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3rd May - Daily News

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slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
63 like this post 3 people
03/05/2015 09:35
Today's fast tracks were sent.

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Lock any payment option you don't use at - Read what it does carefully!

We will reply to this thread throughout the day with any news and any other information!

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There won't be a main ad issue today as it's a Sunday. But I'll be sending out 5-10 cent worth of tiny ads to everyone.

We're waiting for Krzyzstof to come online and alter some tables, so we can push live our optional user verification system. User verification will consist of:
- First and Last name
- ID card/passport photo, showing date of birth and full name clearly
- A "selfie" to confirm the ID card with - currently just a selfie is required, but later users will also have to hold a printed PV/MTV card shown on the selfie
- Utility bill photo, no older than 6 months, showing your address and full name clearly

This verification procedure will NOT be mandatory. However if you will wish to use bank wire as a deposit and/or cashout option you will first have to become fully verified and provide the above information. This is needed to conform with KYC and AWL practices, which our new banks (will) require of us. It'll also be needed for using credit/debit cards, when they'll be sorted (No ETA on that yet).

But verifying your account will not only be useful for being able to use bank wires for example, it will also serve as an additional security layer on your account. As if you verify your account (at least a photo of your ID and/or selfie + your full name), we will be able to use that data for easier identity verification when dealing with our support system - for example, changing/unlocking your payment processors, resetting 2FA, or recovering your password via support currently requires identity proof via screenshots of your previous deposits/cashouts to payment processors, and in some cases things can get complicated and take several replies back and forth between our support to ensure that the person sending the ticket is indeed the original account owner.

But if you'll provide at least a picture of your ID/selfie + name beforehand, this verification will be much simpler - you'll just have to provide the same document you already verified (or if there are still doubts, a new picture of it).

Moreover, later on, verified users might have different kinds of benefits, such as increased cashout/deposit limits, priority support etc. Bottom line is that we suggest verifying, at the very least, at least your selfie and/or ID + your full name. But it's a completely free choice!

Note: As I've explained several times before, in some cases we might require users to verify their account, where we suspect that they are abusing the system via multi-accounting to confirm that all of the accounts are operated by a different person. But no worries - in most cases, where accounts come from the same IP, it is already absolutely clear that accounts are operated by different people, and will require no additional verification. Identifying multi-accounts (operated by the same person with the sole purpose of exploiting the system in one way or another) is actually very easy, so if there are several accounts from the same IP legitimately (where several family members, coworkers or friends share the same IP), you have nothing to worry about, and will not need to undergo any sort of verification. So don't panic and start sending support tickets about it - if we'll suspect anyone of multi-accounting, we will contact/notify you and solve the matter at that time. You don't need to do anything on your own beforehand.


We're also waiting on Kryzsztof to make some changes to the multiline slots table, as some really weird bug happened to one user, who then exploited the bug to win ~$100. We've initially banned that user, but as he's been very cooperative in helping us solve the issue, we've restored his access and let him keep the "winnings" as a reward for his assistance.

So keep that in mind - if you find any bugs/Exploits that let you gain cash/BAP/shares out of nowhere, don't try to exploit it and keep it from us. As you WILL get caught and lose everything. Instead, let us know and help us solve it and you will even be rewarded for that!


Nothing else special to report, as it's the weekend, but we might have a very interesting week ahead, with several good news!
Traffic Value: $6,650.95153 Finland
1 like this post 1 people
03/05/2015 09:39
Interesting the news did took quite a while appear so I guessed there would be more than usual. Long live MTV
Traffic Value: $425.6547 Malaysia
8 like this post 0 people
03/05/2015 09:46
Quote ... "  we might have a very interesting week ahead, with several good news! " 

Ooooooh ......
Traffic Value: $71.0812 Algeria
1 like this post 0 people
03/05/2015 09:49
good job

happy earning brother's cool smile
Traffic Value: $519.58477 Serbia
4 like this post 0 people
03/05/2015 09:49
I hope one of those good news will be Recycled Ads taken care of...once an for all ...
Traffic Value: $3,456.01946 Belgium
0 like this post 0 people
03/05/2015 09:50
The share price will go up wink
Traffic Value: $71.0812 Algeria
0 like this post 0 people
03/05/2015 09:53
what meen that pleasse

PV -$0.001 Account Maintenance Fee for PV Earnings Balance $0.01142
EB -$0.00089 Account Maintenance Fee for MTV Earnings Balance $0.01242
Traffic Value: $3,170.45051 India
1 like this post 2 people
03/05/2015 09:58
@ camicaz
what about sisters ......grin
don't be serious , it's just for fun....grin
Traffic Value: $29.19475 Viet Nam
1 like this post 0 people
03/05/2015 10:10
I support the account verification as soon as possible.
Traffic Value: $13,423.66104 Slovenia
2 like this post 0 people
03/05/2015 10:13
Where is Jo? We need him to do cashouts, I don't wanna bother Slosumo with support ticket. Only few hours left..
Traffic Value: $3,553.39286 India
1 like this post 0 people
03/05/2015 10:26
@slosumo - Administrator
what about image captcha ? can v expect next week
Traffic Value: $1,850.32389 Romania
1 like this post 1 people
03/05/2015 10:30
Yeah,yeah image capthca ftw.Hate these writing captchas.Sometimes i write correct 3 times and error.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
4 like this post 0 people
03/05/2015 10:31
- First and Last name
- ID card/passport photo, showing date of birth and full name clearly
- A "selfie" to confirm the ID card with - currently just a selfie is required, but later users will also have to hold a printed PV/MTV card shown on the selfie
- Utility bill photo, no older than 6 months, showing your address and full name clearly

1. Easy Peasy.
2. Driver's License works, I'd assume.
3. Uhm, hmm my phone is the only camera I have for "selfie" purposes, and it's quality sucks.
4. Big Problem. I don't have any bills. The only one I could scrounge up is my Car Insurance. Would that work?
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
2 like this post 0 people
03/05/2015 10:33
While this just says BitCoin, I'm not sure we need Rich...and ugh Kamil, who we need working on so many tasks (some that are being asked about so far today) he's busy doing BitCoin:

slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
Undo 6 like this post Disagree 0 people
02/05/2015 19:30
Kamil is doing these cashouts every day. But problem is that blockchain API is hella slow and can only process a couple of 10 cashouts per hour.

Kamil's already contacted their support who are looking into it, so we can start processing these BTC cashouts faster.
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
0 like this post 0 people
03/05/2015 10:37
Will submit them as soon as they are available myself.
Traffic Value: $24,334.30701 Italy
5 like this post 0 people
03/05/2015 10:37
i bet all people here younger than 25 have not bills..
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
22 like this post 1 people
03/05/2015 10:55
There are other ways to show address proof than utility bills. It's all explained in the verification process.
Traffic Value: $2,362.00635 Estonia
2 like this post 13 people
03/05/2015 11:08
lol personal info? Yup great way to lose your customers wink
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
8 like this post 4 people
03/05/2015 11:10
that puzzles me soooo much
if you are not a criminal or a cheater why leave a program that asks for personal information? Mainly if it is NOT mandatory?
why all that fear?

Puzzles me for sure......
Traffic Value: $12.65413 India
0 like this post 0 people
03/05/2015 11:13

Why is this happening ??
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