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Traffic Value: $2,362.00635 Estonia
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03/05/2015 11:13
it's PTC site (lets talk about paidverts) , have you seen any ptc site asking for personal info? and tbh MTV isn't some bank or something, so i can't see reason why could i give my personal info to some random people?
alright idc much about this, i can provide ID card picture (security code hided) , but I'm not going to take selfie lmao
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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03/05/2015 11:14
I advertise sanbux myself and can assure you it is not forbidden. the Green V means it was verified so maybe you changed addresses after verifying? 
I recommend you start from the scratch - might solve the problem.
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
8 like this post 1 people
03/05/2015 11:16
I really don´t know many PTC sites that aren´t scams, but the fact that MTV/PV asks for the ids - and I DO believe it is way more linked to MTV than to Pv, to be honest - only makes me believe they are more legit.
there´s no reason to be afraid of providing it... I just don´t see a reason.

And by the way... if you want to buy bitcoins you have to provide those info... if you want an account with some payment providers too... not only banks do it.
Traffic Value: $12.65413 India
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03/05/2015 11:17
catt ,

I already tried  5 times , but this same error is showing.Also I'm not changing anything.... 

Edit : I tried again , and its not working.
Traffic Value: $3,553.39286 India
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03/05/2015 11:17
- First and Last name
- ID card/passport photo, showing date of birth and full name clearly
- A "selfie" to confirm the ID card with - currently just a selfie is required, but later users will also have to hold a printed PV/MTV card shown on the selfie
- Utility bill photo, no older than 6 months, showing your address and full name clearly

above all r mandatory or one of them will sufficent to verification?grin
i have no utility bill in my name as all in my hubby's name except life insurence receipts
i have not any pv/mtv card too how to get this?
but i have ID card/passport photo, showing date of birth and full name clearly so think no problemgringrin
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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03/05/2015 11:18
did you try another url?
Its very weird,.. as I said I advertise sanbux myself and it is allowed.
Traffic Value: $2,362.00635 Estonia
0 like this post 1 people
03/05/2015 11:19
Well good luck, i'm not going to take selfie for anyone, not even for my mom lmao
i can take id card proof etc but nothing personal info (etc personal code, security code) .
Only things i will provide is image of ID card and address proof, no more , i either accept ban or something before i give too much personal info to online money making website whistling
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
1 like this post 1 people
03/05/2015 11:20
STILL puzzles me, all that fear
Traffic Value: $12.65413 India
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03/05/2015 11:20

let me try...
Traffic Value: $2,362.00635 Estonia
1 like this post 3 people
03/05/2015 11:23
fear? are you high or just stupid ?
Tell me one reason why would i give my personal stuff to random guy? Who is not bank manager, not some online currency manager w.e , he's just some money making website owner, nothing else so i can't see reason why i could give him anything? I come here with my own money and not stealing anything from him lmao and like i said i would rather accept ban than giving much personal info wink
for me it's ptc site like any other, nothing else, idc if its legit or not, or you think pv is only legit ptc site? There is 5+ website for sure that have been paying 3+ years
Now tell me reason why could i provide personal info instead keep saying "fear" "fear" or it's all you can say?
Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
6 like this post 0 people
03/05/2015 11:26
As Slosumo wrote and Catt also remembered you it is NOT mandatory.
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
11 like this post 2 people
03/05/2015 11:27
first of all I am not high or stupid, or maybe I am since I am talking to you while you are prefer to offend me.

What do you think Jo - or slosumo btw - would want with your personal info? Are you Bill Gates by any chance? Because if you are I totally apologize Mr Gates... but if you aren´t I´d say that their info is worth as much as yours if not more - in Jo´s case, almost certainly more since he controls a lot of money through the payment processors.

Any legit business asks for people´s info - at least where I live, you can´t do real business unless you provide it. You will have to provide it to invest, to buy things, to rent a house, hell even to buy some meds.

There´s nothing wrong with it.

And since you think I am drunk or stupid, let it be the last argument, it´s not really worth it to be offended by someone who thinks they should press their points of view through those means.
Traffic Value: $12.65413 India
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03/05/2015 11:28
Well , This is a clixsense ref link , and it is working . I verified it and still I cant create an Ad campaign. 

Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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03/05/2015 11:29
I can´t verify it myself since I bought my 5 ad packs earlier, but if you say more than one link is not working then it might be a system issue... I´d recommend that you open an admin ticket so the programmers can verify what is going on.
Traffic Value: $12.65413 India
1 like this post 0 people
03/05/2015 11:30

Thank you, I'll do that.

Edit : I don't know what happened , But its ok now. grin
Traffic Value: $2,410.06945 Myanmar
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03/05/2015 11:33
My 64 round 170.2% plan is 0 day now.
But, progress bar 98.9% yesterday. Now progress bar 38% today.
why please?
Traffic Value: $2,362.00635 Estonia
0 like this post 0 people
03/05/2015 11:44
Don't worry, it's showing for everyone, just check debt ahead and you can see how much left until you get paid, after this check results. (etc tomorrow fast track will be $37,113.79611 , if your debt ahead is $30k +- then you get your investment matured tomorrow ) tongue
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
31 like this post 0 people
03/05/2015 11:46
If you want to use bank wire as a payment option you will need to become verified. Or if you wish to additionally secure your account (in the sense that noone else can attempt to change your account details) you will verify at least the minimal.

Both are completely optional. Now stop the mindless debate of how unfair/needless it is - if you wish to verify yourself, you will, otherwise don't.
Traffic Value: $2,362.00635 Estonia
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03/05/2015 11:50
ehh thought we need to verify even if we don't use bank wire, well thanks for telling whistling

Edit by slosumo: I removed your reply, stop taunting. If you'd read what I wrote in the news you would understand why and for who verification will be needed and that it is OPTIONAL.
Traffic Value: $4,835.35362 Portugal
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03/05/2015 11:50
This verification procedure will NOT be mandatory. However if you will wish to use bank wire as a deposit and/or cashout option you will first have to become fully verified and provide the above information. This is needed to conform with KYC and AWL practices, which our new banks (will) require of us. It'll also be needed for using credit/debit cards, when they'll be sorted (No ETA on that yet).

That is true.i register myself in bet365 and for using bank account /credit card need to verify.Simple is that
Its great news and like Slosumo said is not mandatory

to all members a great Sunday 
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