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Nov 30th - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
58 like this post 0 people
30/11/2014 14:04
Todays fast tracks have been sent!

* Reminder *
If you find a security exploit within MTV/PV, and you tell us about it (without first trying to cashout/spend your illgotten gains - we'll give you a $100 cash finders fee!

Todays news is in progress, i'll reply to this thread throughout the day with updates.

The programmers are working on various coding things to improve our lag issues. We're going to move the ad view process to REDIS, as that's what's killing us at the moment. And we're going to do some work on the MTV portfolio & a few other queries that are pretty intensive.

* We're also going to extend ad recycle times to ~48hours or so, until we resolve the lag issues. As we don't want you to lose ads as a result of our website issues.

Furthermore, i'm trying to force the programmers to expand our hardware; whether it's specifically necessary today or not; I want it in place for our upcoming growth. I've sent them this proposal - let's see what they say.

I have no idea whether we'll do any ad issue today or not... let's see how the programming evolves.

Jo smile


We're going to give everyone the day off!

Paul is currently working on extending all ad timers by 48hours. And then we're going to close the View Ads section entirely for today, to give the programmers chance to fix the speed issues. Aiming to be back to business as usual tomorrow.

But the slow website is compounding the problems at the moment; as users are trying again and again and again to view their ads. Which is making our traffic & DB usage even higher. Slowing things down even more than normal. And pissing everyone off even further in the process.

So let's give this a go!
Traffic Value: $262.0851 Viet Nam
6 like this post 0 people
30/11/2014 14:06
good job
Traffic Value: $194.76867 India
5 like this post 0 people
30/11/2014 14:08
@ jo
thanx jo for extending time for recycling ads
Traffic Value: $52.03086 Algeria
5 like this post 0 people
30/11/2014 14:08
this site is alive even if it s so slow never mind thank you Jo if you are tired go have a rest  
Traffic Value: $786.59298 Poland
9 like this post 0 people
30/11/2014 14:10
You are amazing and doing great job!
Thank you for this!
Problems always appear but I/we belive you and your team can solve all of them!
You are a hero(s) grin Never give up! Keep working! grin

Since there are problem I suggest to not do any ad issue today or tomorrow. If ads cause problems then maybe issue them when the size of the problem will be much smaller? or when the problem will be solved? That these ads don't make everything longer... that site could back to normal working and next ads could be delivered with no problems. I think then users would be happy, programmers and you grin I don't know.. It's just my opinion wink
Traffic Value: $3,834.0699 United Kingdom
0 like this post 0 people
30/11/2014 14:11
Great news pick it up.
Traffic Value: $48.94898 New Zealand
0 like this post 1 people
30/11/2014 14:14
When will the extension kick in? I have less than an hour left on over 100 ads despite clicking all day.
Traffic Value: $96.67225 Israel
0 like this post 32 people
30/11/2014 14:14
the site is very slow ! why?
I will lose ermm
Traffic Value: $56.84123 Philippines
0 like this post 0 people
30/11/2014 14:16
well i guest this will work. and PV/MTV will back to normal all.

Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
17 like this post 0 people
30/11/2014 14:18

Traffic Value: $520.60691 United States
5 like this post 11 people
30/11/2014 14:18
Jo no disrespect to you or your programmers but you need to stop letting them run the show. Since we can see they do nothing but drag their feet. It time you stand up to them and tell them you order this equipment now and get ready to have it installed into our site or you no longer have a job.

Just my thoughts on the issue cause any good group of programmers would have already done this weeks ago. Since we have the money to do it already.
Traffic Value: $197.92733 United States
0 like this post 1 people
30/11/2014 14:19
Jo and the Gang,

Thanks so much for your persistence!
Traffic Value: $5,307.46591 Viet Nam
0 like this post 0 people
30/11/2014 14:19
JO -> MTV -> PV -> this is the best in the world. Jo is a good admin and most impressive I've ever met.
Traffic Value: $1,069.25294 Taiwan; Republic of China (ROC)
4 like this post 2 people
30/11/2014 14:25
You know that I'm always asking this.
The translation text file...when is the expected time to release it?

I assume that there will be several maint days if the programmers are going to update the hardware.I just finished my exam,now I have a lot of free time to do things-for example,translations.
I always wanted to do some translation work,it'll be prefect if I can do this for MTV.Think about the potential of a billion of Chinese users!
It'll make something out,as (I believe) there are still many of them that don't understand English.
Traffic Value: $12,954.93231 Canada
9 like this post 0 people
30/11/2014 14:26
Good Afternoon Jo…
We are with You…. Don't worry. All problems will solve very soon. Thanks for your good work. God Bless…. 
Traffic Value: $620.17754 Malaysia
1 like this post 0 people
30/11/2014 14:29
Thanks jo and all for all your hard work.God bless.angel
Traffic Value: $1,471.0128 Bulgaria
0 like this post 11 people
30/11/2014 14:30
The PAIDVERTS and went down. today they are more than eight hours that I can not see my ads.  What kind of programmers are using Jo ?
Traffic Value: $9,354.801 Slovenia
0 like this post 0 people
30/11/2014 14:32
Glad to hear that smile. Nice news as always. 


Can you pleas move my $1,965.00 from Bank Wire to MTV balance ?

Traffic Value: $520.60691 United States
1 like this post 0 people
30/11/2014 14:32
Ross99 did you read the first post. Jo is either going to extend the timer on the ads or will in some other way make sure we do not lose money due to server problems.
Traffic Value: $598.07372 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
2 like this post 0 people
30/11/2014 14:32

if you go back in daily news you can find information on how PV doesnt have any programmer employees, but just a couple of standard and stable freelancers who do have actual jobs besides this site, and this site is just a side project for them, which means that you ought to be thankful they even do it. 
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