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Traffic Value: $465.43227 Spain
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01/12/2014 10:30
My update of 0,05 dissapears, it was 0,97$ remaining and now my profile say that i don't have purchase it
Traffic Value: $1,983.51822 Cambodia
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01/12/2014 10:31
@bugdi: The same issue happens to me. Read here:
Traffic Value: $4,371.00849 Romania
0 like this post 4 people
01/12/2014 10:34
WTF WTF WTF??????????
1h ago I had 24ads now I have 20ads!!!!!
And those 4 ads was 1$ each (is 4$ who is not issued the day before yesterday and is issued yesterday).

SO, DOUBLE CHECK those 48h delay. And I want my BAPS and my ads back.

P.S. Excuse me but those programmers if they are not able to do so small thing, they are overwhelmed of situation with lag/DB etc.
It's clear that fact, Jo hire some other men with skills. You have money, we gave you money, we deserve men who knows what to do.
PV is not a very special site. Neobux have much more users online at the same time, who clicks ads, casinos online who have many members online who play multiplayer poker and others multiplayer games.
SO, we don't have a very special site who must have a very special structure in servers/configuration etc.
Traffic Value: $520.60691 United States
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01/12/2014 10:35
Sign out of the site. Go outside, go to sleep, go to the mall just do something beside staying on the site until Jo announces it back up and running. You only cause more problems by poking around on it while they trying to fix it.
Traffic Value: $8,460.97212 India
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01/12/2014 10:46

Same problem with me...
My one 1$ add recycled
Traffic Value: $839.52253 Philippines
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01/12/2014 10:48
 i have 92 ads now 89
Traffic Value: $4,371.00849 Romania
1 like this post 0 people
01/12/2014 10:58
Now another one expires.

I was spleeping, I went to mall, now I come back home and what I see? I loose money.
I invested money here I don't want to loose them (even if is 5$, is my money).
I repeat: is not a special site, we gave (crowdfunding) Jo money to hire the best programmers how knows what to do not to grope, to develope portofolio not TO STUCK IN THIS MESS for about 1 month.
In the last 2 months we heard about: multiplayer poker, credit cards,  split shares, neteller, skrill and ohers. NOTHING HAPPEND! WE (u must read "programmers) are stuck in this mess and check every day what is the problem with this lag.
Even right now, they drop everything and check this problem, which had to be competed for now.
Traffic Value: $525.45188 Serbia
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01/12/2014 11:05
I understand your anger and I agree  with some of your attitudes but you have to give them a little time PV has experienced enormous popularity and PV is a relatively young program so we have to give more time to developwink
Traffic Value: $360.6696 Philippines
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01/12/2014 11:06
You guys got less ads, I keep getting more ads, was 78 now 79.

Can't even find that many in my BAP log that should be open, including the activation ads.
Traffic Value: $2,361.11494 United States
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01/12/2014 11:06
Yeah I lost an Ad too.. Hope it was not worth a lot.

Just hope Jo will resume the Ads page ASAP..

Traffic Value: $520.60691 United States
3 like this post 3 people
01/12/2014 12:00
Have you idiots never heard of testing a site. Testing means adding and taking away things to see if it works. Until the site come back online and Jo says what we see is what we get you have not lost anything. Your doing more harm then good by being signed in anyway. Get out of the damn mind set this runs like a normal PTC. Jo said we would not lose anything and I have faith he will keep his word on that one.

Let say your trying to fix a leak in the kitchen sink. while your working on it someone keep cutting on the water before you tell them too. This is the same thing your doing by poking around the site before Jo says it ready.
Traffic Value: $101.30715 Indonesia
0 like this post 3 people
01/12/2014 12:08
why every day there are problems in paidverts?advertising division is always late, not in accordance with the fast track,, there what with paidverts and mytrafficvalue?for now I still believe you jo,, maybe if still common problems like this, trust all members will be lost.
Traffic Value: $215.04728 Bangladesh
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01/12/2014 12:15
Great news.
Traffic Value: $791.53936 Moldova Republic of
0 like this post 0 people
01/12/2014 12:17
Is it possible to use tablet? It's always with me.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
5 like this post 0 people
01/12/2014 12:18
I've asked the programmers to double check the ad extension is working... it's possible you may have some cheap traffic ads or something; and they may have been overlooked. But i'm not sure - we'll check and sort it out ASAP.

If its just cheap traffic ads, then that's no biggy, you only lose 3/4 BAP with each ad.
Traffic Value: $1,714.14953 Myanmar
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01/12/2014 12:19
Hey Damn Men,

Don't you know they trying to fixed our problem. Even we are lose our ads or $, that is supporting our website. So,.....
If you don't want to support our website MTV/PV, get out of here.
Don't disturb them.
Traffic Value: $1,491.12314 United Kingdom
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01/12/2014 12:24
@Skinnet77: Your recycle upgrade is not longer active because that value of ads has been delivered to your account. We may not be able to click on ads but ads are still being delivered...mine has also become inactive. This does make me wonder if there is something to people's ads seemingly disappearing as, if no-one is able to click ads and the timers were extended 48 hours, then we shouldn't be getting recycled ads I would assume.....unless of course these are just delayed recycled ads from over the weekend. Oh well...I will wait patiently for Jo to reopen the ads and then see what happens.....even if I've lost a few ads, I'm not too bothered in the grand scheme of things.
Traffic Value: $2,787.58435 France
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01/12/2014 12:26
if there is a problem it is the programmers whenyou make a job its must be without problem forwhat on the other site it is not like that.
Traffic Value: $43.20864 Venezuela
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01/12/2014 12:41
Debemos mejorar cada día para ser más eficientes, equipo PaidVerts adelante, confiando en su magnífica obra.
Traffic Value: $1,817.9668 Pakistan
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01/12/2014 12:43
Dear Jo,

This is serious Matter we are losing our Points or $$ ad issued . Yesterday we have received some ads in $$ not cents now we are loosing them one by one . it is possible to recover our ads now, please follow this matter on your priority bases . . 
Thank you

Best Regards
Mustafa Surti
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