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Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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16/02/2015 07:12
I see I got my shares (plus 106) back.

AKA the share price went down.

My question I know it hit as high as $ could have gone higher, any1 know?

Also, just how low did it go? I went to bed with it set at $0.0742, did it go lower, and if so just how low?
Traffic Value: $390.26943 Serbia
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16/02/2015 07:20
seen them go to 0.08 for a minute or less...few hours ago.. don`t know the lowest number though...
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
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16/02/2015 07:22

Frozen BAP? What do you mean? 

Vacationmode costs 10.000 Baps , for some reason vacationmode took the amount twice in your account. 
Did you enable, disable and enable and disable again? 
Check also your last IP and see if there are all yours. 
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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16/02/2015 07:28
Ok, yeah someone put it a a decent roadblock at $0.0799, while it was going up, and there was a big one in the middle of the $0.0800's.

If anyone else can chime in, that would be nice.

Well, I need to focus on my 

Available ads (83)/ Completed ads (15803)

Of which, the 4/10 came through finally, not many, and now I'm going to end up with a lot of 2/10ths, oh well.  And I still need to get them down to 0, in order to do my 4 Micro Ad Pack's, 1 at a time.
Traffic Value: $769.68498 Russian Federation
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16/02/2015 07:29
I froze my bap as their return
Traffic Value: $801.29869 Pakistan
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16/02/2015 07:32
it was my first post in forum
i was very very disappointed about pv????????????????????
not so impressive
Traffic Value: $38.37069 Algeria
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16/02/2015 07:34
pinch t3ayooo cha3b need ADS
Traffic Value: $769.68498 Russian Federation
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16/02/2015 07:34
to me not to come back as 10,000 baht, as I understand it?
Traffic Value: $246.34525 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
0 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 07:38
did somebody got lost baps
Traffic Value: $1,133.25862 Ghana
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16/02/2015 07:39
chrystalia - Good morning, is there any change with this one strategy, since the share price went up a lot? ermm
Traffic Value: $170.53177 India
1 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 07:41
hi guys,
             This is the first time i am posting on this forum because today i received a fast reply from the support to press the refresh  button to have traffic value of above 1$ so that i can post on this forum...this sort of small problems should be sorted out.So admin in my opinion you should also add faq(frequently asked questions) to help the newcomers.
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
0 like this post 2 people
16/02/2015 07:42
actually if you look at the bottom of the page you will find the FAQ link (

Granted it is not very complete as we would like it, but it does help some
Traffic Value: $671.55481 India
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16/02/2015 07:50
@Catt   thanks for this very important informationsmile
Traffic Value: $412.53078 Bulgaria
2 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 07:52

New day new hope.

1. Are we gone to receive today our double/triple BAP today?
2. When we will be reimbursed for a whole week without AD? 
Traffic Value: $33.08023 Portugal
0 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 07:54
oh, and I was  here wondering for this week's
Traffic Value: $202.52522 Indonesia
1 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 07:55
someday i'll marry this site grin<3grin
Traffic Value: $496.56049 United States
5 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 08:01

I am still focusing on keeping just enough of my BAP to keep me in group 8 with a small cushion, clicking any ad I can get, buying the 5 cents recycles, and keeping about 50% in cash and shifting the other 50% to shares. When it comes to the 50% I keep in cash, 25% will be left in PV (or maybe more) and the other 25% will probably be cashed out--time to do some profit taking.

I will not be buying the 2.99 mini upgrade until we have had several days of trouble free ad issues, so I am more confident the ad delivery system is working. I will most likely invest 3.00 in the 170% plan instead, since JO said that if the debt swap occurs any time soon, the investment PLUS the 70% would be returned to us immediately as shares. That debt swap, if it happens, is another good reason to get cash flush over the next month or two--because if the FTQ, the 170% plan gets emptied out, then those who jump in quick will get their investment returned VERY quickly. I may also buy 2 or 3 ad packs over several days, just to get some small ads rolling in daily other than my recycles and random ads.

IF the debt swap occurs, my plan is to be waiting on my computer refreshing to jump into the 170% plan as close to when it reopens as possible with 75% of my cash, and buy shares with 25% of my cash. 

When it comes to shares, I don't concentrate on the actual share price--by using dollar cost averaging, meaning investing a set percentage in shares regardless of price, profits even out. I was able to go from 939 shares to 1500 in the last 5 days, both by buying outright and selling some excess BAP for shares.

All I am concerned about at any given time is making sure the share to BAP price on the market is above break even--so when I get ads, I can sell shares to just replace the BAP consumed, and if I get a BAP profit to increase my cushion--great! Generally the share to BAP market gives a good BAP profit--better than ads.
Traffic Value: $801.29869 Pakistan
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16/02/2015 08:10
not received lost BAP 
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
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16/02/2015 08:14

Each time you enable vacationmode it costs 10.000 BAP
or 2.99. 

Bap or money doesn't come back if you disable it. 
Traffic Value: $246.34525 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
2 like this post 1 people
16/02/2015 08:27
Got my baps
+13880 Admin adjustment
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