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29th October - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $1,095,877.628 Canada
10 like this post 0 people
29/10/2014 19:16
You could also add a : "Would you resell the shares?"
If so, "At what price"?

Then, buyers could fix selling price before even buying them, and the apps would calculate their future profits.

It would make the market a lot more dynamic
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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29/10/2014 19:19
Yea, that's a good idea. Buy & instantly re-list higher. I'll mention that to the programmers - and see what they come up with.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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29/10/2014 19:22
1) The captcha thing seems to be a solvemedia issue, their entire API is having problems. I imagine they'll fix it in the coming hours.

2) Slow website...
"I'm working on this right now, I found 4-5 queries that are killing us (full scan of table which has >100m entries, somewhere in mtv portfolio)

We're also going to change the way that ads are issued - we will try to switch to redis, like CT ads"

But before all that... they're working to setup our new DB server. As that is a lot more powerful regardless of coding optimizations.


And apparently Paul is taking a few days off from his main job to try and speed our productivity along. And i've re-offered him the incentive of pre-payment if he wants to come and work for us full time. As that'd be a major productivity boost.
Traffic Value: $791.53936 Moldova Republic of
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29/10/2014 19:23
Thanks for nice ads for last few dayssmile
Traffic Value: $2,709.58035 United States
2 like this post 0 people
29/10/2014 19:26
I think there should be at least a 5 share bid minimum
to come in at the top of any of the bid boxes.

Or, if you must have just 1 share bid same as top 
bid or less and wait your turn.

Stacking bids for 1 or 2 shares to the sky here
just looks silly because it is.
Traffic Value: $402.92393 Serbia
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29/10/2014 19:28
i have question grin
am i gonna get dividents for share if i list tham for sale ?? or when thay are listed is like im not having tham
Traffic Value: $2,211.17614 France
5 like this post 0 people
29/10/2014 19:40
the most important is that the potential of MTV is present
after it's just growth problems (servers / number of employees) like any growing companyhappy
it necessary to leave time to time
but I hope that you will come to find 1 or 2 programmers proficient in the coming months

otherwise like "Raver"
I think Catt would be a good moderator for the forum it is very present on the forum and does not hesitate to help members
therefore Jo if later you have idea to hire a moderator for the forum Catt is a good candidatewink
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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29/10/2014 19:49
@polo26 ty polo, for your words, I do not intend a reward for helping members - of course, I will have a reward when PV grows wink - but it would be my pleasure if someday I would be considered to be part of the PV/MTV team, since I admire it so much.
Traffic Value: $899.53291 Canada
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29/10/2014 19:51
hey Jo the split share will happen when ? approximation ?
Traffic Value: $892.42899 India
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29/10/2014 19:56

Any news about skrill and share split?
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
4 like this post 0 people
29/10/2014 19:57
You earn dividends whilst your shares are listed for sale.

And the share split is in the pipeline, along with the transfer fee change + automated sales... I don't know when the programmers will get to it.

I think Lucas is doing the shareholder control panel first. Then we'll modify the marketplace.
Traffic Value: $31,160.99362 Brazil
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29/10/2014 20:00
jo você já sabe se vai ser de 5x ou 10x 
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
3 like this post 0 people
29/10/2014 20:01
Allowing the users the option to instantly put the shares they're going to buy up for resale at a different price will improve shares market liquidity.  It could also be done when offering shares for sale, instantly put up a bid to rebuy with the proceeds of the sale.

By the way,

  • My Proven Traffic Value: $290,391.2906
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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29/10/2014 20:06
The share split will be 5x this time. Then we'll do a 2x split, at some point in the future. Keep that in the bank for when we need to push through another barrier wink
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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29/10/2014 20:32
Do you remember that autoreinvest you had on one of the plans in the past? You took it out because it almost took down your server. I'm wondering if you could bring something like that back for the current plans?
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
6 like this post 0 people
29/10/2014 20:48
Ah yea, that was with the original cycler grin


Anyway, i've just closed down the experimental fund, refunding everyone 101%. I'll deduct $1200 from the dev funding the next time we add a product, or the next time I update the PV costs.
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
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29/10/2014 20:59
I never used auto reinvest on the original cycler.  Too much risk of waiting for 125% instead of getting the instant 110%, but I'm sure some users did well with it before it crashed the server.
Traffic Value: $1,909.96027 Netherlands
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29/10/2014 21:51
Again greats ads Jo, Thanks. smile
Traffic Value: $418.73511 Venezuela
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29/10/2014 22:10
I'm still with the problem of ad filter when I can fix?
Traffic Value: $13.54646 Slovenia
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29/10/2014 22:14
i have a question about group 0 or 1 ? from 0 to 1600 points , it goes nowhere , bap tax is 100 baps and left 100 bap points that are consumed asap by daily ads , so how can i go higher if im always on 0 bap points ?
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