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Keeping Up With The FTQ

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Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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26/01/2016 02:08
It does no good to use an avg based on monies already paid.
If Investors want paid faster, they should become more interested in activities that result in higher Revenues [like promoting PPMG]. It's in their best interest to encourage Revenue generating activities. If they don't want to do that, than they can twiddle their thumbs and wait.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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26/01/2016 03:18
I can say the same with you using a 7 day avg to project ~70 days worth of revenue.

An avg is just an avg, but a "slow" week can effect the avg projected more than is truly expected. As can a "great" week. I would like a 28 day avg, to be shown, when the avg days diminishes a lot in just 1 update as well.

Many investors don't really know the nuts and bolts, and thus this jump will scare them.
The jump isn't real. Maybe slightly longer, but not 20 days. Thus, we aren't giving an accurate as possible picture.

I understand that past results don't say what we will get in the future. But sames goes for past 7. You use 7 as a predictor. Which should be decently reliable. Just in cases of a noticeable difference, adding in a longer, but not too long (60 day avg takes way too long to come down), would also be advisable.

Just think what can happen to the stocks of companies, that hit the news good or bad, can do for that day/week. If you used that as a projection, you'd not be getting realistic returns on your investments. However, if you use a longer period, and yes, you can include the good/bad news day/week, expectations are going to be much closer to reality.

But, I guess you, and a few nameless others don't see that.
So, if I care enough, I'll have to do it myself when I feel motivated enough.

Interesting, Marc liked my other post.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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26/01/2016 03:45
If you wanna add a long term average each day, go ahead.
The stat is misleading to me.
I personally don't even use the 7 day average, myself, save to give me an idea of how we are doing with Revenues at the moment.
I only pay attention to the debt ahead and the next seven payments.
I would be willing to believe that there more than 'a few nameless others' that do that, as well.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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26/01/2016 06:02
30 day span 26 Dec - 25 Jan:

Total Results = $30,786
(MOE less than 30, but I rounded 40c up)

Avg Revenue / day = $1026.2

Current debt ahead: 81,203.35

30 day ETA: 79-80 days
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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27/01/2016 00:29
Active Debt = $82,195.81 - $966.81 = $81,229.00 [+$2,228.80]
Current Group Debt = $8,328.55 [+$2,389.15]
New Investments =  $2,032.00
Last 7 days Revenue = $5,047.38
Average Daily Revenue = $721.05
FTQ Length, based on 1 week avg = 112-113 days
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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27/01/2016 00:32
I am contemplating adding another live stat to this page...
Every day, I invest $1 in the FTQ.
Today, I will receive my first $1.15 back.
I will be left with 54 investments, meaning the one I receive today took 54 days to mature.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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27/01/2016 00:46
I like it.

Give users who see what investing a small amount each and every day, just how long it takes, even the time btwn, like when some big shot invests a lot, &/or a poor result day. Should prove useful to try and get more users investing whatever they can, so we get that min reliable dev funds growing.

We know that there are going to be days that none matured, probably more than 1 per week, at times, (15c times 7 = $1.05 aka just enough for 1 days worth, per 7 matured). You will then have to fill those extra blank days per week with $1 extra from other sources. Even if you are moving up to $2, you still need to get that extra $1 on top of the known $1.

While the 7ETA went up almost 2 weeks, Active debt only went up just over $1K, so 30ETA  only went up about 1 day aka 80-81 days.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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27/01/2016 04:04
Yes, I think that will really encourage people to see real time results. BTW, could you post the date of the stats you are posting for easier cross reference?
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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27/01/2016 04:19
That's EASY.
Everything is yesterday's stats, meaning it's from the day BEFORE the post!

Actually... It's the FTQ as how it stands at server reset, minus today's FTQ Payment.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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28/01/2016 01:14
Active Debt = $82,539.35 - $584.89 = $81,954.46 [+$725.46]
Current Group Debt = $9,635.90 [+$1,307.35]
New Investments =  $1,021.00
Last 7 days Revenue = $3,438.78
Average Daily Revenue = $491.25
FTQ Length, based on 1 week avg = 166-167 days

My Current $1 Daily Investment Turnover Time: 54 days
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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28/01/2016 01:44
Active Debt: $82,485.40
Last 30 Day Revenue Dec 28th- Jan 27th = $29,522
30 Day avg: $984
ETA: 84 days
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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29/01/2016 03:25
Active Debt = $82,257.70 - $195.04 = $82,062.66 [+$108.2]
Current Group Debt = $9,939.15 [+$303.25]
New Investments =  $244.00
Last 7 days Revenue = $3,131.57
Average Daily Revenue = $477.36
FTQ Length, based on 1 week avg = 171-172 days

My Current $1 Daily Investment Turnover Time: 55 days

Was out late tonight. I hope this is right. ermm
Traffic Value: $15,174.80528 Netherlands
13 like this post 0 people
29/01/2016 06:51
I like those stats and the discussions around them, but most important: i got paid for my FTQ investment in a fairly decent time! Meaning: the FTQ is moving, it's as simple as that. So come on members, if you have a few bucks to spend, invest in the FTQ, give MTV the dev funds they need so they can build more revenue generating things, giving you - the investor - a great passive income opportunity! 

