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Nov 30th - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $883.08835 Poland
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30/11/2014 15:46

Wszyscy poszli sie napic piwa i dosz?o do nich, ze maj? rodzine w domu ;d

ruch sie zmniejszyl, wiec strona smiga az milo ;d
Traffic Value: $307.64655 Macedonia
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30/11/2014 16:03
here is the problem with your math 
it says if it didnt deliver 19.99 then it will extended

and what happens if i get 25$ delivered so everything stops right 
so let say that i had 100 000 BAP and in a couple of weeks with the ads i get i came to PV balance of 19.99 and i have now 60 000 BAP right give or take 1000BAPs
so i get issued 25$ in this week and im left with 10 000 BAPs right?
so for 5$ im going to buy 15 500 BAPs and after one week on the dot  i will have
20$ and 25 500BAPs
and i started with 60 000 BAPs  - 25 500 i lost 34 500 BAPs
that is why i said for the upgrade to have any sence i need to get at least 60$ 1% mega upgrade ads and how am i going to get that number if i lose two days of ads?
Traffic Value: $3,553.39286 India
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30/11/2014 16:04
@ jamsza1010 what is u want to vomit? do u still complaining even afterall jo has fixed everything beatifully yes its too late but "der aayad durust aayad" u r really great jooooooooooooooo
Traffic Value: $20.25542 Malaysia
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30/11/2014 16:07
Thanks for the info, Jo.
Traffic Value: $3,553.39286 India
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30/11/2014 16:11
@geca123 go2hell with ur maths its time to relax f#ck the loss.u r free for 48 h. its so nice jo allow it seldom ok
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
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30/11/2014 16:11

Individual errors in adissues have been very seldom since I am here. 
A couple of times it has been mostly whole groups not receiving 
their issue not at all and that was simply fixed by sending ads the next day.

Since we are laggy we have different errors: 
First we had a group of users in a group not receiving ads
and the latest issue is that users of certain groups get their ads just partial. 

This doesn't happen in groups that have few membernumbers.

But we all have problems viewing ads.  

Perhaps we deal also with an incorrect userconfiguration, I don't know. 
I can map the symptoms, I cannot map the possible causes, who might be
not just one, but several. smile

I any case here maintenance means really maintenance and people care to fix problems. 
We cannot ask more if everybody gives their best. 
Traffic Value: $223.2389 India
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30/11/2014 16:21
site is working fine and waiting for the ads 

Thanks for all programmers and Jo
Traffic Value: $2,211.17614 France
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30/11/2014 16:37
Thank  you  Jo  wink 

it's great if programmers can add 1 extra database server + 3 severs WWW
especially convert their gestion database for " ad view section" on REDIS

I am not an expert but REDIS is an open source protocol for the script that is used to reduce utilization of the RAM during queries on the database

in any case when a few months ago programmers had converted "the Profile section" on REDIS after it put a lot less time than before for loading
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
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30/11/2014 16:44

The only thing that is promised by the upgrade is 19.99 worth of ads.
It doesn't promise delivery in a certain time or profit and it is designed to let people
turn BAP into cash for a fee. 
If you can make profit with or not is a gamble and that you make losses
with it has a high probability.  ( the losses are the fee) 
Also read TOS 4 of PV.  
Traffic Value: $82,499.10416 Italy
7 like this post 0 people
30/11/2014 16:51
Oh perfect, you made my day with this update .
I'd rather do not receive ADs for a week to try to solve permanently this stressful lag, and like MikeMazzone says, " Long life to Paidverts" !! wink
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
2 like this post 0 people
30/11/2014 16:58
I got 4 ads that I can't click or even see the timer on.  I knew they were scheduled to come, and I know how much they're worth from my bap log.  I don't think I'll have much trouble maintaining over 100 mil bap in time for Monday.
Traffic Value: $2,790.16718 United States
6 like this post 0 people
30/11/2014 17:14
Good Job Team PV/MTV. I will patiently wait for the site to be fixed. Also, while reading all of the posts it makes me wonder why people are so quick to complain when it doesn't seem that they read any of the previous posts. Read people read. Don't get on here and freak out because you don't have your stupid ads. Jo does a great job at keeping us informed. This is the only site I belong to where the admin communicates with members on a daily basis. This site is completely transparent. So, really people take the time to read the posts before you freak out.
Traffic Value: $1,854.79178 Bulgaria
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30/11/2014 17:19
I also received 5 ads, the rest of my yesterday ad issue. They can't be clicked now but I hope soon will be possible.
Traffic Value: $541.23486 Italy
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30/11/2014 17:25
jo what about mini/mega upgrade they will be extend?
Traffic Value: $149.19968 Bulgaria
4 like this post 0 people
30/11/2014 17:26
Today I made my first cashout and after less than 12 h I received my 6 $ smile
Thank YOU JO !!!
Traffic Value: $1,802.633 Argentina
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30/11/2014 17:28
Gracias Jo, muy buen trabajo!
Traffic Value: $3,553.39286 India
1 like this post 1 people
30/11/2014 17:34
i cudnt click "my all 8 View Activation Ad +25 BAP " so i will get tommorow 16 Activation Ad +25 BAP or i have lost todays stuff. jo pl apply same rule on both paid & Activation Ad +25 BAP as today site was celebrating its black sunday
Traffic Value: $4,013.67386 Canada
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30/11/2014 17:35
We're going to give everyone the day off!

No problem however did wanted to mention that wile the thingie is off for maintenance wich im happy about dont get me wrong i want this fixed more then to click a few adds.
However i do not have a membership account for 1% adds nor did i get recycled adds checked that 2.
But im still recieving some 1$ adds i cannot see the adds ofcorse due its down for maintenance however they are beeing reduced from the log.
(even like 15-30 min ago i recieved another 1$ add)

Due u saying we have a day off i do not wanna complain just wanna mention this due who knows coud be due programmers working on it But if so i do hope that they adds are still there after maintenance and not removed due used for test purpose?

As i said i only mention this due i see bap reduced. But u saying we got a day off. Coud be simple a extra issue in whatever way but just wanted to point it out. so programmers can read. Do not know if this has anything to do with them working on something. Since i cannot see what there doing ofc.

@lali i dont even click those lol only the ones needed to stay active
Traffic Value: $2,790.16718 United States
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30/11/2014 17:37

On Nov. 23rd. I submitted a ticket regarding my $3 ad purchase. You replied to my ticket but did not credit my $3 back to me. Anyway, I am posting the transaction details here. When you have a chance could you refund that purchase? The transaction was through STP. I also accidentally deleted the pending ad. I don't know what I was thinking. No hurry, I just wanted to bring it to your attention. 

Transaction ID #: bobbiefromor3d3775f3247ee3c5cf85
Receiver: mytrafficvalue (
Amount: $3.59
Fee: $0.63
Net Amount: $2.96
Currency: USD
Note: VnQPt8lZ02LD
Status: Approved
Traffic Value: $1,859.69963 Canada
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30/11/2014 17:37
wow didnt i tell you to close the site yesterday wow<3
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