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Welcome Guest - Login / Register Forum - News - 29th October - Daily News

29th October - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $31,160.99362 Brazil
0 like this post 3 people
29/10/2014 17:05
Boa Tarde a todos.Queria VerificAR com jo e Os acionistas parágrafo colocar nenhum site Uma Transferência interna between OS membros.Seria Feita atraves do e-mail de Cada um.Assim poderia transferir Dinheiro, Pontos e ações.Eu Acho Que Seria hum grande Combustível Pará OS Negócios Neste Momento de crescimento.Os Grandes No Meu Pensamento estao interessados ??los Crescer com SUAS referências.Porque Todos continuam ganhando e crescendo.E uma Empresa Movimenta Mais Dinheiro e explodir Seu crescimento.Queria uma Opinião de Todos Junto com o administrador.Obrigado .
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
1 like this post 1 people
29/10/2014 17:08
Belchior, calma... não precisa postar 20x.... 
Se o pessoal quiser responder vai responder. É que acho que a maioria NÃO entende português portanto vc não vai ter muitas respostas.
Traffic Value: $7,210.41633 Viet Nam
0 like this post 2 people
29/10/2014 17:10
Hi Jo!

I'm from BAP group 7. I don't have ad today while I check some acc group 7 in top earner had already ad. So check for me.

Tks for your help.
Traffic Value: $3,386.23128 Turkey
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29/10/2014 17:13
I am waiting my ad too. you are not alone and i believe there are lots of users waiting their ad. so do not worry they will come smile
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
3 like this post 0 people
29/10/2014 17:16
You guys mean you answer the daily news without reading them first?
Because if you did read you would see that the ads will be send slowly today and you must wait and posting that would be unnecessary....
Traffic Value: $52,751.70929 Egypt
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29/10/2014 17:20
so Jo how could you get Alex's leg in MTV in the first place?
Traffic Value: $1,574.99202 Pakistan
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29/10/2014 17:20
Ads issue is slower alot of users Online We will get our cut soongrin
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
16 like this post 0 people
29/10/2014 17:24
Amazingly enough I found Alex on Scriptlance years ago!
Talk about diamond in the rough grin

And todays PV ads are all queued up:

BAP Group …........ Percent (x100) …........ Dollar Value …......... Participants …......... Ads Per User

100 to 1599 …............... 0 …............... 0 …............... 11411 …............... 0
1600 to 12000 …............... 0.04 …............... 1372 …............... 5945 …............... 0.2307821699
12000 to 24000 …............... 0.0275 …............... 943.25 …............... 2188 …............... 0.4311014625
24k to 48k …............... 0.05 …............... 1715 …............... 2089 …............... 0.8209669698
48k to 96k …............... 0.07 …............... 2401 …............... 1701 …............... 1.4115226337
96k to 180k …............... 0.08 …............... 2744 …............... 1379 …............... 1.9898477157
180k to 360k …............... 0.09 …............... 3087 …............... 972 …............... 3.1759259259
360k to 720k …............... 0.0775 …............... 2658.25 …............... 617 …............... 4.3083468395
720k to 1.5m …............... 0.085 …............... 2915.5 …............... 363 …............... 8.0316804408
1.5m to 3m …............... 0.1 …............... 3430 …............... 213 …............... 16.103286385
3m to 6m …............... 0.09 …............... 3087 …............... 99 …............... 31.1818181818
6m to 20m …............... 0.105 …............... 3601.5 …............... 58 …............... 62.0948275862
20m+ …............... 0.075 …............... 2572.5 …............... 15 …............... 171.5
50m+ …............... 0.07 …............... 2401 …............... 6 …............... 400.1666666667
100m+ …............... 0.04 …............... 1372 …............... 1 …............... 1372
Traffic Value: $3,164.12353 Lithuania
0 like this post 2 people
29/10/2014 17:28
I don't get it. Anyone else having problems with clicking ads? There 50+ ppl who can't click them, and so far nowhere provided any solution. This applies for all ads, not a single. This screen stuck, and never loading.

Traffic Value: $1,574.99202 Pakistan
0 like this post 0 people
29/10/2014 17:29
Jo; MTV/PV Both sites too slow loading ........Thanx for big ads issue w00t
Traffic Value: $4,782.87809 Germany
4 like this post 0 people
29/10/2014 17:30
Catt for moderator or riot grin
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
1 like this post 0 people
29/10/2014 17:31
Ads seem to be working fine.
What's the issue?

Try clearing your cookies, logout and in again, reset your router if need be. And use google Chrome to ensure compatability.
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
0 like this post 0 people
29/10/2014 17:32
@Jo I noticed most people who are complaining about the captchas are using mobile... maybe it´s some problem with those?
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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29/10/2014 17:34
This looks like a solvemedia bug... some connection issue for whatever reason. Likely a broken cookie / conflicting cookies or something.

Clear cookies + cache... and it should be alright. Or just try again in an hour or so.
Traffic Value: $3,164.12353 Lithuania
0 like this post 0 people
29/10/2014 17:36
@Jo, PC is with supervision, there no problems from my side and yes i'm using google chrome. It's paidverts either solvemedia take a look topic, people waiting for solution.
Traffic Value: $1,051.66299 Spain
0 like this post 0 people
29/10/2014 17:36
Hi. I have the same problem than Dignified. I can't view any ads, the page opens empty without the captcha, and the time is running and the ads go by. I've tried with iExplorer and Chrome, so it's not a problem with coockies.

Can you help me, please?
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
9 like this post 1 people
29/10/2014 17:36
Over $1000 in cashier revenues today!

Anyway, i'm taking a break for an hour or so. Then i'll tackle the mising deposit tickets, guest login issues. And then tomorrow will be freed up for the other tickets!
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
2 like this post 3 people
29/10/2014 17:39
Guys, about the captcha, Jo JUST posted

"This looks like a solvemedia bug... some connection issue for whatever reason. Likely a broken cookie / conflicting cookies or something.

Clear cookies + cache... and it should be alright. Or just try again in an hour or so."
Traffic Value: $1,051.66299 Spain
2 like this post 0 people
29/10/2014 17:46
It's not a problem with the coockies. I've tried in two different browsers and two different computers.
Traffic Value: $54,219.84749 United States
2 like this post 0 people
29/10/2014 17:46
how odd... certain browser works for certain people ... Google chrome dont work for me.. only Mozilla Firefox works... none of the browsers other than firefox work for me.. if they do then some functions are missing like I can't enter data whenever I want to buy ads on PV... I am surprised no one mentioned Mozilla Firefox as that is my preferred choice of browser.. hmm
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Forum - News - 29th October - Daily News
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