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29th October - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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29/10/2014 16:04
Todays fast tracks have been sent!

* Reminder *
If you find a security exploit within MTV/PV, and you tell us about it (without first trying to cashout/spend your illgotten gains - we'll give you a $100 cash finders fee!

Today's news and ad issue is in progress... The problem is, there are too many users online! (I'm chasing iweb up about installing our upgraded DB server - as that's all signed & paid for) ... As soon as traffic dies down a bit -- should only be an hour or two, i'll issue the ads for the remaining 7 BAP groups.

Todays issue is pretty big; almost as big as yesterdays! And I have to say MTV/PV are flying along!! Biggest revenue day ever yesterday, we sold over $60k in ads, and i made over $2000 in ref commissions in a single day. So this is looking good!

And PayPal has crossed the quater million mark:

Perfect Money also has a boat load of money in it, over $100k this morning; that we can't seem to get rid of quickly enough. I bought $20k worth of bitcoins earlier just to spread the assets around a bit... but there's still way too much money in that account.

* I'm trying to pay the PP cashouts at the moment, but the PP bulk payments are lousy of late. They're taking up to 20minutes to process. It's ridiculous... And i've got 11 of them to do. (I'm asking the programmers to adjust my admin lists to 200 cashouts per page; then I can pay the cashouts in bigger chunks, and save me a bit of time).

All other payment processors are up to date, except for BitCoin. And i'm working on that today; they're slow going as I can only send one every few minutes. But I'll try and get those back within 48hours today/tomorrow.... And cashier revenues are over $740 today; that's adding up to a whole bunch now we're moving tens of thousands around.

I've added an "account lockdown" functionality to the programming list. Where users can pay either $0.001 or 10 BAP or some nominal (tiny) sum to block all account functions for between 6-72hours (basically make their account read only for the lockdown period)... Then if you're going to bed, or will be away for the weekend; you can guarantee your account won't be hacked (at least until you get back!)... And the lockdown also blocks gameplay; so it serves as a time-out period for any gamers that need to protect themselves from themselves.

I'm pushing the programmers to scale our hosting more quickly... as we're adding 4-5k new active daily users each week (with 15k+ weekly signups)... So it's real tough to keep everything speedy. But we'll aim to get ahead of that ASAP. As a laggy site is annoying!

No particular programming news today; but I see Paul & Daniel are billing hours for the Multiplayer Poker fairly consistently - so that's on its way. But I have no idea about any timeframe right now.

I'll reply with the PV ad issue stats in a few hours, once they're all issued.

Jo smile
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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29/10/2014 16:07
@Jo really the db is critical right now... it is amazing how slow the site gets, you can always say when the ads are being issued.
I know you are reallllyyyy swamped but when you get time please get to my 2 weeks ticket angel
Traffic Value: $1,909.96027 Netherlands
3 like this post 2 people
29/10/2014 16:12
You are really doing a fantastic job Jo. smile
About payments processing, maybe it can help if you set the minimum on 10 dollar.
People can make 10 dollar between one day and some small days. So does dont hurt for people if you increase this.
Traffic Value: $4,297.92067 Israel
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29/10/2014 16:13
@Jo Maybe you can schedule the ads for the following day before time and they will be issued during the time when most members are asleep. After the 1% ads are issued is probably the best time.
Traffic Value: $4,423.20136 Slovenia
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29/10/2014 16:21
Hi Jo,

Just before the adds issue I went to group 7. I did not receive any ads today, coincidence?
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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29/10/2014 16:21
I'm already doing the "mini ad issues" overnight... but the daily ad issues I have to do during the day. I try to do them as early as possible; but not always workable.

And I should have a lot of time available this week; so i'll aim to catch up with tickets and what not this week. Plus i'm pushing for Alex to help us again; we can pay him whatever he wants... And it'd be good to get him to help out with our server scaling, managing all the programmers, and just generally coding for us. As he's by the far the most experienced programmer I know.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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29/10/2014 16:26
You can tell the share price is on the way up... the undercutters are only reducing the price by a thousandth of a cent now vs multiple cents before.