I'll keep investing $2 each day for now. Hope to increase that as soon as possible.

Let's just do it!
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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30/01/2016 01:26
Active Debt = $82,629.51 - $880.74 = $81,748.77 [-$313.89]
Current Group Debt = $10,506.00 [+$566.85]
New Investments =  $447.00
Last 7 days Revenue = $3,604.08
Average Daily Revenue = $514.86
FTQ Length, based on 1 week avg = 158-159 days

My Current $1 Daily Investment Turnover Time: 56 days
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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31/01/2016 03:48
Active Debt = $82,206.23 - $9.18 = $82,197.05 [+$448.28]
Current Group Debt = $10,972.65 [+$466.65]
New Investments =  $369.00
Last 7 days Revenue = $4,686.87
Average Daily Revenue = $669.55
FTQ Length, based on 1 week avg = 122-13 days

My Current $1 Daily Investment Turnover Time: 57 days
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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01/02/2016 01:28
Active Debt = $82,816.53 - $2,114.66 = $80,701.87 [-$1,495.18]
Current Group Debt = $608.00 [+$608.00]
New Investments =  $369.00
Last 7 days Revenue = $5,748.17
Average Daily Revenue = $821.16
FTQ Length, based on 1 week avg = 98-99 days

My Current $1 Daily Investment Turnover Time: 58 days
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
6 like this post 0 people
01/02/2016 02:17
Jan Total FTQ Revenue = $29,031
(round to nearest quarter x 31)
Jan (31 days) avg daily FTQ Payments = $936.5
Active debt (including today's which hasn't been paid) = $83,414.75
31 day ETA = 89 days.

BTW, with Jan 1st and Jan 2nd $474 total, and Monday the next day for Feb, the avg daily should go up a bit, and the ETA down a bit more.

Based on Jan avg how much should be paid in Feb 29 days? = $27,158.5
What Round?
96 Nov 29 - Dec 05, 2015 $3,453.83636 + Finish Feb 6th.
97 Dec 06 - Dec 12, 2015 $4,473.35 = 7,927.19 + This should be paid in 8-9 payments from now.
98 Dec 13 - Dec 19, 2015 $15,826.70 = 23,753.89 + This should be easy enough to reach.
99 Dec 20 - Dec 26, 2015 $4,304.65 = 28,058.54 + Be nice to complete this. Just over $200 more than Jan avg.
100 Dec 27 - Jan 02, 2016 $6,902.35 = 34,960.89 + Need ~$1300 avg Revenue the next 21 days.
101 Jan 03 - Jan 09, 2016 $2,203.6 Need Another $100 avg, ~$$1400 avg x 21, revenue.
102 Jan 10 - Jan 16, 2016 $22,621.15 This will "have" to wait until March, possibly all of March.

Looks to me like avg ROI timeframe is going to be about 60 days, going up a bit more, ~2-3 weeks, for Rd 102 onwards.

NOTE: Top of the Queue has this much paid: $622.36364
I forgot about that affecting results until after I did the math.

Basically, that's almost 1 less day so 88-89 to clear the whole FTQ, based on Jan.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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02/02/2016 00:23
Active Debt = $83,398.82 - $296.06 = $83,102.76 [+$2,400.89]
Current Group Debt = $3,307.25 [+$2,699.25]
New Investments =  $2,091.00
Last 7 days Revenue = $5,576.46
Average Daily Revenue = $796.63
FTQ Length, based on 1 week avg = 104-105 days

My Current $1 Daily Investment Turnover Time: 59 days
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
10 like this post 0 people
03/02/2016 00:33
Active Debt = $84,184.20 - (-$641.79) = $84,825.99 [+$1,723.23]
Current Group Debt = $4,388.70 3,307.25 [+$1,081.45]
New Investments =  $872.00
Last 7 days Revenue = $6,697.77
Average Daily Revenue = $956.82
FTQ Length, based on 1 week avg = 88-89 days

My Current $1 Daily Investment Turnover Time: 60 days.

You will notice the drastic reduction in time simply by reducing the number of low Results.
That's why good Results are crucial not only to the health of the FTQ, but also its appeal.
If the Results are over $1,000 tomorrow, expect a $1,641+ hike in the Last 7 Days Revenue and another major drop in the estimated FTQ Length.
Traffic Value: $15,174.80528 Netherlands
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03/02/2016 18:20
Speaking about results: looks like the 5th day in a row with more than 1K revenue. Looks promising...
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