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How are the RPs doing?

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Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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14/07/2022 08:47
It looks like our BAP ‘burning’ phase is over so I’ll stop reporting the monthly numbers. Pity.
Traffic Value: $32,608.39303 Germany
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14/07/2022 16:05
@ dguy: please keep it going, I think even if the numbers slow down it's nice from time to time to see that there is at least some kind of progress. 
Your reporting brings attention to the RP/BAP market that could only be beneficiary.
So thanks!
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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14/07/2022 16:39
If I see progress I’ll report it. Otherwise, it will only serve to discourage me
Traffic Value: $3,924.80401 India
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17/07/2022 06:25
NO Progress in RP Price too
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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02/08/2022 16:22
I see we have some dumping happening
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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16/08/2022 19:46
I’m trying to remember if there is a floor price that shares can be traded? I know BAPs can go to 2 and no lower
Traffic Value: $285.59089 Greece
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16/08/2022 19:53
0.0001 is the lowest.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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17/08/2022 00:50
If the market prices drop then that might compensate for the lower ad issue revenue.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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20/08/2022 03:39
So what happened on the 18th? Portfolio dropped a ton of shares on the market. Can we get an explanation for that?
Traffic Value: $5,754.7008 Finland
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20/08/2022 03:49
The shares were transferred from portfolio to SEO campaign investors to pay the 130% ROI. Check out the news thread.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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20/08/2022 04:30
OK, understood. Thanks. I should have read the read-only news first
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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23/08/2022 03:18
It looks like the bid price is ready to crash. Not a lot of bids between .0004 and .0001
Traffic Value: $11,007.43755 Albania
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23/08/2022 07:42
I am liking where RP are going.With a mere 2 dollars you buy 4000 of them.That is the best opportunity to collect tons of them.Using my crypto power I will keep an eye for more lower price in order to get a huge amount with little money.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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23/08/2022 08:32
Plus you can use them to buy BAP. We can burn a lot of BAP that way
Traffic Value: $11,007.43755 Albania
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23/08/2022 17:04
I have done it several times,this time I am keeping shares and just more than 12.000 BAP so I bought like 32500 shares right now.Just keeping an eye here and not making any moves.
Traffic Value: $7,429.94412 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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07/09/2022 20:34
Honestly, I wish MTV-PV all the best, and no doubt you guys will pull it out. But you are making it so hard to yourself.
Its just sad to see how they refusing my offers for years now....... Many do not realize that I really fount out solution to remove all ponzy elements + I have even solution how to remove complete debt from investments + how to depopulate royalty positions, and lock them to fixed price at same time...... With that MTV would be back to prime and rock and roll in full shine.
There is solution for Paidverts and PtcShare also, but would require some coding, and they would not rock and roll with hype of totally new website, but they would be debt free.

You guys have platform, but you guys do not realize how much more you can do. Kinda dissapointed people refused to talk about solutions, was kinda surprised but ok.......

Seems we will be good decade away fron solution on wave which we flow right now, but one can hope for positive vibes.
Traffic Value: $7,429.94412 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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14/09/2022 21:05
Ok I am tired of this, lets try crowd fund solutions for marketplace...... This is how I see it, if someone thinks I am wrong or its bad idea, let me know, but I am telling this for years now, and noone responding, probably people think I am full of self or do not know what I talk. Truth is far for that.

As I said, script probably has, or can have (probably has since time of Jo), area where you can add (so you can make another row/code) to deduct royalty positions.

Solution and math:

Note: Total current value of 500 mil royalty positions: 250k USD (where users paying users)

Step one: Stop punishing yourself and convert all investments into royalty positions capped on 0.05 cents what would create 3  801 360 royalty positions that would instantly be gave to each member depending on his investment active! Dept would be cleared instantly and put directly in hands of users who can then decide where and where to sell their royalty positions.

Math for that: 190 068 USD / 0.05 cents = 3 801 360 RP's

Step 2: If you wonder what then with active RP's, there is best part, noone looses anything, just convert 500 million RP's into value of 0.05 cents IT WILL BE SAME. If there will be fractal value 0f 0.04 cents that you can not convert into 1 RP, call it golden RP and give it value of in this case 9 cents. (if fractal value of  3 cents then 8 cents, etc etc). If user is smart he will save golden RP till price will top up to 8 cents (you can put notification that Golden RP should not be sold under stated value otherwise would generate slightly negatie balance for user. In short each user might have one golden RP with either 5.0005 fraftal value to 9.9995 cents. You can make some way how to use/pay with golden RP for example in games, and you will easily solve that problem of fractal value. of remaining fractal value.

500 000 000 RP's = 250 k USD (500 000 000 / 0.0005 = 250k USD.

Depopulation of RP's = 5 mill

5 000 000 * 0.05 = same 250 k USD

Result, you will have system clear of dept where total RP count will be exactly 8 801 360 RP's!
As you know deposits have no fractal value.

This is my solution, just have in mind to cap minimal selling price on market to 5 cents + fee on market, if you want to be politically correct to all users.

Result, BAP burn will go lot faster on PTCShare also since they will have to trade lot higher, and some would love that anyway.

So...... Is that so crazy or impossible IDEA? I do not think so.
Traffic Value: $7,429.94412 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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14/09/2022 21:12
Solution to revive games without just gambling.........

Have you considered to put to each game also option for high score?
You can make daily, weekly or monthly rewards to players, top 3, top 10 or how you want.

On each game you can put simbolical entry of 0.01 USD per play, or 0.001 USD, whatever suits for you. I bet that would revive gaming to those who do not like gambling, lot more since they would be able to play or improve high score as much as they want.

For example of gambling games (as poker) they would play as long as they do not lose against house. So their record would be 1 to 20 etc etc. Just example. It would be probably hussle with coding, but this is just my 5 cents.

There is also solution for removing ponzy BAP points, but you will not like it since ou got connected games to that market.

Anyway if helps, I am glad, if not, I wasted my time. In any case as I always said, just want to help, nothing less nothing more, and I do not get why you people struggle so hard with solution to get out of this problem for years, since problem is so easy to solve, and I am telling that for years now.

This is all from me, nothing more to add. Enjoy.
Traffic Value: $56,564.16117 Germany
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15/09/2022 06:09
I like the idea. What's important to remember though as well is that most investors have long left. Most users have already written of their FTQ investments anyways and will never return. I really never understood what the issue is. Why not convert everything to RP's, shut down most unprofitable sites and let sites like PPMG pay dividends to the RP holders. 

Why not let users vote on these ideas? It was always about crowdfunding, right? Why not let the crowd make some decisions then as well?
Traffic Value: $53,683.67577 Germany
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15/09/2022 18:15
I only know something must happen ...
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