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Keeping Up With The FTQ

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Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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30/12/2015 08:39
Active Debt = $60817.46 - $1,122.18 = $59,695.28 [-$505.23]
Current Group Debt = $872.20 [+$616.95]
New Investments =  $486.00
Last 7 days Revenue = $7,799.74
Average Daily Revenue = $1,114.24
FTQ Length, based on 1 week avg = 54 days
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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31/12/2015 01:31
Active Debt = $61,481.82 - $1,856.24 = $59,625.58 [-$69.70]
Current Group Debt = $2,658.75 [+$1,786.55]
New Investments =  $1,397.00
Last 7 days Revenue = $7,168.76
Average Daily Revenue = $1,024.10
FTQ Length, based on 1 week avg = 59 days
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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01/01/2016 01:02
Active Debt = $60,375.02 - $242.80 = $60,132.22 [+$506.64]
Current Group Debt = $3,408.20 [+$749.45]
New Investments =  $593.00
Last 7 days Revenue = $5,817.98
Average Daily Revenue = $831.14
FTQ Length, based on 1 week avg = 73 days
Traffic Value: $22.31948 Pakistan
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01/01/2016 10:50
Group debt increased??
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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02/01/2016 03:04
Active Debt = $60,628.81 - $675.91 = $59,952.90 [-$179.32]
Current Group Debt = $3,902.50 [+$494.30]
New Investments =  $404.00
Last 7 days Revenue = $5,767.61
Average Daily Revenue = $823.94
FTQ Length, based on 1 week avg = 73 days
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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03/01/2016 00:08
Active Debt = $62,950.45 - $685.78 = $62,264.67 [+$2,311.77]
Current Group Debt = $6,902.35 [+$2,999.85]
New Investments =  $2,343.00
Last 7 days Revenue = $5,373.26
Average Daily Revenue = $767.60
FTQ Length, based on 1 week avg = 82 days
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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03/01/2016 00:16
Last Week's New FTQ Investment Debt: $6,902.35
Last Week's FTQ Fast Track Payments: $6,475.47
Difference: +$426.88 [New FTQ Investments]
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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04/01/2016 00:27
Active Debt = $62,353.21 - $2901.93 = $59,451.28 [-$2,813.39]
Current Group Debt = $88.55 [+$88.55]
New Investments =  $77.00
Last 7 days Revenue = $5,912.65
Average Daily Revenue = $844.66
FTQ Length, based on 1 week avg = 71 days
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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05/01/2016 01:44
Active Debt = $59,690.17 - $314.90 = $59,375.27 [-$76.01]
Current Group Debt = $327.45 [+$238.90]
New Investments =  $205.00
Last 7 days Revenue = $4,446.9
Average Daily Revenue = $635.27
FTQ Length, based on 1 week avg = 94 days

I know the average looks bad, but it's only due to low Revenues over the last several days.
These last two days, though, we've had better Revenues, so if that keep up, the average will decrease dramatically.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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05/01/2016 02:14
I know most people are turned off by the waiting time on the FTQ.
I would like to share my strategy with you.
I buy a $1.00 FTQ Investment every day.
Eventually... I will be buying a $1.00 FTQ Investment AND getting $1.15 back, as well, almost every day. When this starts happening, the FTQ will be much more exciting.
Traffic Value: $95.15524 Venezuela
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05/01/2016 02:48
MichaelKline: Sorry idk if I got you well. You buy a $1.00 FTQ investment every day and you get $1.15 back every day??
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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05/01/2016 02:54
Not yet.
There is still about $22K before it reaches my first FTQ investment.
After that is reached, since I make an investment every day, I should start seeing one mature almost everyday, too.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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05/01/2016 03:18
What do you plan to do with that money Michael? Do you plan on then reinvesting it?

My theory is that if a group of us were to buy and reinvest we could begin to control a lot of site cash flow. Then, when certain things needed to be done, this group of cash flow owners could direct funds in a way to solve those problems.

If we get the cash into the hands of those who aren't just here to cash out the minute they make a dollar we could really help this site out
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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05/01/2016 03:41
Currently, I am funding my daily FTQ Investments with new funds.
The FTQ Investments are actually part of a more complex strategy.
Eventually, I will have PV and the FTQ feeding on each other.
Ad clicks are converted to FTQ Investments and Matured FTQ investment are turned into BAP.
Right now, though, new money goes into the FTQ, Matured FTQ investment will get converted into BAP and every time I make a $1.00 in PV, I spend it on the daily FTQ Investment instead of my new money.
Eventually, I hope to find a balancing point.
I also spend $1.00 per day to purchase RP.
Whenever I buy BAP, I purchase RP at whatever the price is and trade off my highest priced RP [I keep a price/qty log] for BAP, thus reducing the overall invested value of my RP pool.
Traffic Value: $680.27326 Philippines
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05/01/2016 08:27

It's possible to receive your $1.15 return daily only if the debt made for that day is equal or below the revenues that will pay it. If the revenue is not able to cover the debt made that day, you will have to wait a day or two.

Wouldn't it be greater that if you have $50 today, invest it in lump sum that invest it $1 a day?
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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05/01/2016 17:01
Which one seems more... exciting to you:
1) Seeing a small increase in your worth almost every day because you invest a little every day [which you can reinvest each day you receive a maturity, if you wish].
2) Waiting in anxiety and anticipation for months to see your returns because you put everything into one lump sum [which you will have to repeat, by the way, if you plan to reinvest it].

An investment strategy which has a near-constant satisfaction mechanism built in is always more exciting.

...but to each their own...
Traffic Value: $944.5882 Czech Republic
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05/01/2016 18:07
Ok, Michael. Please ansver - its good , that debt was 109k and now 59k. And all see that answer and not be frighten, and wait PV/MTV/RPs up ))) sorry for my english...
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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05/01/2016 18:15
I will try to explain...
On the FTQ page, where it said 109K, that number includes the WHOLE Investment values.
For example, let's just say that the 48K PV Investment was the only one and that 30K was paid off.
The top value would STILL say 48K even though 30K was paid.
When the WHOLE 48K was finally paid, 48K would be removed from the top number that you've been looking at.

It's better to simply add up the group values below, or, you can simply look at this thread daily to see how the FTQ is changing.
Traffic Value: $2,209.45324 Macedonia
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05/01/2016 18:45
richiem & MichealKlein
It's more of a psychological satisfaction.. it depends of of your character smile

For instance, its also better for me to invest in one single lump (especially if you have $80+, this way you'll get 30% instead of 15% of your investment)... though it's also pretty nice to my eyes when I login every day (to other sites) to see few pennies have been added to my balance (doesn't matter where they came from, refs, offers, ftq etc..)
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
10 like this post 0 people
06/01/2016 00:51
Active Debt = $59,808.07 - $491.20 = $59,316.87 [-$58.40]
Current Group Debt = $760.25 327.45 [+$432.80]
New Investments =  $371.00
Last 7 days Revenue = $5,851.83
Average Daily Revenue = $835.97
FTQ Length, based on 1 week avg = 71 days
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