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Nov 30th - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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30/11/2014 21:38
yeah, sure... kill pv and keep only mtv, that will do the trick grin
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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30/11/2014 21:41
@tzussam, you can check your BAP log to give you an idea what those ads are. Just multiply the BAP for those ads with 0.0005 to get their $ equivalent.
Traffic Value: $357.47666 United States
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30/11/2014 21:45
I hope to fix it as soon as possible
Traffic Value: $6,016.01548 United States
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30/11/2014 21:48
So I'm thinkin' we should shitcan the daily BAP tax for a day or 2 till we get back in the swing.
Traffic Value: $307.64655 Macedonia
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30/11/2014 22:04
it seams that you are not reading in the words that its writen but in some other english version that only you want to understand im just saying that its not our fault that we are not getting what we paid for becouse tha site has BIG problems .......
we paid for the possibility of being able to receive 1% ads if the conditions are met .... soooo in the past month one week was more the other was less and everything was fine becouse that is what it is... we cant ask of Jo and his crew to give us everyday 20$ worth of ads if there isnt any availiable they gave what they had...
the situation is diferent now 
we are losing days becouse of problem of the site people need to buy ads so we can recieve, people cant buy becouse the site is down .... even more of the 1% ads come from reinvestments of the dayly issued ads , and now there is no issue of ads so ones who want to create campaigns CANT do it ... im really amaized how you cant understand me.... we cant get 1% ads 
and this is the last time that i post on this subject 

  ps look at the image you can see thet im not even upgraded just to be sure of my motives are they personal or for all of us here
Traffic Value: $120.76715 Serbia
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30/11/2014 22:19
This site is the best PTC site ever created, which is more sustainable, more reliable then every other site I have ever encountered or joined. Your site has great potential and great future, so Jo please dont let your creation let down. Take whatever time you need just make it running again.

I think other members share my opinion, so they will understand the maintenance issues you are dealing with.
Best Regards
Traffic Value: $4,289.08875 United States
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30/11/2014 22:21
@ geca123,

You can buy ads, I just did. I've also received ads to my account, although they aren't clickable atm. I've not seen anywhere stated that 1% ads won't flow as normal, guess we'll find out after server reset tonight.

Yes I upgraded, but things happen....
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
21 like this post 0 people
30/11/2014 22:23
Ok great.. the programmers are in full conversation about what to do regarding multiple database servers... Not quite the same as my sketch earlier; but they're planning to separate the read/writes across multiple servers...

"... we need to split up the read and write operations across 2 or more databases.
For example, some user plays a game will write all the info into DB1, replication will transfer that data from DB1 to DB2 instantly then the portfolio page will be built using DB2. At that stage, it will be easy to add DB3, DB4 etc for READ operations only, set up like DB2... We need to make sure all write operations occur on DB1.

And I believe today they're working on a temporary fix today, to try and get things working to a minimum level tomorrow. Then over the course of this week - we'll switch over to a multiple database server setup... Which will involve 5-12hours of downtime - but we'll give you more info closer to the time.... And we'll extend the ad timers etc, so nobody will lose anything.
Traffic Value: $118.14633 Spain
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30/11/2014 22:26
I had ~99500 BAPs before the disabling and now I'm 154 BAPs short of the 96k group, and maybe tomorrow there will be a big ad issue...

Please, enable the ads a little while before the change of day  cwycwycwy
Traffic Value: $2,211.17614 France
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30/11/2014 22:40
thank you Jo  this is a very good news wink
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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30/11/2014 22:45
@sadman, a $1 bulk ad campaign purchase direct from your payment processor is all you need to address your concern.
Traffic Value: $118.14633 Spain
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30/11/2014 23:32

Thanks! I didn't think about that! $0.37 in PayPal fees for a $1 campaign, but still better than losing a level worth of ads grin
Traffic Value: $2,790.16718 United States
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30/11/2014 23:40
@ Jo

My mega upgrade seems messed up. It was supposed to renew yesterday. I had only received $18.60 in ads. On my upgrades page it says that my upgrade has been extended until 12/6 but on my account page it says -0 days left on it. Is it supposed to look like that?
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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30/11/2014 23:43
Check the "expiry date" column. If it says Dec 6, then it's not yet expired.
Traffic Value: $2,790.16718 United States
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30/11/2014 23:49

I didn't ask if it was expired. I asked if it is supposed to look like that, in case it is some kind of programming error.
Traffic Value: $411.15512 Philippines
6 like this post 0 people
30/11/2014 23:57
There are TWO reasons why I read the daily news.
1. It keeps me updated.
2. People arguing on their POV makes me smile.

That's why I won't miss every bit of post in it.

Traffic Value: $520.60691 United States
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01/12/2014 00:19
I am not going to worry about anything related to my account until Jo post they got it fixed. cause right now a figure we might see all kinds of weird thing as they are test this and that to make sure it works with out killing the site again.
Traffic Value: $81.62716 Philippines
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01/12/2014 00:54
@gleanne i feel you!! haha got the same reason why i keep reading the daily news.
All the whining and people trying to hush them are so fun to read grin

Paidverts makes me addicted in clicking ads. I think im having some withdrawal problems because Paid ads is still off hahahatongue
Traffic Value: $56.84123 Philippines
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01/12/2014 00:54
thats a great idea,
how about backup DB?
Traffic Value: $19.34207 Indonesia
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01/12/2014 01:09
good job JO. I wish after this the site will be work so great
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