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Nov 30th - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $54,219.84749 United States
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01/12/2014 02:16
Off the point... Can someone look into "guitar" account and see if he/she is cheating ? The win rate for compound box looks suspicious. But good job for forpex to win 600 with slot with 1.50 dollars bet !w00t
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
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01/12/2014 02:31
The gameplay summaries section of the shareholder control panel doesn't work yet.
Traffic Value: $56.84123 Philippines
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01/12/2014 02:52

jo i just wondering for lotto draw dates, is it still oct. 30, 2014.
Traffic Value: $1,769.39888 United States
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01/12/2014 03:02
God Job Jo. Congratulations, at all 
Traffic Value: $280.94008 Pakistan
0 like this post 1 people
01/12/2014 04:38

this problems solving how much time but this time PV fast working add time is 48 hours?
Traffic Value: $176.07654 Indonesia
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01/12/2014 04:50
Jo as you said 48 hours. Then Paidverts will be back to normal is today (Dec 1) or tomorrow (Dec 2)?

Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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01/12/2014 04:54
The message says that the timer will be extended for 48 hours. It didn't say that the Paid Ads page will be locked for 48 hours.

Here, let me copy/paste the exact message:

Ad views have been disabled temporarily pending maintenance. We have extended all active ad timers by 48hours, so you won't lose any whilst we address our website speed issues. So I recommend taking the day off; check back tomorrow and we'll hopefully be back to normal!

It says to take the day off (that's for Sunday) and check back tomorrow (Monday). My suggestion is to check the site again or visit the Daily News an hour or 2 before the usual daily distribution schedule for Monday.
Traffic Value: $112.73903 United Kingdom
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01/12/2014 05:35
I Love You Jo ...
and good luck.

I Love PV ... Jo is really nice
Traffic Value: $3,553.39286 India
1 like this post 1 people
01/12/2014 05:57
I want to thanks Jo he is working likely God eureka Jo is god
Traffic Value: $106.26802 Bangladesh
4 like this post 0 people
01/12/2014 06:51
We are always with you Jo. smile . And thank you so much for your hard work, dear. We appreciate it. We are just waiting for the upcoming successful days. Long live PV/MTV, long live. <3 
Traffic Value: $1,722.24615 United Kingdom
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01/12/2014 08:54
ads are stacking up at this rate will take 2 days to read them, bap is reducing in my case to below my  target of 3 mill i get less if it drops below 3 mill and i can do nothing about it..pleas stop the ad issues
Traffic Value: $519.72433 Germany
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01/12/2014 09:20
Hi to everybody!!
I like that the site could be repaired once for good also if it takes a week time but than it is insured that you csn work with it continuesly. Of course including all small interuptions what is normal by online projects.
Traffic Value: $747.2084 Cyprus
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01/12/2014 09:42
I hope what they are doing it works cause when that page opens i can only imagine how it will be with people clicking like crazy smile

Up to 45 ads so far!
Traffic Value: $1,368.66418 Spain
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01/12/2014 09:47
i hope today ads is big
Traffic Value: $895.66169 Slovenia
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01/12/2014 09:50
Were all of the ad's timers increased? I'm seeing lower number of Paid Ads availible then it was a couple of hours back.
Traffic Value: $1,491.12314 United Kingdom
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01/12/2014 09:50
@tyson87: There is no reason why it would be any bigger than normal.....Friday's issue was delivered on Saturday and Sunday doesn't always have an issue so we are not behind on any days, beyond the odd ads that some groups have been delayed in getting. To be honest, I would expect the ad issue to be slightly lower than normal as the revenues coming in would have been reduced over the weekend as people would have been buying less ads
Traffic Value: $525.45188 Serbia
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01/12/2014 10:10
I play the game and I make good on them, so if you ask me not to be so large advertising-play games and earning so you do not need a large advertising  tongue
Traffic Value: $116.79533 India
1 like this post 2 people
01/12/2014 10:18
Traffic Value: $176.07654 Indonesia
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01/12/2014 10:22
Jo or anyone, about Activation Ad.
if click Paid Ads still can't access, but if click Games then the activation Ad can be click from there.

So my question those Activation Ad must click? or we have to wait until Paid Ad return to normal (it means click together with Paid Ads).

Normally if we click Paid Ads automatically Activation Ad will be there along with Paid Ads.

Traffic Value: $31,717.19376 Poland
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01/12/2014 10:28
Some Ads disapear. i have 45 now 38 (there shold be 48hrs) Did You have the same ?
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