BAP gives you 44 BAP more than you would have gotten buying ads. That equals an extra  2.2 cents in profit. So if you sold ten shares, you would get not only the full profit you would have gotten for buying ads, but an extra 22 cents in ads.

And yes, sometimes the recycle ads come slowly. I set my filter at .001, and check about every hour or so while I am awake. Before I got to bed, or if I will be away from my computer for 8 or 9 hours, I set my filter to .002 or .005, and I usually find a lot of ads when I get back. Yesterday, for instance, I left my filter set at .001 by accident when I went to bed. When I woke up and logged in 12 hours later, I had 107 ads. Most of them were .002 or .005, but there were about 30 .001 ads that were random ads from people buying ad packs--an extra 3 cents.
Traffic Value: $427.92279 Netherlands
1 like this post 2 people
16/02/2015 09:08
what can I say? PV is awesome great Admin great support , I got my lost bapsgrin<3 thanks Jo and slosumo
16-02-2015 08:24:56 +17680 Admin adjustment
Traffic Value: $40.5483 Singapore
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16/02/2015 09:11
Still waiting for the new ads..... 
Traffic Value: $59.81268 Spain
2 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 09:11
I have received my baps too!!!! thanks and goodmorning to all.grin
Traffic Value: $412.53078 Bulgaria
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16/02/2015 09:20
Thanks I received my BAP

Now we are waiting the AD's for the lost week to be issued according to the groups (or you can send me BAP's for them)
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