I don't think it'll take more than a week to remove the 20cent road block - PV could do it in a single day if it skipped an ad issue... And that guy is one of the original Spanish investors. Paying him might actually generate a lot of new investment; but maybe not - as his investment has spanned about 3years longer than anticipated lol. But it came good wink
Traffic Value: $226.69805 Iran (ISLAMIC Republic Of)
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29/10/2014 16:26
Jo please do something for me.
I want to fund my account and invest.
But when I want to cashout it says that your date of birth is not correct BUT it is correct.
I have opened a ticket and its 3 days and no answer so far.sad
Traffic Value: $1,909.96027 Netherlands
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29/10/2014 16:27
how Jo is doing giving the ads is fine. Its between late afternoon and early in the evening, so thats good. People have time eanough to click it all.
Setting the mini and mega upgrade ads on afternoon/evening can be a very good idea so people have more chance to click them all. Doing them at midnight arround 2:00 is indeed a bad idea. Thats also one of the reasons that i did stop with buying those upgrades.
Traffic Value: $4,782.87809 Germany
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29/10/2014 16:27
Please hire Catt as Forum Moderator. The Forum needs an moderator.
Traffic Value: $534.33612 Sweden
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29/10/2014 16:28
@Jo,We are many People that We have Problems with the Solve Media Captcha,it dusnt apare any Captcha to Complete and the Seconds dusnt Countdown! We This Problem att Morning still Now! We can't Click Our Ads,soWe will Lose all Our Ad Issue! If it is any Problem, Please let Us to know about! Thank You!
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
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29/10/2014 16:28
What a bloody brilliant idea to make a look down function.
That certainly gives a lot of extra security.  

Traffic Value: $127.20102 Philippines
1 like this post 0 people
29/10/2014 16:28
Hi jo
How many users are online? Less than 10,000?
And you always said every news that PV and MTV are rocketing...
What will happen if there are 100,000 users online?i know its possible in the future..
Can the MTV and PV stand to that users?
Traffic Value: $3,164.12353 Lithuania
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29/10/2014 16:31
Jo, Please take a look at topic
People having problems including me with captcha. Page doesnt load we can't click ads, or activation  ads 25bap..
Traffic Value: $520.60691 United States
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29/10/2014 16:34
I second Raver idea she is always around her helping out. grin

Maybe we could get a private message system add the forum sometime in the future so if we want to discuss a issue with a certain member we can with out clogging up the forum with useless post.

As far as ad issue time. They work out pretty well for USA time zones. They seem to be mid morning and early evening. Which leave alot of time to click them. Once you get rid of all the low value ones that show up in hundred in your account.

There are 6669 users online
Traffic Value: $65,453.30658 Sweden
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29/10/2014 16:39

and welcome Swedish wink

Which browser version have you? in firefox and chrome newest works, internet explorer might be a problem if you have old version and some old mobile versions like iphone 4s have been reported to have problems
Traffic Value: $52,751.70929 Egypt
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29/10/2014 16:47
"Plus i'm pushing for Alex to help us again; we can pay him whatever he wants."

when did Alex stop working for MTV and why?

I know he was working for MTV as a freelancer but he was very efficient and I didn't know that he left us "I had a long vacation away from MTV"

I remember him investing some money in MTV so why did he leave? 
Traffic Value: $534.33612 Sweden
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29/10/2014 16:49
@Rtrplay I'm Tack så Mycket My Swedish Friend! smile I'm Using an HTC Mobile and Yeah I Try Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox To, but I don't know what Happens Today! I just Hope the Problem to be Solved!
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
12 like this post 0 people
29/10/2014 16:56
Alex is around... he just doesn't do a lot for us anymore, as Paul and Daniel are quite capable. But he chips in with advice and what not.

But Alex is/was always super busy; as he works for some big programming company. I can't remember which one; he was working for an Israeli company that got bought by IBM for over a billion dollars a few years ago. But lately I'm not sure.

Anyway, i've tried offering him huge money numerous times -- but no interest as of yet. The problem is, the big companies pay a fortune for the best programmers - as they're really hard to find, and in super short supply....
So for a startup to compete against IBM/Facebook/Google; virtually impossible... As those companies pay 6-7figure a year salaries, huge promotion potential, plus stock options, plus they have the security of being a huge company that isn't likely going anywhere in the next 20years; and thereby can do pensions and all sorts.
Traffic Value: $41,504.84056 United States
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29/10/2014 17:00

Do you need help with payments, or anything else that we can help make your job easier,  let us know
We all are willing to help out!

This is an amazing site, and I want you to know, we all support you!

Keep up the great work!
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