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Welcome Guest - Login / Register Forum - News - 29th October - Daily News

29th October - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $203,540.80977 Malaysia
0 like this post 0 people
29/11/2014 11:23
you've been fooled
it is last month newsgrin
Traffic Value: $56.84123 Philippines
5 like this post 0 people
29/11/2014 11:32
ouch!!!sorry ive,d mistaken, i need to consult my opthamologist regarding my eyes..
hahahacool LOL 
Traffic Value: $22,303.8091 Netherlands
4 like this post 0 people
29/11/2014 11:37
I find this trolling to be humorous. Don't take it too seriously peeps.
Traffic Value: $3,785.18396 Germany
2 like this post 1 people
29/11/2014 12:05
I'm always humorous.
Traffic Value: $2,431.6772 Nepal
1 like this post 2 people
29/11/2014 12:20
I have get locked my account. My Ad and BAP are loosing. I cannot click on any ad it is locked. But the flow of ad is still coming making my BAP and money to lose. What will be it solution. Reply JO.
Traffic Value: $73.44772 Macedonia
0 like this post 0 people
29/11/2014 13:29
Jo, I am waiting for my Payza cashout for 24 days now. Unanswered support ticket sitting there for 22 days. Can you or someone from the support team take a look at this: and refund the missing payment to my PV earnings balance?
Traffic Value: $461.52927 Indonesia
0 like this post 0 people
Traffic Value: $561.89249 Nigeria
1 like this post 0 people
29/11/2014 13:46
red facehmmmangry can't wait to click today's ad
Traffic Value: $22.96321 Brazil
0 like this post 0 people
29/11/2014 19:50
Jo is simple, for dont be bad for members...I will give one exemple....

If you wanna send 50,000 in ad for 1,000 members.. send ONE ad per MEMBER... with more value, maybe 50.. or 2 25 .. just one exemple , because are sick to me and all members click, and wait for more then 3 .. 4 minutes for receive...  today i receive some 13 ad 0,01.. 0,02 .. so send 1,10 One ad.. is more Easy , and dont congestion Server.
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Forum - News - 29th October - Daily News
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