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Keeping Up With The FTQ

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Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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29/03/2016 00:13
Active Debt = $167,166.66 - $1,515.96 = $165,650.7 [-$1,357.36]
Current Group Debt = $294.65 [+$158.6]
New Investments =  $134.00
Last 7 days Revenue = $8,092.65
Average Daily Revenue = $1,156.09
FTQ Length, based on 1 week avg = 143-144 days

My Current Daily Investment Turnover Time: 48 day
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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30/03/2016 01:26
Active Debt = $167,019.07 - $396.53 = $166,622.54 [+$971.84]
Current Group Debt = $2,059.55 [+$1,764.90]
New Investments =  $1,374.00
Last 7 days Revenue = $7,899.24
Average Daily Revenue = $1,128.46
FTQ Length, based on 1 week avg = 147-148 days

My Current Daily Investment Turnover Time: 49 day
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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31/03/2016 01:07
Active Debt = $171,077.72 - $1,502.20 = $169,575.52 [+$2,952.98]
Current Group Debt = $6,118.20 [+$4,058.65]
New Investments =  $3,130.00
Last 7 days Revenue = $8,197.77
Average Daily Revenue = $1,171.11
FTQ Length, based on 1 week avg = 144-145 days

My Current Daily Investment Turnover Time: 50 day
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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01/04/2016 00:29
Active Debt = $175,336.37 - $675.82 = $174,660.55 [+$5,085.03]
Current Group Debt = $11,879.05 [+$5,760.85]
New Investments =  $3,130.00
Last 7 days Revenue = $7,341.52
Average Daily Revenue = $1,048.78
FTQ Length, based on 1 week avg = 166-167 days

My Current Daily Investment Turnover Time: 51 day
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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01/04/2016 10:22
With the highs of the early March and lows of late March the avg works out to ~3.5months (~103 days).

We dropped down a bit in avg revenue overall to ~$1700.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
4 like this post 0 people
05/04/2016 03:24
[Since 01/04/2016] (I was camping this weekend)
Active Debt = $174,404.18 - $1,322.55 = $173,081.63 [-$1,578.92]
Current Group Debt = $2,242.50 [+$3,743.5]
New Investments =  $2,405.00
Last 7 days Revenue = $6,426.99
Average Daily Revenue = $918.14
FTQ Length, based on 1 week avg = 188-189 days

[Since I've missed a few days investments, I will be discontinuing my 'daily' investments tracking, as they will be inaccurate]
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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05/04/2016 03:41
I never understood exactly what you were tracking.

When you just add a day, but don't get a payment, then ofc it goes up 1 day.
But doesn't mean that you had a FTQ payment each of those time frames.

Shouldn't it be something like (though this is extra work, so any attempt is nice):

Avg of last 7 FTQ payments = XX days (this thus mimics your main analysis)
The most recent FTQ Payment = XX days (this is a modification of your attempt, and maybe can also signal faster/slower vs 7 days)
Oldest upcoming FTQ Payments = XX days and counting/Total Debt ahead (projected XX days, if applicable)
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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05/04/2016 03:54
I was making an investment every day. So, if one of my investments just matured today, and I made my daily investment today, and I had 49 total investments left, then the investment that just matured took 49 days to mature, because I make an investment every day, therefore the number of investments I have left account for each day.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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05/04/2016 04:05
So, in general, this means, all upcoming FTQ payments are "expected" to be paid that time length, on avg.

It has no bearing on if you got paid that day or not.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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05/04/2016 04:31
Not really. It only indicates that an investment that I made 49 days ago was paid today. It is not a true indicator that an investment made today will be paid that fast. However, it does give an indication as to how the length of time is stretching or contracting, over time, with an accuracy better than a one week average.
Traffic Value: $2,179.00664 Slovenia
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05/04/2016 09:58
R.I.P. sad
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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05/04/2016 10:04

But You don't get paid 1 maturing daily, so how did that manifest itself?

I'm sorry if I'm being dense.
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