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Traffic Value: $739.34329 Belgium
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30/10/2014 11:22
We could implement this at the same time as the new upgrade Jo mentioned. Then you can buy all shares listed for a price lower then the price you set... So if it's programmed that you buy only the quantity that is available, it should work... But it must be made so that we can't see the amount at any time, only after buying you see howmuch you were able to buy below your set price.
Traffic Value: $203,540.80977 Malaysia
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30/10/2014 12:58
people always like to bid on lower price, cancel the bid option release the horde just like the effect of bap market
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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30/10/2014 12:58
Transparency is the best policy. If people think a 100k share sale is an insurmountable roadblock; then they'll soon have their horizons expanded!

And there's nothing wrong with PV buying shares from itself; it's just the same as everyone that is buying ads in PV, buying up those shares. And the regular share price - that PV chips away at with a portion of its daily funds - seems to only lag about 2cents behind whatever PV is buying shares for (from itself). So that's fine.

And if you're EVER going to buy the ad filter, you might as well buy it sooner rather than later. To maximise its value (seeing as it lasts forever)... And I recommend setting it at $0.005-$0.009 . No higher than that; unless you're in one of our top BAP groups.
Traffic Value: $525.45188 Serbia
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30/10/2014 13:04
Jo beg you to enlist and card options like VISA
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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30/10/2014 13:10
I agree with Jo on this one.

The problem with hiding the number of shares is that people won't know when the top seller will finish selling his listed shares. Let's say he's selling 10K shares. We all know that it takes time for that to be sold, right? With the current platform, we know that someone's buying shares because the number of shares is decreasing. Now if you hide the numbers, people will wonder if there's a problem with the script because it would look like that there's no movement at all.
Traffic Value: $739.34329 Belgium
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30/10/2014 13:22
Roadblock at 0.22 is removed too! Paidverts is the first block at 0.24, the roadblock from Roberto is highered to 0.26, so I think the share split can wait for a while? Then when we're stuck again we can use it to break trough a certain limit again? 
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
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30/10/2014 13:29
@mikeb916 Congratulations on getting a $100 recycled ad, I really gotta make sure I keep my BAP over 100200000 in case I get one just before the ad issue goes out.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
12 like this post 0 people
30/10/2014 13:30
Share split will happen when it happens.
I'd like to decrease the unit price; as currently the BAP cost of shares is too high... I want to let new users buy a share on their first day. As that'll be a good potential anchor to keep them at the site, and also it'll generate ideas in their head beyond clicking paid ads.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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30/10/2014 13:35
Yeh if the BAP price would be between 150-200 BAP then new users would practically be able to convert their free BAP to 10cents cash daily via shares and avoid the BAP tax this way. That will be an awesome strategy and could really work well with converting people to MTV.
Traffic Value: $899.53291 Canada
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30/10/2014 13:50
wow someone deposit
$18,882.39 via bankwire that  alot of moneytongue!
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
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30/10/2014 13:53
Thanks Ethan. He is going to the 100M group, jesus.....
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
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30/10/2014 13:55
A BAP prize of 200 BAP would equal  0,0645 cent Slosumo. 
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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30/10/2014 14:05
Yeh that's true. What I meant by the 10 cents is that they'd be able to instantly convert he 200free BAP(10 cents earnings potential) into a share, which then they'd really get about 6 cents for.

But still, better than losing 100 BAP to tax daily - plus it gives them the chance to save their BAP by buying shares for ~15 days, sell them, buy an ad pack and immediately jump into the first BAP group. Much more efficient way to grow. Or if you consider the initial 400 BAP for 8 days, they'd be able to get into the first BAP group in 8 days, from the current 2-3 weeks because of the BAP tax. Should be much easier for micro users to build up.
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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30/10/2014 14:09
@pythagoras, that depends on how you're computing it.

If you're the buyer, you will multiply it by $0.0005. So 200 BAP is equivalent to $0.1 since that's the value you will receive if you wait for paid ads (without removing the 5% sponsor bonus).

However, if you're the seller, then $0.0645 would indeed be the equivalent.
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
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30/10/2014 14:31
@ yallit 

I don't agree into bringing the advalue into the math.

It just clouds the picture what you earn from shares. 

If it comes to shares I use as buyer and seller 31 BAP = 1 cent.
Because that is what it costs me to get the BAP again.  
Traffic Value: $70.63647 Poland
2 like this post 10 people
29/11/2014 09:56
good news
Traffic Value: $1,312.65076 Bulgaria
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29/11/2014 10:04
@ AboundPL

You just opened a month old thread!

Why?????? blink
Traffic Value: $71.81537 Portugal
3 like this post 3 people
29/11/2014 10:06
Traffic Value: $346.1741 India
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29/11/2014 10:13
@Arieuqrec - It should be to "FOOL PEOPLE", not "full people"! vampire
Traffic Value: $56.84123 Philippines
1 like this post 5 people
29/11/2014 11:20
hi jo, i just don't still receive my ads, as daily news, $3.17.
i just only received the ads for %1.
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