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Keeping Up With The FTQ

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Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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10/12/2015 06:50
I figured we had a topic for keeping up with other markets, why not the FTQ.

At Server reset the FTQ stood at:

Active Debt = $79,280.20
New Investments = $49.00
Last 7 days Revenue = $10,572.84937
Average Daily Revenue = $1,510.40705
FTQ Length, based on avg = 53 days

Each server reset, someone [including me] will try to list the new numbers and how they differ from the day before.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
13 like this post 2 people
10/12/2015 08:02
Maybe, also include Real Time upcoming 7 day payments and a better avg picture than 60 day avg.

This new avg, should be variable, meaning if something major happens that tweaks the avg (like the swap pre/post week) start the avg since it "settled". Also, if there was a 1 day high or 1 day low that affects the avg, remove that. Also, we can have 2 avg ranges.

The first main one, that is variable should strive to be about a month long, the second should just be the past 7 or 8 days. Then, once those 2 avgs are listed. You can also see the trend of how Revenue is increasing or decreasing.

I know this sounds like a lot, and to get it started will be the most work, but done properly, it will provide a lot of actual very useful info, and should be easy enough to maintain.
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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10/12/2015 20:09
@druth8x, or Marc can just advise the programmers to tweak the average being used by the FTQ and put it to a 1 or 2-week average.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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11/12/2015 00:13
Active Debt = $60,683.36
New Investments = $238.00 [vs $1,320.21 Revenues]
Last 7 days Revenue = $10,846.57045
Average Daily Revenue = $1,549.51006
FTQ Length, based on avg = 40 days

The first two numbers don't seem to add up, but I will tweak them as I learn why.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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11/12/2015 00:51
Active Debt is WRONG, it always is, but most of the time it's just less than 1 day, it's based on the second number here, thus the total debt is actually the first number:

$16,861.93783 / $31,138.06417

Which means closer to 42 days.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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11/12/2015 03:03
I get it. The number ($79K) isn't taking the amount paid of the current investment.
Adding up the FTQ weeks below does. In fact, I am gonna refigure this once more, using those numbers, just to be sure.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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11/12/2015 10:20
FTQ wasn't sent at server reset, here's today's actual number of the current FTQ (PV) being paid.

$19,396.13104 / $28,603.87096
Traffic Value: $944.5882 Czech Republic
1 like this post 2 people
11/12/2015 10:49
$2,534.19321 (2x than yestarday, and x3 day before)
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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11/12/2015 15:44
I have made a slight adjustment last night's numbers to take the FTQ payment into account.
I will likely subtract the presumed payment from the number each night from now on.
I will only be taking the Active Debt, as obtained by adding up the weekly breakdowns, each server day as these seem to be more accurate. far, another day where revenues exceed investments...
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
8 like this post 0 people
12/12/2015 00:48
Active Debt = $59,425.42 [-1,257.94]
New Investments = $160.00 [vs 1,549.04 Revenues]
Last 7 days Revenue = $9,861.39
Average Daily Revenue = $1,408.77
FTQ Length, based on avg = 43 days
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
4 like this post 1 people
13/12/2015 01:38
Active Debt = $58,039.53 [-1,385.89]
New Investments = $411.00 [vs $303.20 Revenues]
Last 7 days Revenue = $8,737.00
Average Daily Revenue = $1,248.14
FTQ Length, based on 1 week avg = 47 days
Traffic Value: $680.27326 Philippines
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13/12/2015 02:12

That's new investments vs revenue, right?

I think *new debt* vs revenues will be more relevant.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
1 like this post 1 people
13/12/2015 02:26
1 "not so good" day out of 7 really skews the avg.
When you see that, you need to do some other math "trick" taking out the highest/lowest, going based on a longer time.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
2 like this post 1 people
13/12/2015 02:33
It'll take a little more math to figure out what the actual 'debt' is but if I keep a record on the last group figure each night, I should be able to do that.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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13/12/2015 02:48
This is meant to be a real look at the FTQ, based on the day and the last 7 days.
If we start 'tricking' the math, what do we achieve?
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
1 like this post 2 people
13/12/2015 03:07
A 300 day, nor a 2500 day, are not a real look.
When they are so far from the norm, and your window is only 7 days, in a very strong way, you actually are "tricking" the math.

I'm not saying put a positive spin on the math, but outliers do not work to show a true representation.

Think of it this way, in terms of a divorce, what would the arbiter, use to show the true earnings? What would the Sole Breadwinner show, who now wants it all to themselves? What would the stay at home with the kids parent show, who wants to take it all from the breadwinner who stepped out on the marriage?

Arbiter, would try to find the best avg picture, taking out the best and worst days, best and worst seasons.
Sole Breadwinner, would want to include the 300, might even wait around for a truly bad week.
Stay At Home Parent, would want to show the 2500, and def wait long enough for the 300 not to be shown.

You already used a trick by only doing a 7 day picture.
If 1 day out of 7 wasn't so off kilter, that it effected the avg that much, that would be fine.
But, if then next 2 days we get 2000, then it was just anomaly b/c 4300 / 3 = 1233, which is close enough to the recent avg. Then again, two 2K are a bit much...and even 6 days of 1700, just to even out the 300, is probably not highly likely. SO, the bigger picture of at least slightly slower, even if just one not so good day, is probably right. Though probably not 6 extra days, just 1 or 2.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
1 like this post 1 people
13/12/2015 03:26
Only the last 7 days have any impact on the FTQ anyway, as the only payments the FTQ are going to get are this last week's revenue, so a true one week avg is really the only avg that matters to how long the FTQ might take. It will naturally go up and down, based on participation.
Traffic Value: $680.27326 Philippines
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13/12/2015 03:47
Maybe possible for weekly.

For example,

For the week Dec 6 to Dec 12:

FTQ debt: $4,473.35
Revenues: $8,737.03445

Surplus: $4,263.68445
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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14/12/2015 00:55
Active Debt = $57,134.01 [-905.52]
New Investments = $71.00 [vs $2,971.99 Revenues]
Last 7 days Revenue = $9,807.85
Average Daily Revenue = $1,401.12
FTQ Length, based on 1 week avg = 41 days

I like richiem's idea of a weekly stat, so I will be adding that to each Saturday night / Sunday morning post.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
1 like this post 2 people
14/12/2015 01:02
Thank you gamblers, you brought the avg back to $1400, all in 1 day.
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